Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

There are so many ways to move money . You'd basically have to declare Mexico a terror state and force all the banks to nod do biz wh them.

And stopping Americans from sending money to their poor relatives in Mexico is another great way to win the Latino vote ! Lol!
lt will only stop illegal aliens from sending money.

How would u know if it's a transfer by an illegal?

Because the regulations will require them to present I.D. proving they are legal, like a green card or a visa.
So Trump would circumvent Congress and use an Executive Order to change the Patriot Act.

I can't wait to hear Trump's supporters attack him for abuse of executive powers.

Or will they go the Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger route?
Red herring argument. He didn't say he would use an executive order. You added that in. He said he would threaten to change the patriot act to force Mexico to pay. That could be done by an act of Congress.

All the people that said he had no plan to make Mexico pay for the fence were wrong. If he could get Congressional support his plan could work.

Although it doesn't sound like a smart diplomatic move.
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!

Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.

Yes if Mexico was a better place they wouldn't want to come here. But a wall probably won't work, and the people will blame trump, not their own government. It is just giving the gov a scapegoat.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?

Take a closer look at what's going on. Mexico's enjoying a $60 Billion Trade Deficit, shipping its worst criminals over to the Dumb Gringos, and is luring numerous American Businesses there. Mexico is winning bigtime.

But that being said, i'm not saying it's benefiting the Mexican People. It's only benefiting the corrupt Government there. It is time for change. I fully support Trump.

Except that Mexico is not doing any of that.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.
Shovel-ready jobs.
Dumb Gringos need to wake up. They're being played by the Mexican Government. Stop all the whining and correct things. Negotiate Trade Deals that actually benefit American Citizens, Make a serious attempt at keeping American Businesses at home, Reform the chaotic failing Immigration System, and Secure the Border.

Now get on with it Gringos. And GO TRUMP!!
His plan sounds unconstitutional.

And since when do republicans approve of telling people what they can do with thier money?
Explain how it is unconstitutional?

Get over your red herring arguments. There are numerous AML laws on the books that are supported by both Republicans and Democrats. It is the fastest growing compliance and legal segment of any bank in the country!
We have trade imbalances with Great Britain, France, and a long list of other countries.

We also have a great many visitors here from those countries. It won't go over well with any of them if they have to jump through hoops to wire money home, and the private sector is not going to like being forced to be Trump's Gestapo before they can provide remittance services. This will add extra costs to remittances, and will have far ranging negative consequences.

Increasing visa fees would impact tourism. The tourist industry will not like that at all, nor will the metropolitan areas which make a lot of money from tourists.

Trump's idea is a non-starter, and he's an idiot.
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?

Take a closer look at what's going on. Mexico's enjoying a $60 Billion Trade Deficit, shipping its worst criminals over to the Dumb Gringos, and is luring numerous American Businesses there. Mexico is winning bigtime.

But that being said, i'm not saying it's benefiting the Mexican People. It's only benefiting the corrupt Government there. It is time for change. I fully support Trump.

Except that Mexico is not doing any of that.

Right, it's celebrating it. Dumb Gringos keep getting dumber. Why would the Mexican Government want anything to ever change? That's why they hate Trump so much. He represents common sense change. I'm really rootin for the man.
Here is Trump's memo: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

In addition to changing the Patriot Act, he would start cancelling visas for Mexicans, and start a tariff war with Mexico.

It's time for change. We can no longer allow Mexico to walk all over us. Hopefully, those days will soon be coming to an end.

Its the US that is "walking all over" Mexico. Always has been.

Here is Trump's memo: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

In addition to changing Patriot Act regulations, he would start cancelling visas for Mexicans, and start a tariff war with Mexico.
And this is bad????

Instead of us getting fucked, Mexico gets fucked?

How is it that the US is "getting fucked" by Mexico?
You truly are too partisan to debate!
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

For Trump to change the number of Mexican immigrants allowed into the country would require a change in our immigration law. He cannot do this unilaterally, and such a change would never make it through Congress.

Another non-starter, and more evidence Trump is an idiot who does not know anything about our visa or immigration laws.
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!

Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.

Yes if Mexico was a better place they wouldn't want to come here. But a wall probably won't work, and the people will blame trump, not their own government. It is just giving the gov a scapegoat.

A wall will work. They always have. That's precisely why you object to it.
Dumb Gringos need to wake up. They're being played by the Mexican Government. Stop all the whining and correct things. Negotiate Trade Deals that actually benefit American Citizens, Make a serious attempt at keeping American Businesses at home, Reform the chaotic failing Immigration System, and Secure the Border.

Now get on with it Gringos. And GO TRUMP!!

That sounds good, but it may just increase prices.
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

It's money well spent. It's only a "waste" according to traitors like you who want to open the flood gates for illegal aliens.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A wall can be built . It's just a waste of money .

Take a look at John Oliver's segment on Trumpery's wall. Yes, its very funny but its also factual and one of the things he points out is that it would almost impossible to actually build a wall like Trumpery says he will build.

The wall is a truly absurd idea that he has no intention of actually doing. He said it to get the ignorant racist vote and its working.

I dare the RWNJs to watch the segment and then FACTUALLY debunk it. I'll try to check back to read those fascinating and illuminating posts.

Why would any intelligent person be interested in what a boob like Oliver has to say?
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!

Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.

Yes if Mexico was a better place they wouldn't want to come here. But a wall probably won't work, and the people will blame trump, not their own government. It is just giving the gov a scapegoat.

A wall will work. They always have. That's precisely why you object to it.

So they won't be selling lots of ladders in Mexico? Give examples of always work.

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