Trump reneges on debate with Sanders

Look at the Trump blasphemer ..this time he has "crossed" the line
Is that a real tweet?
Nope, its bulls#t.
Trump turns down debate !!!!
Source: Trump website

Donald J. Trump Statement on Debating Bernie Sanders

Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher. Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues. Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be.


Trump is very good at building up expectations and drama, only to deflate the moment with a flip flop move. Its this type of shit, his ignorant voters should prepare for should he get elected. In short, he talks a good game of bs, but rarely backs the shit up.

I would have loved to see him debate Trump, I am a supporter of Sanders and would love nothing better than to see him our nominee.....I loathe Hillary, will not support her in the general....but I also understand politics. Its time Bernie throw in the towel and allow Botox grannie to lose the election on her own....and then we call sit back and blame not only a rigged system, but super deligates that ordain candidates dismissing the people's will. EVERYBODY HATES HILLARY!!!

Trump is like the Beatles song "Strawberry Fields; Nothing is Real"

And you would think these nuts that find this moron presidential worthy would see this shit. But they're so enameled with white man, white skin, big money and trash talk, that they're blinded by his apparent ignorance on everything...and the deep sadness in all this...Trump is so aware of their ignorance and plays these fools like a retard in a box ring. Its just heart wrenching watching another generation of ignorant whites ordain another Hitler for their leader.
Last time we saw anything as weak as the Donald Trump Campaign promises it was the famous "soup made from the shadow of a starving pigeon "
And you would think these nuts that find this moron presidential worthy would see this shit. But they're so enameled with white man, white skin, big money and trash talk, that they're blinded by his apparent ignorance on everything...and the deep sadness in all this...Trump is so aware of their ignorance and plays these fools like a retard in a box ring. Its just heart wrenching watching another generation of ignorant whites ordain another Hitler for their leader.
Trump is able to connect with the pain and frustration and just stark fears of white middle class . Those white middle class issues are real and not the product of racism
Why Did the Death Rate Rise Among Middle-Aged White Americans ...

Big time manipulator like Trump are able to steer, as Trump has done, those voters into a bloc that got him the nomination. The tragic fact is that Trump is not about helping them only using them ...
Yes. I just saw it on CNN. Very disappointing. As the CNN hosts said....everything Trump does has a reason behind it and I wonder what it is for this since it seems like such an obvious win-win.

The only thing I can imagine is pissing off Bernie voters even more.

Or...the outcome. If he wins the debate...he helps Hillary since it would knock Bernie out. If he loses it...he hurts himself and probably wouldn't hurt Hillary at all since they're gonna screw Bernie either way.

Trump's best outcome is for Bernie supporters to remain angry and violent through the DNC Philly Convention and count on the very likely Crooked Hillary indictment.

Could be that Bernie may be able to lure DT into a Issue Based Debate which DT tends to shy away from unless one of his flunk ices writes something for him to read on the TelePrompTer!

Who knows. Maybe. But...beware getting Trump into one of those. I think you all grossly underestimate his intelligence. Bernie isn't a pushover in a debate though....which is why Crooked Hillary is so scared of him.

Trump is a self absorbed dick. What appears to you as his "intellegence" is merely an understanding of a particular faction of the public's ignorance and misplaced anxiety. Yeah, he'll play on that if they allow him to.

" I love the poorly educated" ~ Donald Trump
Recall that Hillary refused to debate Bernie before Trump did.
So, where are the liberals screaming that Hillary "pussied out"?
Decision was made that were in her best interests, why debate someone when you are ahead? Where is the value in that?
TRANSLATION: Yep, she chickened out, just like Trump did

That's not chickening out, that's a well thought out response a yuuuuuge difference.
And you would think these nuts that find this moron presidential worthy would see this shit. But they're so enameled with white man, white skin, big money and trash talk, that they're blinded by his apparent ignorance on everything...and the deep sadness in all this...Trump is so aware of their ignorance and plays these fools like a retard in a box ring. Its just heart wrenching watching another generation of ignorant whites ordain another Hitler for their leader.
Trump is able to connect with the pain and frustration and just stark fears of white middle class . Those white middle class issues are real and not the product of racism
Why Did the Death Rate Rise Among Middle-Aged White Americans ...

Big time manipulator like Trump are able to steer, as Trump has done, those voters into a bloc that got him the nomination. The tragic fact is that Trump is not about helping them only using them ...

A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.
Odds are 50/50 he won't even debate Clinton.


The man can't debate for shit -- and he knows it.

that's why he keeps bringing up shit from so long ago, to destract & deflect. he won the debates with his fellow nutters by derailing them with 5th grade bullshit name calling etc... & he wants to get Hillary into a superficial bitch fight. & she ain't taking the bait. she'll fry him on policy. & he knows it.
And you would think these nuts that find this moron presidential worthy would see this shit. But they're so enameled with white man, white skin, big money and trash talk, that they're blinded by his apparent ignorance on everything...and the deep sadness in all this...Trump is so aware of their ignorance and plays these fools like a retard in a box ring. Its just heart wrenching watching another generation of ignorant whites ordain another Hitler for their leader.
Trump is able to connect with the pain and frustration and just stark fears of white middle class . Those white middle class issues are real and not the product of racism
Why Did the Death Rate Rise Among Middle-Aged White Americans ...

Big time manipulator like Trump are able to steer, as Trump has done, those voters into a bloc that got him the nomination. The tragic fact is that Trump is not about helping them only using them ...

Angry about what? Its time white people in this country get angry at the right people......themselves!!!! It was the white middle class that voted in the Newt Revolution that got us all NAFTA. It was the white middle class that gave us Bush jr. for 8 horrible years, that put the final nail in middle america, and its whites that gave us this last crop of ass holes in both the senate and house, that has done nothing for if these angry suicidal ingrates want to blame someone, get angry at Trump, who outsources his products, who don't pay taxes, who imports cheap labor, who stands for all the shit they want to blame on the federal gov.

Despite the bullshit, white people still dominate in jobs, in leadership roles, housing, you name miss me on this anger bullshit, I'm not buying it.
Trump refusing to debate Bernie was actually a sign of respect...and a favor to Hillary.

Trump recognized publicly that Hillary is leading Bernie and to debate him would be inappropriate/disrespectful.

He did her a favor because debating Bernie would have given Bernie undeserved recognition while seemingly dismissing Hillary, forcing her to be on the outside looking in, a public image bkack eye.

Not that Hillary will agree to debate anybody...

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