Trump reneges on debate with Sanders

Sociopaths cannot handle embarrassment. They would rather be shot or hung by the neck. So Trump declined.
I know you are a moron but let me try to explain tactics to you. Bernie is behind and IF Trump appears to be afraid of Bernie then Bernie looks stronger going into California. IF Bernie WINS California because of it then it hurts Clinton.

You catching on moron? Its called sand bagging. Hillary was the LOSER either way.

I'm pretty sure the only person qualified to explain Trumpian tactics to anyone would be Charles Manson.

Or any of your average, everyday, bored suburban drama queens.....

Yeah, what America needs is a 68 year old Fabian Socialist and Sal Alinsky-ite bi-sexual that called out the attack dogs on women that Bill "drop trou" assaulted. America really needs a hateful, spiteful bitch that treated the hired help like shit. America really needs someone that aligned foreign policy for those with the deepest pockets for her slush fund that is the "Clinton Foundation". America really needs someone that is in the back pockets of Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms that crashed us in 2008. Yeah, America needs betcha.

Saw this and thought of nutter Dale Smith


Fuddy Luddy SEZ???? "Listen to me you flammer, my beloved gubermint would never lie to me and it would never allow 800 top ranking Nazis to come over here under Operation Paperclip that is all a lie due you here me??? And my gubermint would never commit acts of terrorism because Operation Gladio never happened it, it is, a urban legend and so was, Operation Northwoods, you flammer!!!! My beloved gubermint would never experiment on da peoples covertly! It is a lie that the CIA used trauma based mind control under the MK-Ultra program where people and childrens under went such horrific abuse that they devolped split personalities in order to deal with the abuse!!!! It never happened due you here me? The CIA never released whooping cough in Tampa, Florida!!! Lies all lies!!!!! My gubermint never sparyed Sand Francisco with bacterial pathogens that caused newmonia!!! That is another one of the lies! And they did not release mosguitos in the millions in hopes of spreading yellow fever so they could study the affects!!!! It never happened!!! DR William Sweet never injected pateints with uranium that he got from da gubermint for scientific research due you here me? And prisoners were never injected with Agent Orange so you better stop with this because you do, not love, this republik for witch it stands...due you here me?

Fuddy Luddy, all of the things I have posted above are from declassified documents and only saw the light of day due to the Freedom Of Information Act. There is more.....much more and some of it is quite sickening. So STFU....I know more than you....infinitely more.
I made special note on your message page about you REMOVING your 1975 birth date.... You're scum, and actually belong here with scum like Pogo!
Yes and I answered your stupid note, and I think you're walking vomit, so there.

OH MY...well that's a first ...WALKING VOMIT..... You really can't BUY this type of entertainment! :321::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't take it personally I just had to call your scummy remark.

Your NEW avatar awaits......


Why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a coma?
And miss the chance of watching you squirm every time I post about your STOLEN VALOR....never! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!
Yes and I answered your stupid note, and I think you're walking vomit, so there.

OH MY...well that's a first ...WALKING VOMIT..... You really can't BUY this type of entertainment! :321::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't take it personally I just had to call your scummy remark.

Your NEW avatar awaits......


Why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a coma?
And miss the chance of watching you squirm every time I post about your STOLEN VALOR....never! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

You just want to be put on ignore don't you.
Trump can't even look Bernie Sanders in the eye and debate him.

How is he going to be able to go toe to toe with Putin or Kim Jong Idiot.

Vince Foster's family didn't think it was fair either.
Now why in the world would you even TEST me on what I post, you PHONY VIETNAM VETERAN??...Did you folks KNOW this prick on his information said he was 40 years old, born in 1975 and SERVED 2 TOURS IN VIETNAM......Perhaps I should get rid of the OCD Pogo signature and insert yours, you fucking lying, douchebag!
You're the phony pal you were never a lineman, so don't even start. I said I would send the proof to Pogo and you ran off just like your friend Donny.
I'm curious as to just exactly whose sock are you?
Trump can't even look Bernie Sanders in the eye and debate him.

How is he going to be able to go toe to toe with Putin or Kim Jong Idiot.

EXACTLY RIGHT! He has backtracked on the wall, backtracked on the Muslim ban, backtracked on the debate. They are going to love this guy, they'll probably wear yellow to every meeting.
The whole world is watching -- and he said he would *love* to debate Sanders -- then set provisions (millions to charity)

30 Million was pledged -- and he backs out.

No matter how you slice it, Trump looks like a world class cowardly, scared little pussy.

Vince Foster's family didn't think it was fair either.
Now why in the world would you even TEST me on what I post, you PHONY VIETNAM VETERAN??...Did you folks KNOW this prick on his information said he was 40 years old, born in 1975 and SERVED 2 TOURS IN VIETNAM......Perhaps I should get rid of the OCD Pogo signature and insert yours, you fucking lying, douchebag!
You're the phony pal you were never a lineman, so don't even start. I said I would send the proof to Pogo and you ran off just like your friend Donny.
I'm curious as to just exactly whose sock are you?

No sock, I swear.
oh shit, fractally wrong dale is here, to tell you all about the bikkembergs, the glitterati, hangar 51, and area 18. he knows more than you!!

Guaran-fucking-tee you that I know more than you. Stop being a flaming douche and debate me over anything I have posted here that you take umbrage with...I dare ya.

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