Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

There are so many ways to move money . You'd basically have to declare Mexico a terror state and force all the banks to nod do biz wh them.

And stopping Americans from sending money to their poor relatives in Mexico is another great way to win the Latino vote ! Lol!
lt will only stop illegal aliens from sending money.

How would u know if it's a transfer by an illegal?

Wouldn't make a difference. It is a tax on money going to Mexico and other central american countries.
Besides it is NOT stopping the transfers, it is a TAX just like Obamacare right now taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer!
Which I'm sure you were unaware that was happening!
The measure, a small provision buried in the Affordable Care Act, had two goals: to make a dent in the reform bill's $940 billion price tag and to discourage indoor tanning for health reasons. The risk of melanoma -- one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer -- increases by 75% when people begin tanning before the age of 35, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

When the tax was implemented in 2010, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation projected that it would raise $200 million in 2011 fiscal year and around $2.7 billion by 2019. However, the IRS only collected $36.6 million in the first half of the 2011 fiscal year, according to the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration.
Obamacare's 'tanning tax' is here to stay
No, you're not comparing equivalents. If there was a way to single out remittances of money earned in the US by illegal workers from all other monies being sent, it could work, but there isn't. Moreover, it's just not wire transfers. People send money to each other with a variety of internet tools like pay pal. "The Wall" is just a prop, an illusion, to show you something is easily obtainable without compromise. It's not unlike Bernies "free college" crap.

It is a commodity. Like bread. Or tanning salons. You have to pay a tax whether you are illegal or not when you buy and they don't ask are you illegal or not?

And of course the payments through paypal would be taxed if sent to Mexico. Not an issue.
We do that now.

An illegal buys a gallon of gas and pays a tax. OK.
So when the need for the wall goes away i.e. illegal immigration no longer a further tax!
Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.
A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....
Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.
Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.

You have me confused with someone else. I am very industrious. I am starting a mail order shovel and ladder company. I have been distributing my catalogs all over Nogales, Mexico!
He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.

You have me confused with someone else. I am very industrious. I am starting a mail order shovel and ladder company. I have been distributing my catalogs all over Nogales, Mexico!

Shit, you beat me to it.
He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.

You have me confused with someone else. I am very industrious. I am starting a mail order shovel and ladder company. I have been distributing my catalogs all over Nogales, Mexico!

I think I'll go the easy route and set up a new cheapairlinetickets dot com web site. :)
That's why bripat9643 is afraid to watch it.

The wall is indeed a silly idea, was never meant to be taken seriously and will never be built.

Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.

You have me confused with someone else. I am very industrious. I am starting a mail order shovel and ladder company. I have been distributing my catalogs all over Nogales, Mexico!

Shit, you beat me to it.

That's ok, because I will sell you a franchise for paddleboat rentals based in brownsville Texas!
Just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking libs while Trump cleans up your mess. The border will be secured, the wall will be built, thousands of new border patrol agents will be deployed, and illegals will be deported the fuck back where they came from.

..and pigs will fly, and my granddaughter will clean up her room in the new era that Trump is going to usher in....

^^^ says the party of can't mooching lazy do nothings.

You have me confused with someone else. I am very industrious. I am starting a mail order shovel and ladder company. I have been distributing my catalogs all over Nogales, Mexico!

Shit, you beat me to it.

That's ok, because I will sell you a franchise for paddleboat rentals based in brownsville Texas!

Great, and I'll sell rope on the side. I am industrious too!
There are so many ways to move money . You'd basically have to declare Mexico a terror state and force all the banks to nod do biz wh them.

And stopping Americans from sending money to their poor relatives in Mexico is another great way to win the Latino vote ! Lol!
lt will only stop illegal aliens from sending money.

How would u know if it's a transfer by an illegal?

Wouldn't make a difference. It is a tax on money going to Mexico and other central american countries.
Besides it is NOT stopping the transfers, it is a TAX just like Obamacare right now taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer!
Which I'm sure you were unaware that was happening!
The measure, a small provision buried in the Affordable Care Act, had two goals: to make a dent in the reform bill's $940 billion price tag and to discourage indoor tanning for health reasons. The risk of melanoma -- one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer -- increases by 75% when people begin tanning before the age of 35, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

When the tax was implemented in 2010, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation projected that it would raise $200 million in 2011 fiscal year and around $2.7 billion by 2019. However, the IRS only collected $36.6 million in the first half of the 2011 fiscal year, according to the Treasury's inspector general for tax administration.
Obamacare's 'tanning tax' is here to stay
No, you're not comparing equivalents. If there was a way to single out remittances of money earned in the US by illegal workers from all other monies being sent, it could work, but there isn't. Moreover, it's just not wire transfers. People send money to each other with a variety of internet tools like pay pal. "The Wall" is just a prop, an illusion, to show you something is easily obtainable without compromise. It's not unlike Bernies "free college" crap.

It is a commodity. Like bread. Or tanning salons. You have to pay a tax whether you are illegal or not when you buy and they don't ask are you illegal or not?

And of course the payments through paypal would be taxed if sent to Mexico. Not an issue.
We do that now.
Bullshit. Pay pal sellers, and ebay as well, have to pay sales tax. But if someone has a go fund me, there's not tax. Trump wants to tax remittances from illegal workers. You can't separate those from all other money transfers.

Moreover, how could you possibly identify a payment made by a US citizen to a US citizen in Mexico.

It's a shiny object. Let's discuss unicorn taxes rather than immigration.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"

Actually, what's not so funny is that every single declaration made by Trumpery has one thing in common: its not possible.

And, in this case, no it would not be "great for America".
Please explain in detail how this is not possible
Okay, here it is....try to follow. The wall is estimated to cost $200 billion...but everybody knows that it will be $400 billion at least with cost overruns. Mexico only gets $60 billion in trade revenue. IT IS NOT COST EFFICIENT! Nobody, nobody, nobody pays for something that they don't want.
The wall will only cause a trade war that the U.S. can't win. We depend on Mexico for half of all our food. Without that food, our grocery bill becomes five times more expensive. Mexican farmers pay their crop pickers 50 cents and hour....American farmers have to pay their crop pickers $7.50 an hour....see the difference?
And that doesn't even consider all the U.S. companies that have their factories in Mexico that will disrupt their production.

All of this illustrates how Trump plays his followers like a kazoo, because he knows they all live in a fairy tail land. He tells fairy tails, and they eat it up like candy.
If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!

Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.

Yes if Mexico was a better place they wouldn't want to come here. But a wall probably won't work, and the people will blame trump, not their own government. It is just giving the gov a scapegoat.

A wall will work. They always have. That's precisely why you object to it.

Yeah a wall will work great when Mexico retaliates by letting Russia or China build a missile base in Tijuana.

Then we can invade Mexico and finish the job we started 150 years ago.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"

Actually, what's not so funny is that every single declaration made by Trumpery has one thing in common: its not possible.

And, in this case, no it would not be "great for America".
Please explain in detail how this is not possible
Okay, here it is....try to follow. The wall is estimated to cost $200 billion...but everybody knows that it will be $400 billion at least with cost overruns. Mexico only gets $60 billion in trade revenue. IT IS NOT COST EFFICIENT! Nobody, nobody, nobody pays for something that they don't want.
The wall will only cause a trade war that the U.S. can't win. We depend on Mexico for half of all our food. Without that food, our grocery bill becomes five times more expensive. Mexican farmers pay their crop pickers 50 cents and hour....American farmers have to pay their crop pickers $7.50 an hour....see the difference?
And that doesn't even consider all the U.S. companies that have their factories in Mexico that will disrupt their production.

All of this illustrates how Trump plays his followers like a kazoo, because he knows they all live in a fairy tail land. He tells fairy tails, and they eat it up like candy.

Only the worlds biggest douche bag morons claim the wall will cost $200 billion.

You destroyed whatever meager credibility you may have enjoyed with your first sentence.

You are dismissed.
Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?

He makes it obvious why the wall is a silly idea. And it is funny.

The only thing he makes obvious is his abject stupidity.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"

Actually, what's not so funny is that every single declaration made by Trumpery has one thing in common: its not possible.

And, in this case, no it would not be "great for America".
Please explain in detail how this is not possible
Okay, here it is....try to follow. The wall is estimated to cost $200 billion...but everybody knows that it will be $400 billion at least with cost overruns. Mexico only gets $60 billion in trade revenue. IT IS NOT COST EFFICIENT! Nobody, nobody, nobody pays for something that they don't want.
The wall will only cause a trade war that the U.S. can't win. We depend on Mexico for half of all our food. Without that food, our grocery bill becomes five times more expensive. Mexican farmers pay their crop pickers 50 cents and hour....American farmers have to pay their crop pickers $7.50 an hour....see the difference?
And that doesn't even consider all the U.S. companies that have their factories in Mexico that will disrupt their production.

All of this illustrates how Trump plays his followers like a kazoo, because he knows they all live in a fairy tail land. He tells fairy tails, and they eat it up like candy.

Only the worlds biggest douche bag morons claim the wall will cost $200 billion.

You destroyed whatever meager credibility you may have enjoyed with your first sentence.

You are dismissed.

Well what is it going to look like? Will it have guard towers often? If so it might be very expensive. Need to buy a lot of land too.
Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.

Yes if Mexico was a better place they wouldn't want to come here. But a wall probably won't work, and the people will blame trump, not their own government. It is just giving the gov a scapegoat.

A wall will work. They always have. That's precisely why you object to it.

So they won't be selling lots of ladders in Mexico? Give examples of always work.

Israel? And that wall does what? You think we can have a manned wall like that within Mexico?

Who said it would be within Mexico?

Where do you leftwing douche bags get these idiotic ideas?

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