Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

They won't come if they have to climb a 30 foot wall. With the added bonus that we don't need some Gestapo like enforcement authority to persecute employers. Of course, the later is exactly your motive for your proposal.

Unless they have a 35 foot ladder and a rope. Your billions spent on a wall defeated with a few dollars.

How is that going to work when the staff manning the wall can just drive right up and arrest them?

That is a lot of staff over 2000 miles. If we had that much staff we wouldn't need a wall.

That didn't work to well in Hungary. Staff without walls or fences are virtually useless. We already have 10,000 border guards. That should be sufficient. The choice isn't between the wall or staff. That's a falls choice presented by people who are opposed to controlling the border.

We did complete lots of fencing and you say we have lots of staff. Yet else still have tons of illegals. More fencing won't make a difference.

If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"

Actually, what's not so funny is that every single declaration made by Trumpery has one thing in common: its not possible.

And, in this case, no it would not be "great for America".
Please explain in detail how this is not possible
Okay, here it is....try to follow. The wall is estimated to cost $200 billion...but everybody knows that it will be $400 billion at least with cost overruns. Mexico only gets $60 billion in trade revenue. IT IS NOT COST EFFICIENT! Nobody, nobody, nobody pays for something that they don't want.
The wall will only cause a trade war that the U.S. can't win. We depend on Mexico for half of all our food. Without that food, our grocery bill becomes five times more expensive. Mexican farmers pay their crop pickers 50 cents and hour....American farmers have to pay their crop pickers $7.50 an hour....see the difference?
And that doesn't even consider all the U.S. companies that have their factories in Mexico that will disrupt their production.

All of this illustrates how Trump plays his followers like a kazoo, because he knows they all live in a fairy tail land. He tells fairy tails, and they eat it up like candy.

Right away when you said "$200 billion" I knew you were totally uninformed!
Then YOU had NOTHING to substantiate your gross estimate!

Here are the FACTS!
The actual cost for the rest of the border wall (roughly 1,300 miles) could be as high as $16 million per mile, with a total price tag of $15 billion to $25 billion. Rosenblum said the $15 billion low-end estimate is "probably an underestimate," because the parts that have yet to be fenced are the most difficult — the most dense and arid. At $16 million per mile and with 1,300 miles to secure, the estimated cost would be $12 billion, and the price of private land acquisitions and maintenance of fencing could push that total cost higher. What Trump's immigration wall could cost the US

So get some real facts
You wrote: WE depend on Mexico for half our food??? Where do you get such idiotic assumptions?
NOT one search came up with anything stating "we depend on Mexico for half of all our food"! That is a gross assumption on your part! Prove it.

GEEZ and you make this statement"Mexican farmers pay their crop pickers 50 cents and hour."

Crock of shit!

But Perfecto said he earns between 850 and 1,200 pesos ($56-$79) in a week that regularly exceeds 50 hours, roughly between $1 and $2 an hour.

Five of some three dozen workers interviewed by Reuters showed payslips reflecting earnings of between 782 pesos ($51.10) and 1,210 pesos ($78.80) per week. The slips did not provide a clear breakdown of the hourly compensation.
Picking strawberries in Mexico for U.S. tables leaves workers asking for more

Why do you idiots with the power of the Internet not get your facts?
GEEZ you guys are the ones that live in fairy land. Plus your inability to spell indicates you must be a 4th grader! " He tells fairy tails," IDIOT it is TALES!
As Lincoln said....."Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!"
YOU are truly a fool!
Get the facts dumbo!
So Trump would circumvent Congress and use an Executive Order to change the Patriot Act.

I can't wait to hear Trump's supporters attack him for abuse of executive powers.

Or will they go the Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger route?
Sounds like the shit Obama has been doing.

So now you're admitting you were only pretending it was unacceptable because of your ODS.
If they can't work here they won't come. That is how you fix the problem.

Why is it better to throw then out after they are already here then to keep them out in the first place?

Simple: It isn't. Only douche bags claim it is. Every nation on earth works hard to keep aliens out at the border.

You're just another lying open-borders asshole.

If they can't work here they won't come at all.

They won't come if they have to climb a 30 foot wall. With the added bonus that we don't need some Gestapo like enforcement authority to persecute employers. Of course, the later is exactly your motive for your proposal.

Unless they have a 35 foot ladder and a rope. Your billions spent on a wall defeated with a few dollars.

How is that going to work when the staff manning the wall can just drive right up and arrest them?

Thanks to Obama, there are already more than 18,500 border patrol and net zero coming across.
If they can't work here they won't come. That is how you fix the problem.

Why is it better to throw then out after they are already here then to keep them out in the first place?

Simple: It isn't. Only douche bags claim it is. Every nation on earth works hard to keep aliens out at the border.

You're just another lying open-borders asshole.

If they can't work here they won't come at all.

They won't come if they have to climb a 30 foot wall. With the added bonus that we don't need some Gestapo like enforcement authority to persecute employers. Of course, the later is exactly your motive for your proposal.

Unless they have a 35 foot ladder and a rope. Your billions spent on a wall defeated with a few dollars.

How is that going to work when the staff manning the wall can just drive right up and arrest them?

Ask Chapo.
For Trump to change the number of Mexican immigrants allowed into the country would require a change in our immigration law. He cannot do this unilaterally, and such a change would never make it through Congress.

Another non-starter, and more evidence Trump is an idiot who does not know anything about our visa or immigration laws.
If Republican keep the House (which is very likely) and keep the senate (could happen if) and Trump takes the Presidency, then anything is possible. The Rep's in the senate could possibly do away with the self-imposed filibuster rule and the 2 house's could unit under President Trump.

Trump would replace Scalia with a conservative. He could get 3 more. Ginsburg is an old 83. She looks like she could die at any minute. The Kennedy is in his 80s and Breyer is close. If Trump could replace those 3 with conservatives and that would be a 7 vote conservative block.
Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

None of you can explain why it's silly.
really? here we go .....1. the wall will be built by the contractor that low ball's the bidding process .
2. the materials will be low grade .
3. it will use Mexican labor and they wiil for obvious reasons work sloppily and slow driving the cost up.
even though trump makes a lot of noise about making Mexico pay for it inevitably for what ever reason public money will be spent on it .
3 I predict that there will be tunnels and other way and routes around over and thru the walls defenses .
it will be another bridge to nowhere.

Not mention that it's not physically possible.

Huge boondoggle for a problem that doesn't really exist.

All just because idiots don't like brown skin and want to enrich Trumpery.
For Trump to change the number of Mexican immigrants allowed into the country would require a change in our immigration law. He cannot do this unilaterally, and such a change would never make it through Congress.

Another non-starter, and more evidence Trump is an idiot who does not know anything about our visa or immigration laws.
If Republican keep the House (which is very likely) and keep the senate (could happen if) and Trump takes the Presidency, then anything is possible. The Rep's in the senate could possibly do away with the self-imposed filibuster rule and the 2 house's could unit under President Trump.

Trump would replace Scalia with a conservative. He could get 3 more. Ginsburg is an old 83. She looks like she could die at any minute. The Kennedy is in his 80s and Breyer is close. If Trump could replace those 3 with conservatives and that would be a 7 vote conservative block.

Thus ending the middle class and turning th US into a fascist plutocracy ruled by the American taliban, sharia law. And both CrazyCruz and Trumpery have said they want to end the first amendment.

If it's Trumpery, it would be a feudal system with him getting first right to screw virgins on their wedding night.
Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

None of you can explain why it's silly.
really? here we go .....1. the wall will be built by the contractor that low ball's the bidding process .
2. the materials will be low grade .
3. it will use Mexican labor and they wiil for obvious reasons work sloppily and slow driving the cost up.
even though trump makes a lot of noise about making Mexico pay for it inevitably for what ever reason public money will be spent on it .
3 I predict that there will be tunnels and other way and routes around over and thru the walls defenses .
it will be another bridge to nowhere.

----------------------------------------- so what , spend the public money , tax money as that's not important to me . Read Trumps memo . Taxing the remittances is a good idea plus there are a few other cash gathering ideas in Trump memo Daws .
best idea for building materials is to use precast concrete slab about 25 feet in height 20 feet wide and maybe 8 inch to a foot thick . 5 feet goes underground in a trench . Its a good idea , quality control taken care of as the precast slabs can all be traced to where they came from . Replacement of one slab is easy if it is ever needed Daws .
Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

None of you can explain why it's silly.
really? here we go .....1. the wall will be built by the contractor that low ball's the bidding process .
2. the materials will be low grade .
3. it will use Mexican labor and they wiil for obvious reasons work sloppily and slow driving the cost up.
even though trump makes a lot of noise about making Mexico pay for it inevitably for what ever reason public money will be spent on it .
3 I predict that there will be tunnels and other way and routes around over and thru the walls defenses .
it will be another bridge to nowhere.

Not mention that it's not physically possible.

Huge boondoggle for a problem that doesn't really exist.

All just because idiots don't like brown skin and want to enrich Trumpery.

How is it "physically impossible?" Every time some leftwing open-borders douche bag makes a claim about the wall, it turns out he just pulled it out his ass.

We understand you want to destroy this country, so who do you think you're fooling?
agree , they want the immigration and the open borders BPat !!

No . We don't want to waste money on boondoggles.

You'd be better off using the money to add immigration courts and ins agents .

It takes like a year before you get a deportation hearing !

And yes, I used "boondoggle " in a sentence .
agree , they want the immigration and the open borders BPat !!

No . We don't want to waste money on boondoggles.

You'd be better off using the money to add immigration courts and ins agents .

It takes like a year before you get a deportation hearing !

And yes, I used "boondoggle " in a sentence .

You are bound and determined to prevent the illegal alien problem from being solved because it benefits your filthy party.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

None of you can explain why it's silly.
really? here we go .....1. the wall will be built by the contractor that low ball's the bidding process .
2. the materials will be low grade .
3. it will use Mexican labor and they wiil for obvious reasons work sloppily and slow driving the cost up.
even though trump makes a lot of noise about making Mexico pay for it inevitably for what ever reason public money will be spent on it .
3 I predict that there will be tunnels and other way and routes around over and thru the walls defenses .
it will be another bridge to nowhere.
----------------------------------------- so what , spend the public money , tax money as that's not important to me . Read Trumps memo . Taxing the remittances is a good idea plus there are a few other cash gathering ideas in Trump memo Daws .
Does the word sucker mean anything to you

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