Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Trump's dementia is getting worse, probably accelerated from stress over the pandemic.
He's going to stick his orange nose in every governor's business and disrupt.
Because he's bored, can't hold rallies, worried about how this will affect the election in November and doesn't have a plan.
Every single day Governor Cuomo shows what a real leader does in a crisis.
Every single day Trump repeats himself at this pressers and shares his magical thinking while the U.S. heads for 55,000 dead by Monday.

troll diversion alert...............

divert against one who turns in his neighbors and another that resists saying NO about that.

And that Ford was a LYING HACK..............

Now for comic relief.............The DRINK BLEACH GUY.

You don't understand the term.
Trolling is when the O/P is attacked and the subject of the thread is not.
And I believe the first word of this thread is "Trump".
Got it now, Sparky? [rolling eyes at such fucking stupidity]


It's about Georgia telling you freaking idiots they have had enough with this virus BS.

Now go play with your .Bleach .....don't horde it........Hillary will come after you.......Might have some more hard drives to bleach bit.

Oh, I'm NEVER going to let you Trump low-lifes EVER forget that your Dear Leader advocated injecting disinfectants for COVID on LIVE TV.

And a bleached hard drive as a reason for voting for Trump looks really fucking lame nowadays, doesn't it, azzhat?


Tell me, shit fer brains troll, 3 weeks back Quid Pro Joe said "We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

So troll, was Sundowner Joe saying we should dig the corpse of Jonas Salk up? Or does the modifier "like" change the phrase to a simile?

You fucking illiterate.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

"We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

Google search: "joe biden We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt"

Google response:
It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for.
For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."
Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.
Web results
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Joe ... › covid19

For more information on Joe's leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, ... to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the ... And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must preparefor the next one.
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week › ...

18 hours ago - None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. ... CLAIM: Photos show Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Michigan Gov ... the coronavirus as researchers rush to develop a vaccine against it. Human viruses like measles and polio haveoriginated in nature and ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
Joe Biden's coronavirus plan, explained - Vox › joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-19-plan

Mar 12, 2020 - Joe Biden's Covid-19 plan draws a sharp contrast to Trump's response so far. ... treatment, the development of a vaccine and treatments, and increased health care capacity. ... He's focused largely on border control policies, like a travel ban for ... Most public health experts believe we needto be focusing on ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)

You're a fucking liar on top of your other bullshit.


Oh yeah............we have time to wait a year or more.......or push a Polio vaccine that hosed a lot of Americans.

Yeah......Sleepy Joe that's smart.....we will stay locked down for a year or so til they get a good vaccine.

Why.......why...........this is the best the DNC has to offer.

Trump pushing Lysol is the best the RNC has to offer.
Oh, and his other suggestion has been shot down, too.
Read on, sucker:

U.S. Legal News
April 24, 2020 / 10:05 AM / Updated 18 hours ago
U.S. FDA warns against malaria drugs Trump championed for COVID-19



Disinfecting surfaces and people is THE most effective means of retarding the spread of the Wuhan virus (or any virus). No one ever suggested ingesting bleach or any other cleaner.

Reuters, like you, flat out fucking lies.

Buried in the body of story, three quarters of the way down, is the actual statement by the FDA, which is NOTHING like the lies Reuters printed in their headline.

{The FDA said on Friday it was aware of increased use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine through outpatient prescriptions and the malaria drugs could cause abnormal heart rhythms and dangerously rapid heart rate. ( }

Of course the drug has been in use over 70 years and has ALWAYS had the same side effects.


COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has no approved treatment or vaccine. But hydroxychloroquine has been widely used in an attempt to alter the course of the COVID-19 illness based on anecdotal reports that it may provide some benefit.

There are several randomized trials underway in the United States and elsewhere, with the National Institutes of Health last week starting a study to evaluate the safety and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

A research team in Marseilles, France, published data showing that out of 80 mild COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and antiobiotic azithromycin, 93 percent had no detectable levels of the virus after eight days.


In fact, the actual statement by the FDA seems to REFUTE the dishonest headline by Reuters - the Communist Chinese controlled news agency.
troll diversion alert...............

divert against one who turns in his neighbors and another that resists saying NO about that.

And that Ford was a LYING HACK..............

Now for comic relief.............The DRINK BLEACH GUY.

You don't understand the term.
Trolling is when the O/P is attacked and the subject of the thread is not.
And I believe the first word of this thread is "Trump".
Got it now, Sparky? [rolling eyes at such fucking stupidity]


It's about Georgia telling you freaking idiots they have had enough with this virus BS.

Now go play with your .Bleach .....don't horde it........Hillary will come after you.......Might have some more hard drives to bleach bit.

Oh, I'm NEVER going to let you Trump low-lifes EVER forget that your Dear Leader advocated injecting disinfectants for COVID on LIVE TV.

And a bleached hard drive as a reason for voting for Trump looks really fucking lame nowadays, doesn't it, azzhat?


Tell me, shit fer brains troll, 3 weeks back Quid Pro Joe said "We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

So troll, was Sundowner Joe saying we should dig the corpse of Jonas Salk up? Or does the modifier "like" change the phrase to a simile?

You fucking illiterate.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

"We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

Google search: "joe biden We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt"

Google response:
It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for.
For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."
Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.
Web results
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Joe ... › covid19

For more information on Joe's leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, ... to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the ... And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must preparefor the next one.
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week › ...

18 hours ago - None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. ... CLAIM: Photos show Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Michigan Gov ... the coronavirus as researchers rush to develop a vaccine against it. Human viruses like measles and polio haveoriginated in nature and ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
Joe Biden's coronavirus plan, explained - Vox › joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-19-plan

Mar 12, 2020 - Joe Biden's Covid-19 plan draws a sharp contrast to Trump's response so far. ... treatment, the development of a vaccine and treatments, and increased health care capacity. ... He's focused largely on border control policies, like a travel ban for ... Most public health experts believe we needto be focusing on ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)

You're a fucking liar on top of your other bullshit.


Oh yeah............we have time to wait a year or more.......or push a Polio vaccine that hosed a lot of Americans.

Yeah......Sleepy Joe that's smart.....we will stay locked down for a year or so til they get a good vaccine.

Why.......why...........this is the best the DNC has to offer.

Trump pushing Lysol is the best the RNC has to offer.
Oh, and his other suggestion has been shot down, too.
Read on, sucker:

U.S. Legal News
April 24, 2020 / 10:05 AM / Updated 18 hours ago
U.S. FDA warns against malaria drugs Trump championed for COVID-19


And yet adds not sucking up to Gilead are saying you are wrong.

Where was your outrage when Gilead tried to ORPHAN the drug to make mega bucks off a drug that has been around for many years and the research was funded by the TAX PAYER.

You see.....I don't care which drug whens..........I wouldn't care if Biden said HEY THIS DRUG is DOING WONDERS.,

I don't care..............I want the best one for our people and I don't give a damn if ET shows up and shows it to us.

This is about the best for our people..............And here you go pushing IT DOESN'T WORK when it has for many people already...........many studies on it around the world......depending on the condition of those using it..........makes all the difference in the world.

Those with certain conditions........well they shouldn't take it for Malaria if they are going to Africa for vacation

But of course you overlook that............because of TDS.

Why don't you just fucking READ the article and save all the ranting???????
Here, I'll help you: <snip>

The FDA said on Friday it was aware of increased use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine through outpatient prescriptions and the malaria drugs could cause abnormal heart rhythms and dangerously rapid heart rate. (

COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has no approved treatment or vaccine. But hydroxychloroquine has been widely used in an attempt to alter the course of the COVID-19 illness based on anecdotal reports that it may provide some benefit.

There are several randomized trials underway in the United States and elsewhere, with the National Institutes of Health last week starting a study to evaluate the safety and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

A research team in Marseilles, France, published data showing that out of 80 mild COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and antiobiotic azithromycin, 93 percent had no detectable levels of the virus after eight days.

Doctors have questioned the value of the Marseille study and several papers from China as being too small or poorly designed to offer hard evidence of benefit.

The FDA’s announcement comes a day after the European Union’s drug regulator warned of side effects of the drugs, urging medical professionals to closely monitor patients on the medicines.""""
I can't prove a negative.

Great, no one asked you to.

I quoted you supporting the Ford attacks on Kavanaugh, which you had denied.

You tried to change the subject, and you failed. You are what you are: An obedient Trump sycophant.

I'm bored now. Dismissed.

Wrong, the subject at that point of the thread was the treatment of Kavanaugh as contrasted to the treatment of Biden.

You're a hack. Exposed.
Yawn....when he does the one word response....he's gotten his ass beat........


Let me answer for you Mac. you the trouble.
And like clockwork......Mr. Tribe himself likes your post then says a one liner in his next post.

Just trying to be polite and indicate that I read your post.

Since I'm not trying to convince people like you of anything, I don't really know what else I'm supposed to say.
troll diversion alert...............

divert against one who turns in his neighbors and another that resists saying NO about that.

And that Ford was a LYING HACK..............

Now for comic relief.............The DRINK BLEACH GUY.

You don't understand the term.
Trolling is when the O/P is attacked and the subject of the thread is not.
And I believe the first word of this thread is "Trump".
Got it now, Sparky? [rolling eyes at such fucking stupidity]


It's about Georgia telling you freaking idiots they have had enough with this virus BS.

Now go play with your .Bleach .....don't horde it........Hillary will come after you.......Might have some more hard drives to bleach bit.

Oh, I'm NEVER going to let you Trump low-lifes EVER forget that your Dear Leader advocated injecting disinfectants for COVID on LIVE TV.

And a bleached hard drive as a reason for voting for Trump looks really fucking lame nowadays, doesn't it, azzhat?


Tell me, shit fer brains troll, 3 weeks back Quid Pro Joe said "We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

So troll, was Sundowner Joe saying we should dig the corpse of Jonas Salk up? Or does the modifier "like" change the phrase to a simile?

You fucking illiterate.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

"We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

Google search: "joe biden We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt"

Google response:
It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for.
For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."
Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.
Web results
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Joe ... › covid19

For more information on Joe's leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, ... to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the ... And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must preparefor the next one.
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week › ...

18 hours ago - None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. ... CLAIM: Photos show Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Michigan Gov ... the coronavirus as researchers rush to develop a vaccine against it. Human viruses like measles and polio haveoriginated in nature and ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
Joe Biden's coronavirus plan, explained - Vox › joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-19-plan

Mar 12, 2020 - Joe Biden's Covid-19 plan draws a sharp contrast to Trump's response so far. ... treatment, the development of a vaccine and treatments, and increased health care capacity. ... He's focused largely on border control policies, like a travel ban for ... Most public health experts believe we needto be focusing on ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)

You're a fucking liar on top of your other bullshit.


Oh yeah............we have time to wait a year or more.......or push a Polio vaccine that hosed a lot of Americans.

Yeah......Sleepy Joe that's smart.....we will stay locked down for a year or so til they get a good vaccine.

Why.......why...........this is the best the DNC has to offer.

Trump pushing Lysol is the best the RNC has to offer.
Oh, and his other suggestion has been shot down, too.
Read on, sucker:

U.S. Legal News
April 24, 2020 / 10:05 AM / Updated 18 hours ago
U.S. FDA warns against malaria drugs Trump championed for COVID-19



Disinfecting surfaces and people is THE most effective means of retarding the spread of the Wuhan virus (or any virus). No one ever suggested ingesting bleach or any other cleaner.

Reuters, like you, flat out fucking lies.

Buried in the body of story, three quarters of the way down, is the actual statement by the FDA, which is NOTHING like the lies Reuters printed in their headline.

{The FDA said on Friday it was aware of increased use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine through outpatient prescriptions and the malaria drugs could cause abnormal heart rhythms and dangerously rapid heart rate. ( }

Of course the drug has been in use over 70 years and has ALWAYS had the same side effects.


COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has no approved treatment or vaccine. But hydroxychloroquine has been widely used in an attempt to alter the course of the COVID-19 illness based on anecdotal reports that it may provide some benefit.

There are several randomized trials underway in the United States and elsewhere, with the National Institutes of Health last week starting a study to evaluate the safety and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

A research team in Marseilles, France, published data showing that out of 80 mild COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and antiobiotic azithromycin, 93 percent had no detectable levels of the virus after eight days.


In fact, the actual statement by the FDA seems to REFUTE the dishonest headline by Reuters - the Communist Chinese controlled news agency.

Oh fuck you and everything being fake news.
That's the way lazy fucks like you roll.
Trump advocated investigating injecting disinfectants.
It's on video. You can see Dr. Birx recoil in horror right in front of the cameras.
Go to C-SPAN you lazy sprunt and watch the video.
Now GFY.

Too late buddy.......your boys done got their asses handed to them and go drink some bleach..........


Last word for a bit.........anyone dumb enough to drink bleach will not be missed.

I think you're confused.
Liberals won't be the ones drinking bleach, they have always known that Trump's a fucking moron.
It's the Republicans who take Trump's advice and pay for it.

March 24, 2020 -- An Arizona man has died and his wife is in critical condition after they took chloroquine phosphate to treat themselves for the novel coronavirus, the hospital system Banner Health says.
Chloroquine is approved in the United States to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, but President Donald Trump has promoted it as a possible treatment for COVID-19, CNN reported.""""

troll diversion alert...............

divert against one who turns in his neighbors and another that resists saying NO about that.

And that Ford was a LYING HACK..............

Now for comic relief.............The DRINK BLEACH GUY.

You don't understand the term.
Trolling is when the O/P is attacked and the subject of the thread is not.
And I believe the first word of this thread is "Trump".
Got it now, Sparky? [rolling eyes at such fucking stupidity]


It's about Georgia telling you freaking idiots they have had enough with this virus BS.

Now go play with your .Bleach .....don't horde it........Hillary will come after you.......Might have some more hard drives to bleach bit.

Oh, I'm NEVER going to let you Trump low-lifes EVER forget that your Dear Leader advocated injecting disinfectants for COVID on LIVE TV.

And a bleached hard drive as a reason for voting for Trump looks really fucking lame nowadays, doesn't it, azzhat?


Tell me, shit fer brains troll, 3 weeks back Quid Pro Joe said "We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

So troll, was Sundowner Joe saying we should dig the corpse of Jonas Salk up? Or does the modifier "like" change the phrase to a simile?

You fucking illiterate.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

"We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

Google search: "joe biden We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt"

Google response:
It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for.
For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."
Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.
Web results
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Joe ... › covid19

For more information on Joe's leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, ... to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the ... And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must preparefor the next one.
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week › ...

18 hours ago - None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. ... CLAIM: Photos show Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Michigan Gov ... the coronavirus as researchers rush to develop a vaccine against it. Human viruses like measles and polio haveoriginated in nature and ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
Joe Biden's coronavirus plan, explained - Vox › joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-19-plan

Mar 12, 2020 - Joe Biden's Covid-19 plan draws a sharp contrast to Trump's response so far. ... treatment, the development of a vaccine and treatments, and increased health care capacity. ... He's focused largely on border control policies, like a travel ban for ... Most public health experts believe we needto be focusing on ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)

You're a fucking liar on top of your other bullshit.


Oh yeah............we have time to wait a year or more.......or push a Polio vaccine that hosed a lot of Americans.

Yeah......Sleepy Joe that's smart.....we will stay locked down for a year or so til they get a good vaccine.

Why.......why...........this is the best the DNC has to offer.

Trump pushing Lysol is the best the RNC has to offer.
Oh, and his other suggestion has been shot down, too.
Read on, sucker:

U.S. Legal News
April 24, 2020 / 10:05 AM / Updated 18 hours ago
U.S. FDA warns against malaria drugs Trump championed for COVID-19



Disinfecting surfaces and people is THE most effective means of retarding the spread of the Wuhan virus (or any virus). No one ever suggested ingesting bleach or any other cleaner.

Reuters, like you, flat out fucking lies.

Buried in the body of story, three quarters of the way down, is the actual statement by the FDA, which is NOTHING like the lies Reuters printed in their headline.

{The FDA said on Friday it was aware of increased use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine through outpatient prescriptions and the malaria drugs could cause abnormal heart rhythms and dangerously rapid heart rate. ( }

Of course the drug has been in use over 70 years and has ALWAYS had the same side effects.


COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has no approved treatment or vaccine. But hydroxychloroquine has been widely used in an attempt to alter the course of the COVID-19 illness based on anecdotal reports that it may provide some benefit.

There are several randomized trials underway in the United States and elsewhere, with the National Institutes of Health last week starting a study to evaluate the safety and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

A research team in Marseilles, France, published data showing that out of 80 mild COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and antiobiotic azithromycin, 93 percent had no detectable levels of the virus after eight days.


In fact, the actual statement by the FDA seems to REFUTE the dishonest headline by Reuters - the Communist Chinese controlled news agency.

Oh fuck you and everything being fake news.
That's the way lazy fucks like you roll.
Trump advocated investigating injecting disinfectants.
It's on video. You can see Dr. Birx recoil in horror right in front of the cameras.
Go to C-SPAN you lazy sprunt and watch the video.
Now GFY.


So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Trump did not disagree with the Georgia governor reopening the statem he disagreed with idea that beauty shops and nail salons and tattoo parlors being opened so soon
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

He said he wondered if something LIKE that could be found. then sarcastically said maybe inject it or something.

Should we take everything Biden says literally? Should we take everything Whoopi says literally? how about AOC? She says lots of dumb things, do you take all of them literally?

See....Fishy is all caught up on Trump's lies and can parrot them like a doll with a pulled string.

Here is the problem you run into when you pick up Trump's little lie breadcrumbs and eat them....we all watched the video and know he wasn't being sarcastic.

None of the people you tried to deflect to, aptly named one, are "president" and giving an official briefing on a pandemic.

I saw that exchange in real time. did you? The context was clear. Your masters are lying to you as they do every day, and you are too dumb to understand that they are using you as their slave. do you like being a slave to the likes of Pelosi and Soros? Is pencil neck Schiff one of your heroes, how about toad boy Nadler?
Yes, red herring, we all saw the video. He wasn't joking, he wasn't being sarcastic, he was seriously talking about "shining lights and disinfectants" .

The emperor has no clothes but you keep trying to describe what HE says he's wearing.
You cannot even utter the words Wuhan Virus. You have zero credibility here.
Trump is playing his Trumpsters here, big time.

Remember the Fifth Avenue Rule: He knows they'll go along.

He is managing the fight against the virus and doing it quite well. Your juvenile attempts at criticism fall way short.

Yes, he has millions of supporters, so does old senile creepy Joe, whats your point?
I made my point, clearly.

If you don't like it, and I can certainly understand that, too bad.

except that your "point" made no sense. Sure, Trump has supporters, so does Biden.

Where is the media coverage of the woman who accused Biden of a sexual attack, and her story has pretty firm backup.

Where is Maisie Hirono who screamed at the Kavanaugh hearings "we must believe the women"? Then was silent when the Kavanaugh accusers admitted that they had lied.

Its the hypocrisy of the dems that discredits them, and its your hypocrisy that discredits you.
Okie dokie!

Ol' Mac never has to name names.

right, like a typical braindead liberal you never support any of the bullshit talking points that are pumped into your little head every day.

so answer truthfully, is Hirono a hypocrite or not on "we must believe the women"?
Awww, now you're all upset again. Personal insults 'n stuff.

This is the Age of Trump. Cheer up. You're really a downer.


Has anyone asked her? I know, lets have hearings on it...but Trump first. He is currently the occupant of the Oval Office and has 10 or 20 times the accusers as Biden.
LmAO. He does? Yet had zero before he won the WH. Was always famous. You’re such an irrational and evil Leftist.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?

She is highly irrational and a self hater. Don’t waste your time. She cannot even admit that China is to blame for this pandemic.
troll diversion alert...............

divert against one who turns in his neighbors and another that resists saying NO about that.

And that Ford was a LYING HACK..............

Now for comic relief.............The DRINK BLEACH GUY.

You don't understand the term.
Trolling is when the O/P is attacked and the subject of the thread is not.
And I believe the first word of this thread is "Trump".
Got it now, Sparky? [rolling eyes at such fucking stupidity]


It's about Georgia telling you freaking idiots they have had enough with this virus BS.

Now go play with your .Bleach .....don't horde it........Hillary will come after you.......Might have some more hard drives to bleach bit.

Oh, I'm NEVER going to let you Trump low-lifes EVER forget that your Dear Leader advocated injecting disinfectants for COVID on LIVE TV.

And a bleached hard drive as a reason for voting for Trump looks really fucking lame nowadays, doesn't it, azzhat?


Tell me, shit fer brains troll, 3 weeks back Quid Pro Joe said "We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

So troll, was Sundowner Joe saying we should dig the corpse of Jonas Salk up? Or does the modifier "like" change the phrase to a simile?

You fucking illiterate.

I think you're the one who doesn't read.

"We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt (sic)"

Google search: "joe biden We need to develop a vaccine like polio, we need Salt"

Google response:
It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for.
For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."
Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.
Web results
The Biden Plan to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Joe ... › covid19

For more information on Joe's leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, ... to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the ... And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must preparefor the next one.
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week › ...

18 hours ago - None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. ... CLAIM: Photos show Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Michigan Gov ... the coronavirus as researchers rush to develop a vaccine against it. Human viruses like measles and polio haveoriginated in nature and ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)
Joe Biden's coronavirus plan, explained - Vox › joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-19-plan

Mar 12, 2020 - Joe Biden's Covid-19 plan draws a sharp contrast to Trump's response so far. ... treatment, the development of a vaccine and treatments, and increased health care capacity. ... He's focused largely on border control policies, like a travel ban for ... Most public health experts believe we needto be focusing on ...
Missing: polio,Salt(sic)

You're a fucking liar on top of your other bullshit.


Oh yeah............we have time to wait a year or more.......or push a Polio vaccine that hosed a lot of Americans.

Yeah......Sleepy Joe that's smart.....we will stay locked down for a year or so til they get a good vaccine.

Why.......why...........this is the best the DNC has to offer.

Trump pushing Lysol is the best the RNC has to offer.
Oh, and his other suggestion has been shot down, too.
Read on, sucker:

U.S. Legal News
April 24, 2020 / 10:05 AM / Updated 18 hours ago
U.S. FDA warns against malaria drugs Trump championed for COVID-19


How about you point out where the FDA warns about hear problems in their insert for Plaquenil, except in overdose.

"Congrats to Brian Kemp in joining the Loyal Trump Supporters Screwed Over By President Trump Club!!! "

Other members: Ann Coulter, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Breitbart website, Milo Yiannapoulos, Matt Drudge, etc etc. etc.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

He said he wondered if something LIKE that could be found. then sarcastically said maybe inject it or something.

Should we take everything Biden says literally? Should we take everything Whoopi says literally? how about AOC? She says lots of dumb things, do you take all of them literally?

See....Fishy is all caught up on Trump's lies and can parrot them like a doll with a pulled string.

Here is the problem you run into when you pick up Trump's little lie breadcrumbs and eat them....we all watched the video and know he wasn't being sarcastic.

None of the people you tried to deflect to, aptly named one, are "president" and giving an official briefing on a pandemic.

I saw that exchange in real time. did you? The context was clear. Your masters are lying to you as they do every day, and you are too dumb to understand that they are using you as their slave. do you like being a slave to the likes of Pelosi and Soros? Is pencil neck Schiff one of your heroes, how about toad boy Nadler?
Yes, red herring, we all saw the video. He wasn't joking, he wasn't being sarcastic, he was seriously talking about "shining lights and disinfectants" .

The emperor has no clothes but you keep trying to describe what HE says he's wearing.

You know dumbass, UV light is used in surgery all the time.

I think he rope-a-doped you Stalinists.

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

He said he wondered if something LIKE that could be found. then sarcastically said maybe inject it or something.

Should we take everything Biden says literally? Should we take everything Whoopi says literally? how about AOC? She says lots of dumb things, do you take all of them literally?

See....Fishy is all caught up on Trump's lies and can parrot them like a doll with a pulled string.

Here is the problem you run into when you pick up Trump's little lie breadcrumbs and eat them....we all watched the video and know he wasn't being sarcastic.

None of the people you tried to deflect to, aptly named one, are "president" and giving an official briefing on a pandemic.

I saw that exchange in real time. did you? The context was clear. Your masters are lying to you as they do every day, and you are too dumb to understand that they are using you as their slave. do you like being a slave to the likes of Pelosi and Soros? Is pencil neck Schiff one of your heroes, how about toad boy Nadler?
Yes, red herring, we all saw the video. He wasn't joking, he wasn't being sarcastic, he was seriously talking about "shining lights and disinfectants" .

The emperor has no clothes but you keep trying to describe what HE says he's wearing.

You know dumbass, UV light is used in surgery all the time.

I think he rope-a-doped you Stalinists.


No shit, Red Ryder and? That is not remotely what Dumb Ass in Chief was pondering about. You haven't heard? The cloth-less emperor said he was just joshing ya'll. You can stop scrambling to cover his sorry ass.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

He said he wondered if something LIKE that could be found. then sarcastically said maybe inject it or something.

Should we take everything Biden says literally? Should we take everything Whoopi says literally? how about AOC? She says lots of dumb things, do you take all of them literally?

See....Fishy is all caught up on Trump's lies and can parrot them like a doll with a pulled string.

Here is the problem you run into when you pick up Trump's little lie breadcrumbs and eat them....we all watched the video and know he wasn't being sarcastic.

None of the people you tried to deflect to, aptly named one, are "president" and giving an official briefing on a pandemic.

I saw that exchange in real time. did you? The context was clear. Your masters are lying to you as they do every day, and you are too dumb to understand that they are using you as their slave. do you like being a slave to the likes of Pelosi and Soros? Is pencil neck Schiff one of your heroes, how about toad boy Nadler?
Yes, red herring, we all saw the video. He wasn't joking, he wasn't being sarcastic, he was seriously talking about "shining lights and disinfectants" .

The emperor has no clothes but you keep trying to describe what HE says he's wearing.
You cannot even utter the words Wuhan Virus. You have zero credibility here.
That's right, I call it by it's proper term, COVID 19. Your can call it whatever your little heart desires. Doesn't give you the credibility you crave as desperately as Emperor with no clothes, Trump.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

You didn't answer my question. Care to address what I actually said?

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.

Interesting how you "know facts" we're supposed to base everything on which no one else knows.

No, what's really interesting is how you keep expecting people who actually know you to take you seriously.

Interesting that you feel the need to respond to every one of my posts with some stupid ad hominem or non sequitur. Creepy stalker much?
You are one of the most illogical posters on here. How else should she respond? The alternate reality in which you live must be fantastic.

ROFLMAO...this, coming from the guy who accuses every single person he does not agree with of being a "foreigner". You've got zero credibility when speaking of anyone else's logic.
"Every single"

Nope. More hyperbole from you.

Zero cred? I disagree again. You cannot even admit that COVID-19 originated in China. Sad.

I can, very easily and with no problem state unequivocally that the virus originated in China. What I do not do, and that causes you to stomp your little feet and wave your little fists, is blame China for COVID.

So you think China stopping domestic travel in and out of Wuhan while they allowed international travel, to and from Wuhan, was by accident?

Are you having difficulty with words. I said that unequivocally the virus ORIGINATED in China. What he wants me to admit that the virus is 100% China's "fault". He, like Trump, wants a scapegoat.

Apparently China intentionally allowed the virus to get out of their mainland, who else is there to blame? They were aware of the virus as early as mid Oct or early Nov and alerted no one.

Trump. Duh. Trump is to blame for the Wuhan Virus.

No, Trump is to blame for the piss poor response the United States has had to the virus...and for not simply shutting the fuck up and letting doctors and health experts handle the daily COVID briefings. They don't say stupid shit like shine light and shove disinfectant up your ass.

The "shining light" is currently under development in CO, it's UV light emitting diodes inserted in the tubing of respirators in the trachea, to kill bugs in the air. I currently have a UV system on my water supply, and it's very effective. Also expect to see the government to require UV systems on commercial AVAC units, it's coming.

You another one that didn't get the update? Your naked emperor said he was just joshin' about the light.

Trump really does make fools out of you all on a regular basis.

Wow, deflection form a commie, who'd a thunk? Care to address what I actually said?


What deflection? You can stop trying to cover for the moron. He said he was "kidding" (although we all know he wasn't)

You didn't answer my question. Care to address what I actually said?

What question? You merely blathered about a study. So what? What does it have to do with the idiocy that came out of Trump (that he later tried to claim was sarcasm).

Yeah, we get it...he heard something he didn't understand about an actual study and just riffed. That doesn't make him less of a dotard.

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