Trump Releases Ad Blasting Democrats: 'You Will Be Complicit In Every Murder By Illegal Immigrants'

Good on Trump. Arrest and prosecute all political officials who've created 'Sanctuaries' for Illegals. Hold them all accountable for every crime committed by Illegals in their 'Sanctuaries.' That would be true justice.
Well folks, I just don't think 2018 is going to be a good year for Democrats, especially for Chuck Schumer (A Jew). This powerful ad released late this evening proves it. Bookmark it for later use.


Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You 'Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants'

Look at Stevie the Stooge parroting all of Trump’s lies. When Obama was President, Trump said that Presidents are always to blame for shut downs. At the end of the day it’s the Presidents job to get everyone in the room and make a deal.

Now The Trump Administration has another first. There’s never been a government shut down when one party holds Congress, the Senate and the White House. And Trump could have avoided had he behaved in a manner befitting a President and not like a petulant child.

Since Trump promised to deport all the illegals on Day 1 of his administration, why are there any illegals left in the US to commit murder?
They haven't all been deported because obstructionist democrat judges on the bench are blocking his initiatives to do it plus Anti-American city mayors opening up their cities for illegals to seek sanctuary in them so they can feel safe from ICE. I guess you didn't think that through did you? No, you didn't!
It's pretty dirty tactics. I don't want to see y'all complaining about dirty tactics coming from the left anymore.

The Truth is dirty tactics?

There is nothing factual about that statement. Especially since the dems went to Trump with Graham and border control and immigration reform ideas, and he screamed at them and made an ass of himself, all on behalf of hardliners and fanatics like Stephen MIller.

Gotta link?
Yes. Several RWNJs happen to be reading this thread. Hardly an indication of the country's feelings. I'm sure more people at Stormfront like the video too.
From the ad:

“...Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. released a campaign ad calling out Democrats “who stand in our way” of progress ...”

trump is so full of shit, it’s running out of his ears.

All that statement says is. if Democrats don’t let trump have his own sweet way, he’ll smear them, using disingenuous accusations and outright lies. The stupid Orange Motherfucker has to learn that it is NOT the job of Democrats to cave in to his delusions of grandeur and lie down as trump continues to damage America, it’s people, and it’s reputation in the world.
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Nazis were way more classy than "dreamers'" relatives...

I am not going to post the vid of the savages cutting out the beating heart of their victim, but anyone on the internet the past few days knows about it.
The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them..



Well folks, I just don't think 2018 is going to be a good year for Democrats, especially for Chuck Schumer (A Jew). This powerful ad released late this evening proves it. Bookmark it for later use.


Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You 'Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants'

Isn't that literally the case, when they let the illegals walk free after their crimes?

These people are as unAmerican self-hates as they come.
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.
Trump is leading. Obama divided this country so much for 8 years with his race baiting tactics, it's going to take a while to get everyone in sync together. Trump is trying despite the media still trying to race bait.
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
Well folks, I just don't think 2018 is going to be a good year for Democrats, especially for Chuck Schumer (A Jew). This powerful ad released late this evening proves it. Bookmark it for later use.


Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You 'Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants'

Look at Stevie the Stooge parroting all of Trump’s lies. When Obama was President, Trump said that Presidents are always to blame for shut downs. At the end of the day it’s the Presidents job to get everyone in the room and make a deal.

Now The Trump Administration has another first. There’s never been a government shut down when one party holds Congress, the Senate and the White House. And Trump could have avoided had he behaved in a manner befitting a President and not like a petulant child.

Since Trump promised to deport all the illegals on Day 1 of his administration, why are there any illegals left in the US to commit murder?
They haven't all been deported because obstructionist democrat judges on the bench are blocking his initiatives to do it plus Anti-American city mayors opening up their cities for illegals to seek sanctuary in them so they can feel safe from ICE. I guess you didn't think that through did you? No, you didn't!

Bullshit Stevie!! Arrests and deportations are DOWN under your President Gropenfuhrer. Like everything else Trump says he’s doing, it’s all bullshit! Obama was the deportation President. Trump is a piker in comparison.

You don’t even know what a “sanctuary city” is do you Stevie? Sanctuary cities are simply not detaining federal immigration prisoners on the federal government’s behalf.

This is not an unreasonable position to take. Immigration is the purview of the federal government. Detaining prisoners is expensive and deportation proceedings drag on for months with defendants held in custody during that time.

State and local jails are already over-crowded and a drain on state and local law enforcement budgets. Holding federal prisoners in open ended custody puts an enormous burden on an over crowded and under funded system.

Last but not least, there is no requirement under either state or local laws for local and state police to enforce federal immigration laws and they are requested to leave this issue alone most of the time. So why should state and local taxes be spent and precious state and local law enforcement resources be used when enforcement of immigration laws rest on the whims of whether or not Justice is enforcing immigration laws this Administration?
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.
Nazis were way more classy than "dreamers'" relatives...

I am not going to post the vid of the savages cutting out the beating heart of their victim, but anyone on the internet the past few days knows about it.

“Anyone on the Internet”? Or just those who frequent white supremacist web sites which feature old or doctored footage and then lie about its contents?
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.
Trump is leading. Obama divided this country so much for 8 years with his race baiting tactics, it's going to take a while to get everyone in sync together. Trump is trying despite the media still trying to race bait.

Trump is dividing like no President in history. He admits to waking up each day seeking to vanquish his enemies. He has painted illegal immigrants from Mexico as enemies, Muslims from a bunch of countries with no history or terrorist violence against the US, immigrants from “shithole countries”, your own NATO allies and NAFTA trading partners, the press, and anyone who criticizes Trump or his policies as “enemies” to be defeated. Everyone is his enemy except Vladimir Putin, which is very curious.

I’m waiting for Trump to start conflating himself as America personified. It’s what all despots try to do at some point. So far he’s attacked the free press, tried to get his political opponents jailed, condemned the judiciary, and tried to undermine the FBI which is investigating him.

Trump is up a creek without a paddle on the Russian money laundering thing. That’s why he’s trying to discredit the Steele Dossier, GPS and Christopher Steele. It’s why Nancy Pelosi released the testimony.

The Russian noose around Donald Trump is starting to tighten. Bannon, who called Trump Jr. “treasonous”, is getting ready to sit down with Mueller.

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