Trump reveals actions he'll take in first 6 months as president


Wow, did Joe Biden bend over and crack another release of ass gas shitting himself in Trump's direction, because I know he almost killed a few ambassadors last year at some big G7 event in Europe blowing his hole.

That was almost as bad as the fart Joe ripped as he crapped himself yesterday tripping on stage in front of the whole world.

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DeSantis took a hit on this one.

Eight years does genuinely look piss poor compared to six months.

I'm gonna be honest, lately I've been leaning DeSantis despite loving both MAGA champions - but this gives me some serious pause.

Game on.

LOL!!! Like he’s got a shot at winning in ‘24. :auiqs.jpg:
Thank you g5000 for reminding us how Obama ruined the coal industry. Trump needs another stint in the White House to bring those jobs back.
Obama didn't ruin the coal industry. Trump won't bring those jobs back. If trump is put back in the white house, American will lose our allies.
Trump might want to figure out what prison he wants to go to.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

The poorly educated whites who vote for that scam artist believe everything he tells them.
"You don't need eight years, you need six months."

It's amazing people still fall for this huckster's astounding bullshit. Just amazing.

And Hannity bleevs we aren't energy independent even though we are more energy independent than we were under Trump.

Fox news really isn't in the news business.
Thank you g5000 for reminding us how Obama ruined the coal industry. Trump needs another stint in the White House to bring those jobs back.
Who is going to do those jobs and how much will they pay? Better be over $100 per hour for the lowest on the company rung. Nobody should do the job for less. Time for labor to stick it to the company heads.
"You don't need eight years, you need six months."

It's amazing people still fall for this huckster's astounding bullshit. Just amazing.

And Hannity bleevs we aren't energy independent even though we are more energy independent than we were under Trump.

Not sure why it's hard to believe when you consider Biden screwed up the country in less than 6 months.
While Trump is a blow hard he's more capable than most POTUS we've had, by far. Especially Xiden, but then again Xiden doesn't do anything. Trump has 10 lb balls, accomplished a lot and will again.
Yeah, 2020 proved that.
It's going great. Putin is getting his balls kicked up to his chin!

Yeah, Joe should have had a soldier escort him slowly down a ramp so he wouldn't fall.

Is he using two hands to lift a bottle of water to his mouth yet?
Putin is being nice.
Trump will face Impeachment and continuous assault by Democrats by his 3rd month in office.

Should he i.mediately attempt to fire Garland, Wray, and clean out the partisanly weaponized traitors running our agencies - as he should - it will be sooner.

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