Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

Does Trump even know what he wants?
Yes. After cajoling Repub governors in to opening up their economies too early, and encouraging protesters to violate the rules the admin set forth, he wants the state's governors to ignore the advice of medical experts and then blame those governors for the consequences.

Conmen are expert at pawning off blame for their irresponsible actions. This is no different.
You need a leader to tell you how to take care of yourself?
We needed a leader to coordinate the national response to the virus who acted on the information he had instead of worrying about how the economic impact of doing the right thing would effect his chances of re-election.
Your knowledge of history sucks.
I hope you stave to death you miserable Communist piece of shit.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

More to this than meets the eye. Kemp crossed Trump when he made an appointment to a Senate seat that Trump did not agree with. And, as we all know, when you cross Trump, at some point he will get even. So the clock ran out on Kemp; he had it coming by not anticipating the whims of a petty narcissist President.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

But the there is this ….mostly targeting states with Democratic Governors. Can someone please explain the inconsistency??

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

You might want to check your facts, States that never issued stay at home orders are actually fairing better than the ones that did. CA had one of the most restrictive orders and the Stanford study shows about 350,000 Californians have been infected vs the roughly 8,000 being reported. Sorry child, the facts don't support your propaganda.

You might want to try again. You can't compare Wyoming to California.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Doesn't sound to me like he's reversed anything, even taking into account that it's an NBC story. I don't see him saying, "Oh, wait, don't reopen the state." Seems to ME like he's disagreeing with the governor's methods and priorities in doing it.

Of course, I'M not breathlessly waiting for something to pounce on and criticize Trump about, so maybe that's the difference.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Trump needs to shut up and let the individual governors handle their own states,

It never ceases to amaze me how your "best course of action" always involves people you disagree with shutting up.
Trump like all GOP RED state gov is a first rate hypocrite - congrats.

Now get ready to count more bodies ... in the millions I suspect ... I hope and pray not, but this virus is not choosey ... everyone is a target ... and that means GOPers, too.

Oh, spare me with the "hope and pray not". You're so eager to count more bodies, you're practically salivating down your chin, you repulsive reptile.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

Come on. This isn't right at ALL.
If Trump tells me one thing on one day and something completely different on the next... I will only listen to him every other day. Wish he would at least send a coded tweet first. Then I would know what day to listen. Damn him.

As if anyone believes you actually listen to him at all.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

See, this is why you don't ever ingratiate yourself to Trump. No matter which way it goes, it will end in disaster for you. Kemp owes his governor seat to Trump. Kemp's just trying to be the loyal soldier. And after Trump spends the entire weekend supporting the AstroTurfing going on across the nation, Kemp decides to open things back up on Sunday. Then..reality sets in and Trump walks it back, throwing Kemp under the proverbial bus....loyalty NOT rewarded.
Trump is mad that Abrams lost to Kemp and now she will be Biden's VP choice and kick his everlasting butt in November.

You've obviously mistaken him for a leftist, who puts politics ahead of people's lives. You spend a great deal of time talking about what he's "obviously" doing, which really only tells us what YOU would be doing if you were in power.
Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

let the governors handle their state

I have total control over states

let the governors decide whats best for their state

the governor is opening the state too soon


POOR OLD DERELICT IS SENILE - anything he says winds up being a fart in a wind tunnel -
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

You might want to check your facts, States that never issued stay at home orders are actually fairing better than the ones that did. CA had one of the most restrictive orders and the Stanford study shows about 350,000 Californians have been infected vs the roughly 8,000 being reported. Sorry child, the facts don't support your propaganda.

Tested positive or were infected? Those are two different things!

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