Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

The mayor of ATL is being hailed as a hero for encouraging citizens to defy the governor
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Come on. This isn't right at ALL.
If Trump tells me one thing on one day and something completely different on the next... I will only listen to him every other day. Wish he would at least send a coded tweet first. Then I would know what day to listen. Damn him.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

See, this is why you don't ever ingratiate yourself to Trump. No matter which way it goes, it will end in disaster for you. Kemp owes his governor seat to Trump. Kemp's just trying to be the loyal soldier. And after Trump spends the entire weekend supporting the AstroTurfing going on across the nation, Kemp decides to open things back up on Sunday. Then..reality sets in and Trump walks it back, throwing Kemp under the proverbial bus....loyalty NOT rewarded.
Trump is mad that Abrams lost to Kemp and now she will be Biden's VP choice and kick his everlasting butt in November.
Trump like all GOP RED state gov is a first rate hypocrite - congrats.

Now get ready to count more bodies ... in the millions I suspect ... I hope and pray not, but this virus is not choosey ... everyone is a target ... and that means GOPers, too.

Yeah, but you're dumb as a cat turd, just less pleasant to be around.

We let the media and the democrats hype the fuck out of the Wuhan Virus and destroy our economy. It was a major mistake - and yes, I do hold Trump partially responsible for going along with it. The Stalinists blame him for every death anyway - you can't negotiate with evil, the democrats will NEVER treat Trump or any decent person fairly. Anything a Stalinist democrat demands, do the opposite.
When your looking for lard asses avoiding going back to work.

Your looking at Democrats looking for free stuff...
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So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

If things go well, his supporters will say that Trump was right because he agreed with reopening.
If things go bad, they will say that Trump was right because he also said the opposite.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

You might want to check your facts, States that never issued stay at home orders are actually fairing better than the ones that did. CA had one of the most restrictive orders and the Stanford study shows about 350,000 Californians have been infected vs the roughly 8,000 being reported. Sorry child, the facts don't support your propaganda.

from The Atlantic:

Governor Brian Kemp’s decision to reopen Georgia is an act of war against all Georgians, especially Southwest Georgians who are predominantly Black. Some of us are fighting COVID-19. Kemp is waging a war against Georgians. This is not hyperbole. This is based on data.
When I studied New York Times county data this morning, I found that 5 of the top 10 counties with the highest per capita death rates in the United States are in Georgia. Black people are the largest racial group in all five of these counties in Southwest Georgia (and seven of the ten counties). County (State). Deaths per 100,000 people. County’s largest racial group.
1. Randolph (GA). 240. 61.5% Black
2. Terrell (GA). 203. 60.4% Black
3. St. John the Baptist. 131. 57.8% Black
4. Nassau (NY). 130. 59.3% White
5. NYC. 126. 32.1% White
6. Toole (MT). 121. 86.2% White
7. Dougherty (GA). 116. 70.9% Black
8. Early (GA). 116. 51.4% Black
9. Essex (NJ). 107. 41.9% Black
10. Mitchell (GA). 103. 48.1% Black
Kemp’s attack on Georgians is personal to me. My mother is a Georgia native. Kemp’s precise attack on Southwest Georgia is personal to me. My wife, Sadiqa, is from Dougherty County in Southwest Georgia. Doughterty is surrounded by Randolph, Terrell, Early, and Mitchell counties. Healthcare is lacking there. Our awareness of their suffering is lacking. It is not like the nation’s other major outbreak zone—my hometown of New York City—where there are so many hospitals, doctors, media outlets, and reporters to fight and expose the fight.
Southwest Georgians have already been suffering in the shadows with hardly enough medical providers to save their lives. And so many more will suffer in the shadows because of Kemp’s warlike decision. People don’t just kill. Policies kill. And racist policies have always killed Black people in the shadows as America looked away.
Southwest Georgians have been suffering in the shadows. And how many more people will suffer because of Kemp’s warlike decision? People don’t just kill. Policies kill. And racist policies have always killed Black people in the shadows as America looked away."

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