Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

I think it was the kind of businesses Georgia was reopening like Gyms and hair salons that led to some initial concern at the white house...the Governor however explained his reasoning...let them open and go back to work we need to see what happens...this could be a good sign.... we may see the quickest economic recovery in our nations history....
I just looked at Georgia's coronavirus site, and their cases and deaths have dropped dramatically for the past two weeks. It will be interesting to see how individuals and businesses react to their freedom. I imagine many are still a little nervous about no precautions. Or are there precautions still?
from The Atlantic:

Governor Brian Kemp’s decision to reopen Georgia is an act of war against all Georgians, especially Southwest Georgians who are predominantly Black. Some of us are fighting COVID-19. Kemp is waging a war against Georgians. This is not hyperbole. This is based on data.
When I studied New York Times county data this morning, I found that 5 of the top 10 counties with the highest per capita death rates in the United States are in Georgia. Black people are the largest racial group in all five of these counties in Southwest Georgia (and seven of the ten counties). County (State). Deaths per 100,000 people. County’s largest racial group.
1. Randolph (GA). 240. 61.5% Black
2. Terrell (GA). 203. 60.4% Black
3. St. John the Baptist. 131. 57.8% Black
4. Nassau (NY). 130. 59.3% White
5. NYC. 126. 32.1% White
6. Toole (MT). 121. 86.2% White
7. Dougherty (GA). 116. 70.9% Black
8. Early (GA). 116. 51.4% Black
9. Essex (NJ). 107. 41.9% Black
10. Mitchell (GA). 103. 48.1% Black
Kemp’s attack on Georgians is personal to me. My mother is a Georgia native. Kemp’s precise attack on Southwest Georgia is personal to me. My wife, Sadiqa, is from Dougherty County in Southwest Georgia. Doughterty is surrounded by Randolph, Terrell, Early, and Mitchell counties. Healthcare is lacking there. Our awareness of their suffering is lacking. It is not like the nation’s other major outbreak zone—my hometown of New York City—where there are so many hospitals, doctors, media outlets, and reporters to fight and expose the fight.
Southwest Georgians have already been suffering in the shadows with hardly enough medical providers to save their lives. And so many more will suffer in the shadows because of Kemp’s warlike decision. People don’t just kill. Policies kill. And racist policies have always killed Black people in the shadows as America looked away.
Southwest Georgians have been suffering in the shadows. And how many more people will suffer because of Kemp’s warlike decision? People don’t just kill. Policies kill. And racist policies have always killed Black people in the shadows as America looked away."

I looked at this earlier today, and I was surprised that the highest density of cases wasn't near Atlanta. I wondered what was going on in southwestern Georgia. That's pretty sad, what you're telling us. Cases in the rest of the state are "clearing up," some improvement around the edges of the "target area." I hope around there, people will continue to be cautious, no matter what the Governor says!
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

A paycheck is, Comrade. People who give haircuts can't wait until after the election to get one, though that is your plan.


Fair is fair - plus the economy will be open by wednesday.
Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Comrade, will you join me to;

You're talking stupid. People who will be returning to their jobs as soon as the shutdown is over were "laid off" with their employers' blessing so they could collect unemployment. And the feds have thrown in an extra $600. So it was reported in the paper this weekend that many Mainers are making more on unemployment than they did on their jobs. The government is doing its best to cushion this drastic shutdown. At least try talking sense.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

A paycheck is, Comrade. People who give haircuts can't wait until after the election to get one, though that is your plan.


Fair is fair - plus the economy will be open by wednesday.
Cool. I can collect unemp!oyment plus and be just fine. (Also alive..too bad for you)
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Lives mean plenty...which is why abortion must remain legal. A woman denied a legal abortion will often turn to illegal, dangerous ones.
You fear tyranny? Trump is the closest to it than any other american president. He surrounds himself with people that dont oppose him. He doesnt listen to anybody but himself. He criticizes anyone and anything that thinks differently, he is a me I've lived myself under a mild tyrant if I can call him that and trump has many characteristics of one. Also he shares a trend with the likes Gaddhafi, Saddam, Casteo and kim they are crazy and unpredictable.

Besides, the bastard can't be bought.

A man who can't be bought, can't be controlled. Obama was for sale to ANYONE with a buck. Ayatollah's in Iran looking to build nuclear weapons? Obama is their man - for a price. A bioweapons lab in China making weaponized versions of SARS CoV2? A bribe to Obama and US Taxpayers will PAY for the weapon that will kill 50,000 of them...

Obama knew how to play along. Trump is a danger to the whole racket.
Trump is not stable mentally.

and Biden is??????? Compared to Biden, Trump is the most stable person ever to sit in the whitehouse. and compared to Obama, Bush, Clinton, LBJ, and a few others, Trump is also more mentally stable.

forgot crooked hillary with her spastic reactions to balloons, falling up stairs, tripping into the plane, stumbling getting into a car, yeah, real stable.
I dont care for any. But trump is the dumbest I have ever seen on a political stage. Gaddafi can be a contender but on world stage right now, trump is a joke.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

are you really so stupid that you think he was telling people to drink lysol and clorox? I understand that a sense of humor and liberalism do not exist in the same person. You, winger, and a few others confirm the defective liberal gene theory every day on this board.

No. I was employing hyperbole. Damn close though...

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,”

do you understand the meaning of the words "something like that" ?
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Lives mean plenty...which is why abortion must remain legal. A woman denied a legal abortion will often turn to illegal, dangerous ones.

Or she could take responsibility for her actions and not kill the child. If you don't want a kid, don't screw, or use protection, its really pretty simple.
You fear tyranny? Trump is the closest to it than any other american president. He surrounds himself with people that dont oppose him. He doesnt listen to anybody but himself. He criticizes anyone and anything that thinks differently, he is a me I've lived myself under a mild tyrant if I can call him that and trump has many characteristics of one. Also he shares a trend with the likes Gaddhafi, Saddam, Casteo and kim they are crazy and unpredictable.

Besides, the bastard can't be bought.

A man who can't be bought, can't be controlled. Obama was for sale to ANYONE with a buck. Ayatollah's in Iran looking to build nuclear weapons? Obama is their man - for a price. A bioweapons lab in China making weaponized versions of SARS CoV2? A bribe to Obama and US Taxpayers will PAY for the weapon that will kill 50,000 of them...

Obama knew how to play along. Trump is a danger to the whole racket.
Trump is not stable mentally.

and Biden is??????? Compared to Biden, Trump is the most stable person ever to sit in the whitehouse. and compared to Obama, Bush, Clinton, LBJ, and a few others, Trump is also more mentally stable.

forgot crooked hillary with her spastic reactions to balloons, falling up stairs, tripping into the plane, stumbling getting into a car, yeah, real stable.
I dont care for any. But trump is the dumbest I have ever seen on a political stage. Gaddafi can be a contender but on world stage right now, trump is a joke.

horseshit. Trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been around a long time.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

are you really so stupid that you think he was telling people to drink lysol and clorox? I understand that a sense of humor and liberalism do not exist in the same person. You, winger, and a few others confirm the defective liberal gene theory every day on this board.

No. I was employing hyperbole. Damn close though...

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,”

do you understand the meaning of the words "something like that" ?

Do you understand that we know your emperor has no clothes no matter how often you try to describe what you think he's wearing?
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Lives mean plenty...which is why abortion must remain legal. A woman denied a legal abortion will often turn to illegal, dangerous ones.

Or she could take responsibility for her actions and not kill the child. If you don't want a kid, don't screw, or use protection, its really pretty simple.
It 's never that simple.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

are you really so stupid that you think he was telling people to drink lysol and clorox? I understand that a sense of humor and liberalism do not exist in the same person. You, winger, and a few others confirm the defective liberal gene theory every day on this board.

No. I was employing hyperbole. Damn close though...

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,”

do you understand the meaning of the words "something like that" ?

Do you understand that we know your emperor has no clothes no matter how often you try to describe what you think he's wearing?
You keep using that but that is not the right context. You have lost all credibility anyway when you didn't blame the Chinese Evil Communist Regime for this virus.
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Lives mean plenty...which is why abortion must remain legal. A woman denied a legal abortion will often turn to illegal, dangerous ones.

Or she could take responsibility for her actions and not kill the child. If you don't want a kid, don't screw, or use protection, its really pretty simple.
It 's never that simple.
How would you even know? Not something you ever have to worry about.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

are you really so stupid that you think he was telling people to drink lysol and clorox? I understand that a sense of humor and liberalism do not exist in the same person. You, winger, and a few others confirm the defective liberal gene theory every day on this board.

No. I was employing hyperbole. Damn close though...

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that,”

do you understand the meaning of the words "something like that" ?

Do you understand that we know your emperor has no clothes no matter how often you try to describe what you think he's wearing?
You keep using that but that is not the right context. You have lost all credibility anyway when you didn't blame the Chinese Evil Communist Regime for this virus.
It is absolutely the right context.

I'm really not concerned that a troll on the internet doesn't think I have "credibility" simply because I won't jump on his "blame China" train.

Hey, did you hear you're not immune even though you claim you had COVID? Just an "FYI". I know Fox's coverage can be sketchy.
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.
So tell us, how do you tattoo someone, cut their hair or do their nails from six or more feet away? Long scissors?

ever hear of wearing a mask? if both are wearing masks, the 6 foot separation is not necessary. Or if both parties wish to take the chance, that is up to them, NOT YOU or the Federal Government. Personally I will wear a mask when I go to the barber shop once ours open back up. I am pretty sure I don't have it, but may have in the past.

Remember the mask is to protect others, not the wearer.

No, you don't get to "take a chance" when you are endangering others. When you get sick because you just had to get your hair cut, you are endangering every health worker that has to treat you.

Kemp thought he was providing cover and supporting Trump. Trump threw him under the bus, backed up and hit him again.

Its called freedom, witchey. If you have underlying conditions or just don't feel safe going out, stay home. the reopening is voluntary, not mandatory. Each person is allowed to make his or her own decision regarding how to live their lives.

Just for comparison in 2020 to date
covid deaths-------12,000+
abortion deaths------232,000+

So tell me why is it ok to go to an abortion clinic but not a dentist or barber? I think the abortion doctor and his staff have to get pretty close to the woman to abort the child.
Why do you morons feel the need to compare this to unrelated things? Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that does not infect people who come in contact.

I hope it turns out okay for Georgia to open too soon but they are taking a huge risk since none of the appropriate safeguards are in place. (Widespread testing and contact tracing)

abortion kills innocent human beings, so does corona virus

How much testing would be enough? lets think about it. we have roughly 330 million people in the country.. If I test negative today and catch the virus in the grocery store tonight, what did the test accomplish? please answer that question.

so do you want us to test all 330 million americans every morning at 8am?

How much testing do you want? answer that one too. or STFU and go away.

Abortion is a legal, voluntary procedure that has nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect other people with. Any attempt at comparing them is lame, pathetic and a complete red herring. (You ARE so aptly named. Well done there)

Yes, you need to serologic test anyone returning to work and test them regularly. Testing is the only way people are going to safely return to work and the US is woefully behind on the testing front and playing catch up.

Haircuts are a legal, voluntary procedure which have nothing to do with a deadly virus you can infect people with. And not being in any way invasive, or even medical, they offer a lot less chance of transmitting infection.

Trust you to make an argument exactly the opposite of what you thought you were saying.
A haircut isn't time sensitive. If you wait too long to get your roots touched can still get your roots touched up. Wait too long to get an abortion and you can't anymore. This shouldn't have to be explained to a reasonable human being...oh, right.

Talk about ass backwards logic. You think people should get a haircut because you think it MIGHT cost someone their life. But you want abortions that WILL cost someone their life. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes, your logic is ass backward, but I expect that from a Trump supporter.

Thanks for proving lives mean nothing to you. Typical commie.

Lives mean plenty...which is why abortion must remain legal. A woman denied a legal abortion will often turn to illegal, dangerous ones.

Or she could take responsibility for her actions and not kill the child. If you don't want a kid, don't screw, or use protection, its really pretty simple.
It 's never that simple.
How would you even know? Not something you ever have to worry about.
No, not anymore. I had an endometrial ablation after giving birth the 5th time, but I did face the prospect of selective reduction early in my last two pregnancies.

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