Trump reneges on debate with Sanders

What !!! the last time we saw anyone crap in their pants like Donald Trump did today was way back in the sixties with current NRA Board member Ted "butt load" Nugent..
Yes. I just saw it on CNN. Very disappointing. As the CNN hosts said....everything Trump does has a reason behind it and I wonder what it is for this since it seems like such an obvious win-win.

The only thing I can imagine is pissing off Bernie voters even more.

Or...the outcome. If he wins the debate...he helps Hillary since it would knock Bernie out. If he loses it...he hurts himself and probably wouldn't hurt Hillary at all since they're gonna screw Bernie either way.

Trump's best outcome is for Bernie supporters to remain angry and violent through the DNC Philly Convention and count on the very likely Crooked Hillary indictment.

Nicely done. You really are ripe for the pickin'. If you think Trump has a reason for everything he might just believe anything.
I know you are a moron but let me try to explain tactics to you. Bernie is behind and IF Trump appears to be afraid of Bernie then Bernie looks stronger going into California. IF Bernie WINS California because of it then it hurts Clinton.

You catching on moron? Its called sand bagging. Hillary was the LOSER either way.

Moments said it was about the money.

You are in a tizzy.
Not at all. Even if the network had come up with the money Hillary still would have been the loser. There simply was no way for her to win.

I can see you've settled on a story. Good job.

You are going to be a constant source of amusement.

he sounds like trump's top spokesbimbo healy baumgardner.
Trump turns down debate !!!!
Source: Trump website

Donald J. Trump Statement on Debating Bernie Sanders

Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher. Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues. Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be.


Trump is very good at building up expectations and drama, only to deflate the moment with a flip flop move. Its this type of shit, his ignorant voters should prepare for should he get elected. In short, he talks a good game of bs, but rarely backs the shit up.

I would have loved to see him debate Trump, I am a supporter of Sanders and would love nothing better than to see him our nominee.....I loathe Hillary, will not support her in the general....but I also understand politics. Its time Bernie throw in the towel and allow Botox grannie to lose the election on her own....and then we call sit back and blame not only a rigged system, but super deligates that ordain candidates dismissing the people's will. EVERYBODY HATES HILLARY!!!
You Trump supporters do know the Donald is going to trial the second week of November for fraud re. Trump university don't you. :)
First its civil idiot NOT criminal.
Second you can be assured the first two or three days will be nothing but motions.
Third, His name was on the program but he did not run it. He may never set foot in that court room.

You are pretty mean to liberals...okay they deserve it carry on.
If you want Trump to debate Red Bernie just have Bernie win the nomination
It was Trump "blowing smoke" up your poop chute by pretending he was going to debate Bernie and "wipe the floor with him" LOL Bernie did not offer Trump did

Bernie Sanders Blows Up After Donald Trump Turns Yellow And Backs Out Of Debate

Bernie Sanders expressed his frustration with the Republican presidential nominee after Donald Trump backed out on debating Sanders in California.…
Trump turns down debate !!!!
Source: Trump website

Donald J. Trump Statement on Debating Bernie Sanders

Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher. Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues. Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be.

Trump has free rent in your head. It's very entertaining!

you know what's entertaining? the way liz warren has gotten under tribble's skin. she keeps poking hm with a stick & he keeps falling for it. :dig:
Trump turns down debate !!!!
Source: Trump website

Donald J. Trump Statement on Debating Bernie Sanders

Based on the fact that the Democratic nominating process is totally rigged and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Deborah Wasserman Schultz will not allow Bernie Sanders to win, and now that I am the presumptive Republican nominee, it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher. Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women’s health issues. Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders - and it would be an easy payday - I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be.


Trump is very good at building up expectations and drama, only to deflate the moment with a flip flop move. Its this type of shit, his ignorant voters should prepare for should he get elected. In short, he talks a good game of bs, but rarely backs the shit up.

I would have loved to see him debate Trump, I am a supporter of Sanders and would love nothing better than to see him our nominee.....I loathe Hillary, will not support her in the general....but I also understand politics. Its time Bernie throw in the towel and allow Botox grannie to lose the election on her own....and then we call sit back and blame not only a rigged system, but super deligates that ordain candidates dismissing the people's will. EVERYBODY HATES HILLARY!!!

Trump is like the Beatles song "Strawberry Fields; Nothing is Real"
The Portrait of Dorian Gray Trump

Hillary is 67 years old you retard. What color do you think her hair REALLY is IDIOT?

at least she would get a wig if she were bald. jesus H. the man can afford a really REALLY good hair piece. he can't even decide on what color to make that awful tribble on his head. somedays it's lemon yellow- sometimes it's friggin' orange, & a few times it was gray.
If you want Trump to debate Red Bernie just have Bernie win the nomination
It was Trump "blowing smoke" up your poop chute by pretending he was going to debate Bernie and "wipe the floor with him" LOL Bernie did not offer Trump did

Bernie Sanders Blows Up After Donald Trump Turns Yellow And Backs Out Of Debate

Bernie Sanders expressed his frustration with the Republican presidential nominee after Donald Trump backed out on debating Sanders in California.…

If anyone has exposed their underbelly, its Trump. He doesn't know how to debate or hold an intelligent conversation unless he has lawyers and pretty white women by his side. Outside of Wall Street, all this street wigga knows how to do is attack people and throw out pandering white men jokes...... being seen attacking and old white jew, doesn't look pretty on tv and he knows this...besides, he has nothing to go on with Bernie, so he not only would have to keep it clean, he'd actually have to come up with something substantive and factual to counter...and we all know.... A REPUBLICAN TALKING FACTS, JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE REAL WORLD
Look at the Trump blasphemer ..this time he has "crossed" the line
Someone needs to remind Trump, that there was another high profile person out there that washed people's feet....his name was Jesus!!

And in todays society, Trump...very few mom's are virgin...only these imported mops your taste requires, I suppose.
If you want Trump to debate Red Bernie just have Bernie win the nomination
It was Trump "blowing smoke" up your poop chute by pretending he was going to debate Bernie and "wipe the floor with him" LOL Bernie did not offer Trump did

Bernie Sanders Blows Up After Donald Trump Turns Yellow And Backs Out Of Debate

Bernie Sanders expressed his frustration with the Republican presidential nominee after Donald Trump backed out on debating Sanders in California.…

If anyone has exposed their underbelly, its Trump. He doesn't know how to debate or hold an intelligent conversation unless he has lawyers and pretty white women by his side. Outside of Wall Street, all this street wigga knows how to do is attack people and throw out pandering white men jokes...... being seen attacking and old white jew, doesn't look pretty on tv and he knows this...besides, he has nothing to go on with Bernie, so he not only would have to keep it clean, he'd actually have to come up with something substantive and factual to counter...and we all know.... A REPUBLICAN TALKING FACTS, JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE REAL WORLD

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