Trump removed from Colorado ballot

Why would his "criticism of this ruling have weight"?
lol. Do you know anything about why he was forced out of his seat? Do you know anything about his valid criticisms of Don when Don was potus?
If SCOTUS fails to right this wrong red states are gearing up to remove biden from ballots for failing to uphold his oath of office with his open border....
Conservative scholar and former Appeal Court Judge J. Michael Luttig says the CO ruling is unassailable.
Than he is as dumb as you.... this is unconstitutional... 13 grand Juries declined to indict Trump for insurrection... Colorado is dreaming...
The three judges that said no to this on Colorado's supreme court went to Colorado law university... the four that voted to remove Trump went to Harvard Yale and Penn state... I think its time to shut down the Ivy League... take everything they have shut the doors and give the money to smaller schools...they should be fine with this since they teach tyranny 101...
Cellblock2429 said: “What is the exact quote telling followers to storm the capital?”cllbkck.23.22.20 #547

SEE: nf.23.12.20 #549 to cllbkck.23.22.20 #547

Cellblock2429 in #561 said: “Just as I thought, nothing there inciting a riot. “ cllblck.23.22.20 #561

In the beginning of DJT’s “Fire in a packed theatre” speech on J6, the crowd was told that they have to demand that Congress "do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated" or they would lose their country forever.

When a jackass yells “fire” in a crowded theatre and a deadly stamped ensues he can be held criminally liable even though he did not tell anyone to panic and trample each other to death.

It is the same with “Stop the Steal” on J6.

Trump told an angry mob “stop” what is happening at the Capitol right now or we lose our country forever. So some in the crowd were panicked at losing their country so joined the insurrection by joining the militias that were planning the attack before the votes were counted in November.

Trumped packed the Mall and riled up the mob to go to the Capitol after he had been told firearms were present in that mob.

nf.23.12.20 #569
to cllblck.23.22.20 #561
/----/ "It is the same with “Stop the Steal” on J6."
No, it's not the same, you dolt. Now here is a call for violence that you seem unaware of. Got any of your fake outrage over these?
@SenatorTester said that in order to take on Trump, you have to “punch him in the face”

.@EricHolder told liberal activists that Michelle Obama was wrong; “When they go low, we go high. No. No. When they go low, we kick them."

Also in 2018, Sen. @CoryBooker told activists to “get up in the face of some congresspeople”

James Clapper echoed Lieu — and many other Democrats — saying Trump firing Mueller would result in a “firestorm … in the streets”

In 2019, when Trump was considering declaring a “national emergency” over the then-gov’t shutdown, Rep. @JoaquinCastrotx said if he did, Democrats would “fight him … in the streets”

Here's more

Colorado will not carry Trump on the 2024 election ballot.

He is an "insurrectionist" thus subject to the 14th Amendment

I am amazed.

Holy Bullshit MAGGOTS, for the past 3-years all we have heard is that the Election was rigged. Now, and this is very important - IF this file is about Russiaian Interference and would prove that Russia did not interfer in the Election then why fuck didn't fucknuts P01135809 make it public?

Senate ReNaziKlans knew about this binder two years ago and said nothing. IF that binder could prove no Russian Interference in the Election, then why didn't Senate ReNaziKlans hold a press conference about the contents of the binder?

AND if this binder had disappeared, a binder with intelligence about Russian Interference in American Elections had disappeared into thin air from the Biden White House each and every one of you fuck faced MAGA MAGGOTS would shouting and demanding justice. Hypercrite much?

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