Trump reneges on debate with Sanders

oh shit, fractally wrong dale is here, to tell you all about the bikkembergs, the glitterati, hangar 51, and area 18. he knows more than you!!

Guaran-fucking-tee you that I know more than you. Stop being a flaming douche and debate me over anything I have posted here that you take umbrage with...I dare ya.
as already asked previously: how about you telling me of a conspiracy theory that you did reject instead of embrace? that would be a start.

That man has never been to the about that?

Wow. Hillary Clinton?

You are just going to gobble up that bullshit, just like that?

Oh no, of course you aren't.

Because you are with her campaign.

Only someone with her campaign would have the audacity to post such unadulterated B.S.

Nobody posts campaign commercials and expects to be taken seriously. Everyone knows that the way they are edited, they are disingenuous propaganda.

Get lost. You are not serious. The only folks you could convince are either not eligible to vote because they're either not citizens, not old enough, or mentally infirm.
And now we present ~~ the new Donald Trump campaign song. (note, the hero is the mexican)


Wow. Hillary Clinton?

You are just going to gobble up that bullshit, just like that?

Oh no, of course you aren't.

Because you are with her campaign.

Only someone with her campaign would have the audacity to post such unadulterated B.S.

Nobody posts campaign commercials and expects to be taken seriously. Everyone knows that the way they are edited, they are disingenuous propaganda.

Get lost. You are not serious. The only folks you could convince are either not eligible to vote because they're either not citizens, not old enough, or mentally infirm.

That made me laugh out loud. I'm not gobbling anything, just demonstrating how stupid and unprepared your candidate is for the job. It hurts doesn't it?
CNN Accidentally Airs Raunchy Screen Capture Of Reply To Trump Tweet
During a segment that was focused on Hillary hoping to “shatter Trump’s populist appeal,” CNN chose to use Twitter to try to prove how popular Trump has been, so they featured one of his tweets explaining one of his recent rallies:
Parker ask if "Trumps prized cock is orange"
Trump is going to crumble before October.

I think so too. He'll get put into a corner with a controversy and just fold.

All along, I've thought he would suddenly decide he just had to take care of his business and get reeel busy elsewhere.

Remembering when he didn't show up for a rally and that was his excuse. He didn't cancel. He just didn't show.

Bet we'll be hearing more of the same because Drumpf cannot lose. That means he must quit.

OTOH, he himself has said he gets his way by whining. His blustering and bloviating is a form of whining.

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