Trump removed from Colorado ballot

Maybe. But maybe not..... It could be the charge of election subversion is a greater penalty charge.

Smith doesn't have a gazillion charges against Trump....

most of those 91 charges come from the State initiated criminal cases....

The insurrection part is not in question, regarding the Colorado S.C. decision. What's in question is more procedural, from what I understand from the justices opinion in their dissent....

It is possible the S.C. Will differ with the Colorado decision....I honestly do not know, one way or the other...

I'll accept their decision, when they make it.
Rawley refuses to acknowledge that just because a prosecutor is of the opinion that a certain something can't be proven, it doesn't mean the prosecutor is saying it's something that did not happen.

It's like with Mueller and the regurgitation of falsehoods these people engage in: 'No collusion' - Mueller refutes Trump’s ‘no collusion, no obstruction’ line: ‘We focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.’

“The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” Mueller told the House judiciary committee, adding that Trump could theoretically be indicted after he leaves office.

“We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term,” Mueller added. “Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”
You're not for any true debate, you just bait others. You're the troll.
State funding of elections would be a endless political football, with each side constantly tweaking things to thwart opposition and give their "side" an advantage. It would be even worse than the gerrymandering nonsense, and stifle competition, regardless of the cow-eyed intent.
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So, no proof that he did anything is necessary. Just an opinion.

Well, the Supreme Court says there's enough proof to punish him for it. It's not about having no proof. It's about not having to have convicted him of it in the first place. Colorado can't convict him of something that happened in DC.
Well, the Supreme Court says there's enough proof to punish him for it. It's not about having no proof. It's about not having to have convicted him of it in the first place. Colorado can't convict him of something that happened in DC.
Colorado can't even rely on a DC court's decision. There isn't one. This is why no judge was willing to put their name on it.

The Supreme Court will overturn this partisan decision. States are already moving to remove candidates. California wants to remove Trump. Texas and Florida are beginning the process of removing Biden.

The decision will be overturned or the nation will descend into total chaos.
Colorado can't even rely on a DC court's decision. There isn't one. This is why no judge was willing to put their name on it.

The Supreme Court will overturn this partisan decision. States are already moving to remove candidates. California wants to remove Trump. Texas and Florida are beginning the process of removing Biden.

The decision will be overturned or the nation will descend into total chaos.

So, Trump has made things so politically charged (deliberately) so that no one dares to do anything against him, with the threat that his supporters will get violent.

The Supreme Court IS PARTISAN.

The nation already is in chaos because of Trump and his total lack of regard for democracy and decency.
Kavanaugh's words in any ruling will be interesting and surprising.

keeper post
and ...

"Of course the Supreme Court is going to weigh in and likely overturn the Colorado state Supreme Court's interpretation of Colorado state law [...] but," Mystal said on Tuesday.

"I would like to point out that they [the Colorado Supreme Court's justices] were so aware of what SCOTUS was about to do in terms of bending over backwards, that they literally quote Neil Gorsuch, Neil Gorsuch when he was sitting in the federal circuit in Colorado—they quote Gorsuch for the opinion that Colorado gets to decide its own rules about who's qualified or not for ballot in Colorado," he continued.

"That's a Gorsuch opinion that they quote in the thing, so if Gorsuch had any logical consistency he would likely uphold the Colorado state court's opinion, but what we're about to see if just how again hypocritical and unserious this Supreme Court is when it comes to protecting their partisan sugar daddies like Donald Trump."

keeper post
The SCOTUS will do a fine job, I don't need to waste my time arguing the content of an amendment written in the context of post Civil War and for the benefit of newly freed slaves.
But you will argue about the 2nd Amendment and the no longer necessary requirement for the slaver states to mount their armed slave patrols.
The SCOTUS will do a fine job, I don't need to waste my time arguing the content of an amendment written in the context of post Civil War and for the benefit of newly freed slaves.
Haha, this cop out won't work.

So you cant for the life of you describe why it would be overturned.

So you just believe it because you want it to be true. Like Santa.
So, Trump has made things so politically charged (deliberately) so that no one dares to do anything against him, with the threat that his supporters will get violent.

The Supreme Court IS PARTISAN.

The nation already is in chaos because of Trump and his total lack of regard for democracy and decency.
The nation is in total chaos because democrats are imposing tyranny. Americans don't like it and the especially don't want their vote controlled.
The nation is in total chaos because democrats are imposing tyranny. Americans don't like it and the especially don't want their vote controlled.

It's in chaos because there are only two parties and the Republicans always say "It's in chaos because of the democrats" and the Democrats say "It's in chaos because of the Republicans" and nobody ever bothers to do the right thing, because the right thing will lose people votes.

Crazy keeps them in a job.
Haha, this cop out won't work.

So you cant for the life of you describe why it would be overturned

So you just believe it because you want it to be true. Like Santa.
Back in the post Civil War days, our leaders were worried about real insurrections, not the made for TV nonsense that was branded an insurrection for OBVIOUS REASONS. That is known as a FALSE EQUIVALENCE. Class dismissed.
Back in the post Civil War days, our leaders were worried about real insurrections, not the made for TV nonsense that was branded an insurrection for OBVIOUS REASONS. That is known as a FALSE EQUIVALENCE. Class dismissed.

You think that unargued claim would impress or convince a judge?

"It's obviously wrong!"


And it was branded an insurrection by the courts. They rely on argument and evidence, not feet stomping and crying.

Got anything else? Your Trump U class isn't worth a penny.

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