Trump removed from Colorado ballot

You're listening to imaginary sounds, while dancing alone, with no partner. You've become the Timothy Leary of USMB Legal Scholars.

It's obvious that the USMB, Timothy Leary Legal Scholars like you are posting during your episodic trips and delusions.

Like I've said before. The great Timothy Leary Legal Scholar @ usmb (Liability), will say he doesn't care.

Next up -- it's all irrelevant.
Repeating your trite posts and lines is an indication of how little you actually have, the dainty.

In your case, that’s none.

Poor the Dainty; always pathetic and dishonest but dependably vacant.
It doesn't matter what fantasies you believe. Courts decide matters on fact, not fantasy.
So are you saying a Supreme Court in Colorado should be able to declare Trump guilty of leading an insurrection without a trial?

Unless this nation has really turned into a banana republic, which is a possibility, Trump should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Joe Biden should not be removed from any state’s ballots for influence peddling either. He also is innocent until proven guilty, although in my opinion he is as guilty as they come.


But Smith need not be concerned about such trivia as the First Amendment or Supreme Court precedent. He was appointed Special Counsel primarily to keep Trump immured in a legal web from which it will be time consuming and costly to extricate himself. Smith will have very little difficulty accomplishing that in a trial presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama appointee notorious for handing down harsher sentences to Jan. 6 defendants than recommended by Justice Department prosecutors. Moreover, because the trial will be held in Washington, DC — where 92.2 percent of the 2020 presidential vote went to Biden — the jury pool will certainly share Judge Chutkan’s prejudice. (READ MORE: Final Showdown for Trump: A DC Jury Will Convict Him)

That, in the end, is the main reason Smith didn’t indict Trump for insurrection. The charge would be all but impossible to prove and a conviction would almost certainly be overturned on appeal. Indeed, before his appointment as Special Counsel in the Trump case, Smith was best known for the Supreme Court’s unanimous reversal of the corruption conviction he secured against former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell. Why go through all that trouble? Smith’s indictment, combined with equally specious charges brought by other partisan prosecutors, will ensure that Donald Trump is forced to spend so much time and money defending himself in court that he can’t possibly wage an effective presidential campaign.

That’s what Jack Smith’s masters in the White House and the Department of Justice want from him. They know Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection, but they do fear that Trump and his supporters may well stage a peaceful rebellion at the ballot box in November of 2024.

You've made legal arguments?

You've avoided numerous attempts I gave you here to refute or debate the court's ruling.
He's not subject to the 14th Amendment and the clause is not self executing.

Defend it
It doesn't matter what fantasies you believe. Courts decide matters on fact, not fantasy.

Yup, the Texas Supreme Court is getting ready to look into removing Biden from the 2024 ballot. I expect several other states to follow.

Looks like your hopes of abolishing the electoral college are dashed, since the popular vote is invalid if a legitimate candidate isn't on the ballot.

Nuts! "The fact remains that SOTUS will most likely rule?" - making shit up again?

"It is possible that Florida may rule to keep Joe Biden off its ballots as he has sold us out to the Chinese for money?"

really? What fucking world do you live in? :auiqs.jpg:
If Colorado can take Trump’s name off the ballot claiming he incited a insurrection despite the fact Trump hasn’t even been charged with that, then why can’t Biden be removed from a state’s ballots for influence peddling also without being charged or convicted?

Sounds totally fair to me.


Plus you accuse me of making stuff up. I wasn’t the first to think of Florida removing Joe Biden from its ballot. The candidate I would like to see as President, my Governor Ron DeSantis , also considered removing Joe Biden‘s name too.


While condemning the Colorado decision, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pondered aloud what the limiting principle would be for that policy.

“Could we just say that Biden can’t be on the ballot because he let in 8 million illegals into the country, and violated the Constitution?” he asked Wednesday at a campaign event in Iowa.

The foolish Democrats are likely going to cause Trump to win in a landslide.

The blacks will wake up and realize that Trump is being treated just like a black man. A large percentage will leave the Democrat Plantation and vote for Trump. Trump will do more for them than Biden has.

Trump supporters will turn out in mass to vote to Make America Great Again.

Liberal voters will realize they don’t want to be forced to buy Electric Vehicles as they can’t even afford groceries or gas with Biden in office.

If Trump does get reelected he doesn’t have to worry about running again. Liberals better beware.

If Colorado can take Trump’s name off the ballot claiming he incited a insurrection despite the fact Trump hasn’t even been charged with that, then why can’t Biden be removed from a state’s ballots for influence peddling also without being charged or convicted?
He can be. You would just actually need an overwhelming preponderance of evidence.

Since you don't have a shred, its not going to happen.

"Democrats doing this is like your office Christmas party...getting loaded on friday nite seemed like a good idea at the time but with monday morning come the regrets"

I parphrase but you get the idea. You dem supporting guys are following idiots whose hate has overridden whatever good sense they may have had. LOLOL
Yep.... We've been getting fucked by the D and R crime syndicates for way too long. Time to clean house.
Who is stopping you? There are grants for legal funds for valid lawsuits.

Courts work a bit differently than message boards, though.
Mostly two-party dickweeds like you. But I think people are starting to wake up.
What crybaby nonsense. How have I stopped you from bringing lawsuits or giving evidence to authorities?

You need to change the system. I'm right there with you. So stop your incessant whining.

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