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Trump reneges on debate with Sanders

Wow. Hillary Clinton?

You are just going to gobble up that bullshit, just like that?

Oh no, of course you aren't.

Because you are with her campaign.

Only someone with her campaign would have the audacity to post such unadulterated B.S.

Nobody posts campaign commercials and expects to be taken seriously. Everyone knows that the way they are edited, they are disingenuous propaganda.

Get lost. You are not serious. The only folks you could convince are either not eligible to vote because they're either not citizens, not old enough, or mentally infirm.

That made me laugh out loud. I'm not gobbling anything, just demonstrating how stupid and unprepared your candidate is for the job. It hurts doesn't it?

Oh hell, I don't have a "candidate." I know that Trump has been groomed by the Rockefellers, the same folks that run the Deep State and the CFR.

I fully expect more false flags if he is elected. I wouldn't be surprised to see an American city get nuked by the Deep State soon after he's inaugurated to tell the truth. What else would get all these brain dead progressives behind his martial law plans?

No president that uses the CFR can ever keep their promises. If they try, they die. Trump has already called on Richard Haas. I've been watching him closely. If he turns on the system, he's a dead man. If he doesn't, then America is. Gee, I wonder what he is going to do. :eusa_think:


All this of course, assumes that the dollar doesn't collapse before the election with Obummer suspending the election and declaring martial law first.

. . . and there is of course the off chance Hillary might win. It's not like they care that much. Elites own her too. Economic collapse, global war, they will have their world government, one way or another, won't they?

Soros hates America, and would love to see it destroyed, just like Nazi Germany. I think he also wants to depopulate quickly, rather than slowly. I'm not sure the Rockefeller family would like to go that far, that fast. Two different world outlooks . . . But what ever. World government by any means they all agree on.

Like the Rothschild's care, right? Puppets of puppets. :lmao:

That's all we get to vote on, puppets of puppets.

You could use some reading about WW2.

Oh yeah? What makes you believe that?

Who the fuck cares?

Of course he lies. He lies bunches. He is a deceptive pawn and prick. He's a tool of the elites. Who cares? :dunno:

At least everyone knows it. At least he is honest about what a prick he is.

Does anyone seriously doubt that he changes positions and is a crafty S.O.B.? He's got a book called, "The Art of the Deal." What does that tell you? Yeah, think about it.

Now, with Hillary? She ACTUALLY thinks, after being in the public eye for over twenty years or more, that folks are buying her bullshit.

She is just more fake, that is all there is too it.

Who tells more lies and is more deceptive? You seriously want to have that contest? Seriously?
Trump trying to Intimidate the Judge in a Case against him..Imagine this Nasty Galoot with Presidential Powers
Trump Attacks Federal Judge in Trump U Case

“I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd of several thousand booed. “He is not doing the right thing. And I figure, what the hell? Why not talk about it for two minutes?”

Mr. Trump spoke for far more than two minutes about Judge Curiel and the Trump University case–he devoted 12 minutes of a 58-minute address to the litigation, which is scheduled to go to trial in San Diego federal court Nov. 28. Mr. Trump’s attorney said earlier this month that Mr. Trump would testify in the six-year-old case.

The plaintiffs in the Trump University case, whom Mr. Trump also condemned by name Friday, accuse him and the now-defunct school of defrauding people who paid up to $35,000 for real estate advice. Mr. Trump said Friday that Trump University received “mostly unbelievable reviews” from its 10,000 students.

To the San Diego crowd, Mr. Trump argued that Judge Curiel should be removed from the case because he is biased against him. The evidence Mr. Trump presented: Rulings against him and the fact that Judge Curial was appointed to the bench by President Barack Obama. The Senate confirmed Judge Curiel by a voice vote in September 2012.

An aide in Judge Curiel’s chambers on Friday said the judicial code of conduct prevents him from responding to Mr. Trump.

Who the fuck cares?

Of course he lies. He lies bunches. He is a deceptive pawn and prick. He's a tool of the elites. Who cares? :dunno:

At least everyone knows it. At least he is honest about what a prick he is.

Does anyone seriously doubt that he changes positions and is a crafty S.O.B.? He's got a book called, "The Art of the Deal." What does that tell you? Yeah, think about it.

Now, with Hillary? She ACTUALLY thinks, after being in the public eye for over twenty years or more, that folks are buying her bullshit.

She is just more fake, that is all there is too it.

Who tells more lies and is more deceptive? You seriously want to have that contest? Seriously?

So you are fine with a scumbag, as long as said scumbag admits they are a scumbag. Yeah that's one way of looking at it.
For Memorial day DON the CON will not remember our fallen POWs since they got captured. #LOSERS #5DEFERMENTS
He will be with Rolling Thunder for their Memorial Day events.
Oooooh Loud Rumbly Motorcycles...the best Motorcycles ...we got Loud rumbly Motorbikes...the best..
Have you ever been to a Rolling Thunder Memorial Day. It's impressive. Thousands and thousands of bikers. Every one a voter too.
Trump trying to Intimidate the Judge in a Case against him..Imagine this Nasty Galoot with Presidential Powers
Trump Attacks Federal Judge in Trump U Case

“I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd of several thousand booed. “He is not doing the right thing. And I figure, what the hell? Why not talk about it for two minutes?”

Mr. Trump spoke for far more than two minutes about Judge Curiel and the Trump University case–he devoted 12 minutes of a 58-minute address to the litigation, which is scheduled to go to trial in San Diego federal court Nov. 28. Mr. Trump’s attorney said earlier this month that Mr. Trump would testify in the six-year-old case.

The plaintiffs in the Trump University case, whom Mr. Trump also condemned by name Friday, accuse him and the now-defunct school of defrauding people who paid up to $35,000 for real estate advice. Mr. Trump said Friday that Trump University received “mostly unbelievable reviews” from its 10,000 students.

To the San Diego crowd, Mr. Trump argued that Judge Curiel should be removed from the case because he is biased against him. The evidence Mr. Trump presented: Rulings against him and the fact that Judge Curial was appointed to the bench by President Barack Obama. The Senate confirmed Judge Curiel by a voice vote in September 2012.

An aide in Judge Curiel’s chambers on Friday said the judicial code of conduct prevents him from responding to Mr. Trump.

There is a strand running through Republican politics now where they are attempting to ignore the judicial branch of government. State legislatures run by Republicans are getting increasingly hostile and threatening to even the Supreme Courts in their states. Luckily the courts so far are cramming this hostility back down their throats, but the Kansas legislature I believe, is trying to pass a law making it illegal for any judge to declare anything the legislature does is unconstitutional. I think Treason is too mild a word for what they are attempting to do. They are trying to do away with the checks and balances of the 3 branches of government.

The founders were oh so wise in codifying the law that certain judges are appointments for life. They saw this coming.

Who tells more lies and is more deceptive? You seriously want to have that contest? Seriously?
you bend before Trump and say "thank you sir and May I please have another" ...:2up:

So now you are going to personally attack me? Really?

I tear down your post, so you launch an ad hominem? What are you, 19?

No, I know that both Clinton and Trump are despicable corrupt dirt bags.

One is a known globalist. We can say with absolutely certainty what her game plan is.

The other, not so much. With one, we just know she is really fucking deceptive, IOW, she is a bad liar. We already know exactly where she stands.

With Trump, well, he is a good liar. It's hard to say exactly what he is going to do. Even his puppet masters don't know from day to day. For those who just want to see the world burn b/c they are tired of this shit, that can be exciting. :badgrin: I'm pretty sure we will all hurt big time. If Trump WERE elected, I might move out of the larger metropolitan areas if I were you. . . at least until after the SHTF. :lmao:
For All you Chumps for Trump
Trump Tells Ryan He SUPPORTS Cutting Social Security - But Will Lie About It To Get Elected
Tells Voters On The Campaign Trail: 'I’m Going To Save Social Security'… Tells Paul Ryan In Private That He Supports Cutting It 'From A Moral Standpoint'...

Donald Trump supposedly told House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) he supports cutting Social Security but will not admit it publicly because it would hurt his election chances,
according to a report in Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee reportedly made the comments during a May 12 meeting with Ryan aimed at mending ties between the two top Republican leaders, Bloomberg reported, citing an unnamed source who was in the room. (Ryan has yet to endorse Trump.)

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it,” Trump said of cutting Social Security. “But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more.’ ”

Trump’s professed opposition to cutting Social Security and Medicare has been both a hallmark of his campaign and one of his greatest departures from traditional conservative ideology. And Ryan, who repeatedly criticized Trump before the mogul effectively secured the GOP nomination, has made proposing dramatic reductions in the popular social insurance programs a defining feature of his congressional career.

He openly says he will lie to the people about it because he knows that the people are against it.
Alex Lawson, Social Security Works

Trump Supports Cutting Social Security From A ‘Moral Standpoint:’ Report
How to Get Trump Elected When He’s Wrecking Everything You Built
I tear down your post, so you launch an ad hominem? What are you, 19?
You are whiny prissy little Trump bitch..you love Trump ad hominem but you are a whiny little bitch....how is that.. I am like Trump I tell it like it is...Vote for me ..asshole:ahole-1: but I repeat myself :2up:

you weak...you a "yuge losah"

smegmatroids like you love Trump calling women Bimbos and calling Warren "Pocahontas" ...what because you are white you can't be mocked...Fuck off ...weak
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