Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24? Poll

Trump Republicans: What is the main reason you want Trump '24?

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Why did you leave out:

6. He did a great job.

7. He does not care if the best solution is Right or Left, just so it WORKS.

8. He can't be bribed.

9. The deep swamp on both sides of the aisle fears him.

IF none of this was true, they would not be so incredibly desperate to destroy this man.

He was the WORST President in American history.

Everything he did, made things worse. His "trade wars" increased the US trade deficit by over $100 billion. His "greatest economy in history" increased poverty by 8 million people. Manufacturing was already in a recession when covid hit, with manufacturing at 2009 levels.

Trump most definitely was bribed and he stole from the Treasury at every turn. He lifted sanctions on a Chinese tech company 3 days after the Chinese government approved a $500 loan package for Don Jr.'s Trump Indonesia project. He gave untendered government contracts to members of his golf clubs and donors to his "Inauguration Fund".

There is no "deep state". And Trump presided over the most corrupt and dishonest swamp in American political history.

Trump destroyed himself because he has always been a criminal. He was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him President. His administration was a one-man crime spree played out on television in front of the whole world.
I didn’t think Trumpers believed in debates anymore… what’s up with that?!

Trump will not participate in any debates
He is uncomfortable with some of the questions that will be asked.

So he will make up an excuse that the moderators are biased against him

I like DeS and Ramsy and really, all of them save Dense and Hutchinson and CC

I know the damnrats won't like this following comment, but Trump has EARNED it. A lesser candidate would have... well, not sure how to finish tht sentence but...maybe this works:

"would have done things differently... become a RINO or what have you"

Well, I'm not a Republican but I'll answer anyway.

The answer isn't on your list.

I don't especially like Trump but he's doing a job, and it's a job that needs doing.

And let's be honest about it, the psychopathic scum who call themselves "Democrats" will try to destroy ANYONE doing the job, whether the name is Trump or not.

It's the job I support, not the man. The man is merely a symbol of the job.

That's probably the only reason Trump is still around - he's managed to link his name with the job.
Trump will not participate in any debates
He is uncomfortable with some of the questions that will be asked.

So he will make up an excuse that the moderators are biased against him
He has no need to debate. Everyone knows his views. Both sides are attacking him everyday for years.

Hope he tells the media to stuff it perm.
He has no need to debate. Everyone knows his views. Both sides are attacking him everyday for years.

Hope he tells the media to stuff it perm.

Of course he will

Debates ask uncomfortable questions, so do non-Fox networks

Trump will avoid at all costs and blame them for bias
Of course he will

Debates ask uncomfortable questions, so do non-Fox networks

Trump will avoid at all costs and blame them for bias
Why should he walk into enemy territory. He gets Free advertizing every day.

Why dont you campaign on Bidens Steller Record hmmm

Sucks so bad all you can do is Screak Trump
To undo the damage that Potatohead has inflicted on the American people.

Just like he undid a lot of the damage Gay Barry inflicted.
Why should he walk into enemy territory. He gets Free advertizing every day.

Why dont you campaign on Bidens Steller Record hmmm

Sucks so bad all you can do is Screak Trump

Trump will not answer questions about

His stolen election claims
Jan 6
His support of Putin
His indictments

Makes it difficult to debate
Of course he will
Debates ask uncomfortable questions, so do non-Fox networks
Trump will avoid at all costs and blame them for bias
If Trump was to debate it would be on FNC with Bret Baier.
Then Biden would not show up.

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