Trump Reportedly Wants to Bring Back Firing Squads & Air Executions on TV If Re-Elected, +other executions possibly including by guillotine

awesome! go for it! no one would dare committ a crime ever again!


I do however, support graded use of force.

For instance, put Pelosi in stocks, in the middle of the public square, and let the winos pee on her and the little kids kick her in the shins.

Live stream the whole thing.

THEN draw and quarter, if it's still needed.
Capital punishment should involve a rope or bullet only. The do-gooders made things worse with their ceremonial shots.

But that's what leftists do best. They can't handle the truth, so they make things as difficult as possible for everyone.
awesome! go for it! no one would dare committ a crime ever again!

More unnamed sources again. Most likely Democrats or Trump hating Republicans.

I will believe the story when Trump discusses his plans to execute by hanging, firing squads and even the guillotine in a campaign speech.
I think all republican governors should return to this type of punishment, especially with commies.

Originally reported by Rolling Stone so you be the judge..

Trump has talked about bringing back death by firing squad, by hanging, and, according to two of the sources, possibly even by guillotine. He has also, sources say, discussed group executions. Trump has floated these ideas while discussing planned campaign rhetoric and policy desires, as well as his disdain for President Biden’s approach to crime.”

He has even, one of the sources recounts, mused about televising footage of executions, including showing condemned prisoners in the final moments of their lives.

“The president believes this would help put the fear of God into violent criminals. He wanted to do some of these [things] when he was in office, but for whatever reasons didn’t have the chance,”
according to the RollingStone.

Looking for confirmation by Mother Jones.....Nothing yet. ;)

Hey, maybe Home Despot or Lowes could vie for the gallows sponsorship. Maybe make a Gallows Kit. :laughing0301:
Never mind the dubious deterrent value of the death penalty. Getting through the legal battles to get brutal public execution approved would take longer than Trump has left to live.
Never mind the dubious deterrent value of the death penalty. Getting through the legal battles to get brutal public execution approved would take longer than Trump has left to live.

How is a public execution more brutal than one held behind closed doors?

President Trump isn't proposing drawing and quartering, or burning at the stake.
How is a public execution more brutal than one held behind closed doors?

President Trump isn't proposing drawing and quartering, or burning at the stake.
I think those should be on the table too, and the blood eagle.
Despite the objections voiced here, the ratings would be off the charts.
I think those should be on the table too, and the blood eagle.
Despite the objections voiced here, the ratings would be off the charts.

You might be right. The film "Passion of the Christ" did a tremendous box office business as well as "Braveheart", and those were just portrayals of capital punishment.
How is a public execution more brutal than one held behind closed doors?

President Trump isn't proposing drawing and quartering, or burning at the stake.
Anything short of a quick painless death has in the past been judged to be cruel and unusual punishment. Public executions were ended to deter hanging judges who often owned a piece of the action to accommodate spectators.
Anything short of a quick painless death has in the past been judged to be cruel and unusual punishment. Public executions were ended to deter hanging judges who often owned a piece of the action to accommodate spectators.

The purpose of doing the execution publicly is to send a warning to other would-be miscreants.

Displaying the severed heads of Jeff Dahmer or Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, teaches the people that this society doesn't tolerate people killing, cooking and eating others- or giving the hydrogen bomb to communist madmen- and others who would engage in this are duly warned.
The purpose of doing the execution publicly is to send a warning to other would-be miscreants.

Displaying the severed heads of Jeff Dahmer or Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, teaches the people that this society doesn't tolerate people killing, cooking and eating others- or giving the hydrogen bomb to communist madmen- and others who would engage in this are duly warned.
Capital punishment has no deterrent value. It's always been used to satisfy a thirst for vengeance. Our justice system is supposed to be blind to anything that might cause a rush to judgement. It is only through numerous appeals and "painless" execution methods that the practice has survived the constitutional injunction against cruel and unusual punishment.
Any time you see anonymous sources, whatever follows is a lie.

February 23 2023 will be 27 years that I witnessed an execution. It really was no big deal.

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