Trump removed from Colorado ballot

His planning and execution of J6.
Where's the physical proof of that? Documentation, collaboration, weapon purchases for the combatants, gear for the combatants, and so on.

How can mere words be cause to incite an insurrection? You need more than belligerent speech to prove he planned and executed an insurrection.
And Amash is no fan of Trump. He just has consistent principles. Does anyone here know what that means?.
His voting record was pretty much flawless. And yeah. He's always consistent.

That's something that is severely lacking in modern, reality television type conservatism/Republicanism.

Is that even a word? Republicanism? lol...
No Republican is taking Colorado anyway.

And Trump wouldn't even need it anyway.

This is pretty much just some commies testing the waters. Basically...

Which side are you on in regard to Ukraine? Democracy or communist?
Where's the physical proof of that? Documentation, collaboration, weapon purchases for the combatants, gear for the combatants, and so on.

How can mere words be cause to incite an insurrection? You need more than belligerent speech to prove he planned and executed an insurrection.
read the ruling.
Which side are you on in regard to Ukraine? Democracy or communist?
I'm an American. I don't give a flying fuck about the Ukraine.

The debt has increased 2.6 trillion dollars over the last six months.

You'd do well to get your priorities straight, as an American, assuming that you're an American.
TemplarKormac in #478 said: “Then the free election process will be dead. Period. Full stop.” tmplrkrmc.23.23.19 #478

Didn’t it die in 2021 when Mike Pence, a white Christian nationalist and Ashley Babbitt, a Qanon patriot Lib Hater failed you and DJT when they failed to “Stop the Steal” on January 6th 2021?

But why weren’t you there in the uprising?

nf.23.12.19 #494
to tmplrkrmc.23.23.19 #478
Your statements condemn you, T K. The Constitution leaves it to the states to make this decision. I think the SCOTUS will vote at least 6-3 if not 7-2 to uphold the decision.

We will know sooner than later.
Does it even give a twinge of cognitive dissonance that your party's goal is to disenfranchise 75 million voters?
I'm an American. I don't give a flying fuck about the Ukraine.

The debt has increased 2.6 trillion dollars over the last six months.

You'd do well to get your priorities straight, as an American, assuming that you're an American.
If you're an American then you should care about America's national interest and America's national security. Both compel us to support Ukraine.

Putin reminded us of this just today:

Of course, if you're an American then you're probably ignorant about anything going on in other countries, so I understand you when you want to ignore threats from overseas.
There will be a direct appeal from that State’s highest court to the SCOTUS.

There, of course, the rule of law will prevail. The high court of Colorado will have its unlawful “decision” immediately overruled.

It’s disgraceful that it is even necessary. But it may prove useful to educate any other sham courts.
keeper colorado backagain

And you've read the decision? :laughing0301:

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