Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
Making it worse for them here will.

We can't live (as we wish) without them but for as long as we have hired migrant workers, we have made their lives a living hell.
How many times did I warn you mouth breathers that you were setting benchmarks which would come back to snap you in your slack faces?

Here's Trump saying he would use his pen to change regulations, and you are on board.


Just checking, you do see that that flow of illegals and drugs across the border is a problem, right?

Its certainly nothing even close to the level of RWNJ hysteria it generates.

Decades of wage stagnation and soaring Heroin addiction rates say otherwise.

Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!
So Trump would circumvent Congress and use an Executive Order to change the Patriot Act.

I can't wait to hear Trump's supporters attack him for abuse of executive powers.

Or will they go the Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger route?

He's only modifying regulations that weren't passed by Congress in the first place.
Just like Obama in the examples I provided above which the Right attacked.

I don't recall you defending Obama's legal use of Memorandums and EOs.

You mentioned the Patriot Act. You didn't mention any specific EOs.
There are so many ways to move money . You'd basically have to declare Mexico a terror state and force all the banks to nod do biz wh them.

And stopping Americans from sending money to their poor relatives in Mexico is another great way to win the Latino vote ! Lol!
lt will only stop illegal aliens from sending money.

How would u know if it's a transfer by an illegal?
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
Making it worse for them here will.

We can't live (as we wish) without them but for as long as we have hired migrant workers, we have made their lives a living hell.
----------------------------------- time to ramp it up Luddley !!
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?

Take a closer look at what's going on. Mexico's enjoying a $60 Billion Trade Deficit, shipping its worst criminals over to the Dumb Gringos, and is luring numerous American Businesses there. Mexico is winning bigtime.

But that being said, i'm not saying it's benefiting the Mexican People. It's only benefiting the corrupt Government there. It is time for change. I fully support Trump.
You mean the illegals are doing something like this...
'Panama Papers' leak.for their dare they try to hide their money for themselves.

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

I assumed he was going to use the money we give them via trade but hey this works as well. You should see the amount of stores here where I live that have these illegals sending cash back hell its not even taxed because they work under the table.

And Trumpery says he would steal their money.

Why do his fans believe Trumpery would steal only the money of people with brown skin? He has a history of stealing from white skinned people too and has even said he wants more lax regulations on eminent domain.

Robber baron for president.
How many times did I warn you mouth breathers that you were setting benchmarks which would come back to snap you in your slack faces?

Here's Trump saying he would use his pen to change regulations, and you are on board.

It's perfectly legal for Trump to use EOs to change regulations. Furthermore, Obama has already done it multiple times, so how would Trump be setting any kind of precedent? The precedent has already been set. Furthermore, Obama didn't just change regulations. He changed the actual laws the regulations are based on and created new law. The law states that only legal aliens can receive work permits, but Obama was going to give them to illegal aliens.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Won't be a "single law" solution when we have over 12 million illegals here already!
What good compassionate person like YOU would want those 12 million to be on the government dole?
Right now these 12 million are not only working illegally but they are send over $70 billion out of the country.

In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes.
This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare.
The fiscal deficit for each household would soar.
You are being redirected...
Illegals cost us roughly $160 bill per year.
So Trump would circumvent Congress and use an Executive Order to change the Patriot Act.

I can't wait to hear Trump's supporters attack him for abuse of executive powers.

Or will they go the Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger route?

He's only modifying regulations that weren't passed by Congress in the first place.
Just like Obama in the examples I provided above which the Right attacked.

I don't recall you defending Obama's legal use of Memorandums and EOs.

Obama used EOs to order the exact opposite of what the written laws stated. Trump is doing no such thing.
The pseudo-cons have hyperventilated over most of Obama's EOs. They have even invented EOs which don't exist, just so they can scream and shout over them! At best, there are one or two of Obama's EOs which are challengeable in court. But in all of history, only two EOs have ever been found to be unconstitutional, neither of which were Obama's.

I pointed very directly at some Memorandums of his in this topic which are NOT illegal, and yet the pseudo-cons lost their lunch over them.

Don't start pretending the Right hasn't been hysterical for years over Obama's "phone and pen", because the stench of that bullshit is just too much.

Now Trump is also threatening to use a pen to "bypass Congress".

I can point you to perfectly legal changes in regulations Obama has done which the pseudo-cons have screamed were "bypassing Congress".

Goose, meet gander. If the rubes excoriated Obama for doing the very same thing, then someone needs to rub their own set of benchmarks into their idiot faces.
How many times did I warn you mouth breathers that you were setting benchmarks which would come back to snap you in your slack faces?

Here's Trump saying he would use his pen to change regulations, and you are on board.


Just checking, you do see that that flow of illegals and drugs across the border is a problem, right?

Its certainly nothing even close to the level of RWNJ hysteria it generates.

Decades of wage stagnation and soaring Heroin addiction rates say otherwise.


So you're saying that migrant farm workers cause wage stagnation?
And drug cartels cause heroin addiction?

Migrant farm workers are not taking American jobs.
See my post above about drug cartels.
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
Making it worse for them here will.

We can't live (as we wish) without them but for as long as we have hired migrant workers, we have made their lives a living hell.

No, the Mexican Government has made their lives a living hell. So don't try to put that shite on Americans. The Mexican Government is doing very well. It's kicking our ass. It is time for change.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Possibility isn't the issue. Trump's purpose is to make the issue about the wall, rather than illegal immigration - to which he has no clue let alone a substantive solution. Thus, Trump's "won" on the issue, because his supporters aren't paying attention to the actual issue.
Funny how people will allow themselves to continually get fucked in the ass because of their disdain for a candidate/President.

"Hey look this is great for America!"
"Fuck that! That guys an asshole!"
g5000 is a spokesman for foreigners.....he doesn't think we should be fucking them the way they're fucking us.

Weak shit.
It's ridiculous. Hate a man all day long, thats fine, but when someone is trying to do something for the greater good of Americans and America sit the fuck down and and shut the fuck up.
"The Wall" is not about the greater good. The wall is a bright and shiny object, or a McGuffin in Maltese Falcon terms. It's a simple concept, easy to grasp and visualize. The fact that it's beyond unlikely Mexico will ever pay for it, or that Congress would authorize the deficit spending, need to be irrelevant, or at least Trump has to come up with some half baked explanation.

What Trump and Trump supporters don't want to acknowledge is that we could end employment of illegal aliens with a single law requiring more stringent verification and punishment of employers. However, to get that, the "gop elite" would want to keep some number of non-citizen workers. So the shiny object is a distraction from the necessity of compromise in all representative democracy.

Trumpery's wall isn't possible. From a physical, practical pov, it cannot be done. Or at the very least, it can't be done for the $4billion he originally quoted.

Its just like his idiotic "plan" to deport illegals. It can't be done and is not to our advantage to do or to try to do.

A real eye opener is the documentary Food Inc and one segment is about illegals in our food production. Big corporations advertise in Mexico and ship the workers here. Its a lot more involved than just that but people don't want to know the facts. All that matters is that the workers are brown.

Turds like you keep saying it can't be done, but you never give a single credible reason why. China built a 13,000 mile 2000 years ago. If that could be done, then building a 2000 mile today should be child's play.

A successful wall if there ever was one.
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
Making it worse for them here will.

We can't live (as we wish) without them but for as long as we have hired migrant workers, we have made their lives a living hell.

If that's true, then why do they keep coming?
Trump says he will issue a Presidential Memorandum, which is different from an EO.

Pseudo-cons don't like those either: Don’t worry. It’s not an executive action, it’s a memorandum
Pretty much the same result. Obama is doing it all of the time.

Only now do you feel the need to complain.
Trump says he will issue a Presidential Memorandum, which is different from an EO.

Pseudo-cons don't like those either: Don’t worry. It’s not an executive action, it’s a memorandum
Pretty much the same result. Obama is doing it all of the time.

Only now do you feel the need to complain.

Silly me. I thought we were trying to elect one who was going to end the corruption of the Obama administration, not use it as justification for their own corruption
Strange: I don't recall you complaining one time when Obama used EOs to implement his illegal agenda.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Tell me, when did it become acceptable for the president to act illegally with executive orders and violate the constitution simply because he Republican? I thought you objected to Obama doing it because it is wrong. Was I wrong? Have you always thought it was acceptable for Republicans or is it a recent development?

I thought we were opposing the Republican establishment because they were corrupt. So we want to install someone who is promising to break the laws?

What is up with this disconnect?
Mexico is having a good ole laugh at the Dumb Gringos' expense. I mean, who the hell is negotiating these awful Trade Deals for the US? It seems like every year the Trade Deficits just get worse. America is not winning folks. And Mexico knows that. So wake up you Dumb Gringos. It's Trump time!

If mexico is doing so well why do so many want to leave? Will making Mexico worse off make more want to leave?
-------------------------------- even if they want to leave mexico the wall and border guards will make them stay and then they might tear down their government and rebuild it Brian . Its a good scenario Brian !!

Yes, it's time for the Mexican People to take on their own Government. That's where the real problems are originating from.
If Trump targeted only Mexican immigrants with his rule change, that would be illegal.

We have a trade imbalance with Canada, too, by the way.

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