Trump removed from Colorado ballot

It would seem that Colorado understands State's Rights better than you do.
We will find out which of us is right if the Supreme Court of the United States rules on the Colorado decision.
No, you have to start with an actual insurrection. That’s what January 6 was. And Donald J Trump led that for him to be the beneficiary of it. He was not just some stupid Ashli Babbitt, dying for a president who lied to her. He lied so much got the dumb woman killed.
At the rate things are going in our nation you may actually witness a real insurrection in the near future.

Hopefully one will never happen as it will tear this nation apart merely because Hillary was upset that she was not the first female President.

Sounds like you believe in guilty until proven innocent.
Trump doesn't have to be proven guilty.
Trump was involved in crimes against the US government.

What is the 14th Amendment disqualification clause?​

The Hill › homenews › campaign › 419062...

Sep 7, 2023 — At the center of the argument is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — a Reconstruction-era clause aimed to prevent those who held roles in the ...

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”



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I expect they will.

The fascinating thing to me will be how the other GQP "candidates" (ha ha) react to this. They have to attack it.

Seems like they're constantly having to protect him.

The reaction to the fascism is now the "fascinating" thing to you? Just the reaction, not the actual fascism.

You're in a cult, Mac/Gigi
the exact quote

Cellblock2429 said: “What is the exact quote telling followers to storm the capital?”cllbkck.23.22.20 #547

stop the steal + “When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules.” + “John Eastman” + “. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states {on this day} to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”

“All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by a bold and radical left Democrats which is what they are doing and stolen by the fake news media. That is what they have done and what they are doing. We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved. •¥• Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about. •¥¥• And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal. •¥¥¥• Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election. You know I say sometimes jokingly, but there's no joke about it. I have been into elections. I won them both and the second one I won much bigger than the first, okay?” • ¥¥¥¥ •
Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021 to stop the steal and win the election if we fight like hell FIGHT.21.01,06
The Constitution yielded no path for Trump and his mob to stand around peacefully protesting outside the US Capitol and bring about a “win” for Trump and the mob on that specific day.

The month of lies incited the mob to be there to stop the steal and a couple thousand took DJT literally they had to fight on that day or lose their country

You will notice Trump dropped the reference to peaceful as he ended his speech requesting the mob to to take back their country.

So we are going to--we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give--the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to try--give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help, we're try--going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.​
I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here. This is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.​
nf.23.12.20 #549
to cllbkck.23.22.20 #547
Yeap. That's going nowhere.

The US Supreme Court will slap this down.

Maybe. Maybe not.

If they don't, several other states are ready to go with removing him from their ballot.

That's the end of the Trump campaign.
I'd be surprised if that ruling lasts overnight.

As thoroughly disgusting as the Cry Baby Loser's behavior was on January 6, 2021 when he incited his goons to attack outnumbered police and pleasured himself for hours by watching it, I don't thing any American's right to vote against the degenerate in 2024 should be denied.
But since nobody is or has been involved in an insurrection against America, that point is moot. FYI NONE of those arrested for supposed crimes on J6 were charged with or convicted with treason or insurrection.
Some were convicted of seditious conspiracy, sedition, which is included in the same set of U.S. CODE as treason, insurrection, aiding the enemy from within or outside, and sedition etc.
Hundreds of posts and not one that addresses the truth.

We are a Republic. Not a true democracy.

We vote for a slate of electors in the electoral college who may vote however they wish. And when they vote republican those electors will still vote for Trump if he wins that state.

That's how it works.

And Trump has not been CONVICTED of insurrection.
The Constitution says clearly that no conviction is required for the a conviction is not seems?

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