Trump removed from Colorado ballot

In a stunning and unprecedented decision, the Colorado Supreme Court removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot, ruling that he isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.” The ruling was 4-3 and will be placed on hold pending appeal until January 4.

More at the link below...

Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from state's 2024 ballot

Very interesting. What do you think?
Ah I love it. But alas, the SCOTUS will overturn it. It would be pretty shocking if they didn’t.

We can dare to dream though. It at least sends a message to the morons that need to hear it.

Proud to be a Coloradoan!
You won't say that if your house gets torched.
I'll say that to the bullet filled trump supporter who tried burning down my house. This is a nation that's supposed to be about laws, so these trump supporters have just got to suck it up and start understanding that they have been living in a lie and that lie is about to be crushed.
Where does the Constitution say "con-victed of insurrection"?

leave it to a leftist to suggest someone is guilty of make-believe, without anything to back it up.

These are the same people who claim to be "liberals" for human rights and justice.

Democracks are fools, the Supreme Court will reject this like Democracks reject all things rational.
If true then in other words, it was a split decision.

Will not stand. You cannot arbitrarily exclude a legal candidate from running for office against the will of the people on the basis of a supposed crime he has never been proven guilty of.

That has nothing to do with "American Justice," that is fascist leftwing desperation knowing Biden will lose to him.
Exactly, All the cheating party (the Dems) would need to do is levy false and unproven charges against their opponent to keep him off the ballot.

I say right now, some lawyer should charge Michelle Obama with a crime of some sort….pick anything. I’m afraid that Barack is planning to run her as part of his fourth term.
so what? The Republicans don't have a competitive primary for 2024, Trump is still the nominee.
How many posts will we see about this being an attempt to disenfranchise voters? (From posters who dismissed Jan 6 attack/fake electoral votes as being an attempt to prevent Pence from certifying the electoral count...)
How many fucking threads are you blabbering shitlibs going to start on this?

They'd start 100 if they could. Nowhere does the 14th mention President, nowhere. It is a corrupt, leftoid Colorado court.

As if Democrats didn't challenge electors, FFS. The leftwingers are wrecking America, as Joe Biden has allowed 8+ million illegals in less than 3 years.

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