Trump reverses course, says it's 'too soon' for Georgia Gov. Kemp to reopen state

So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

People are going to die.

He "accepts no responsibility", remember?

An 86 year old man today suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and pneumonia died of Wuhan virus today.

Oh yeah, it was Shitting Bull's brother...
I think it was the kind of businesses Georgia was reopening like Gyms and hair salons that led to some initial concern at the white house...the Governor however explained his reasoning...let them open and go back to work we need to see what happens...this could be a good sign.... we may see the quickest economic recovery in our nations history....

Or the biggest public health disaster since 1918.
Yeah trillions have died, vermin.
Conservatives must be soooooo mad at Trump for this statement.

Does Trump even know what he wants? Maybe he should just shut up and let other people handle this.

Nah, we just disagree with him, sploogy.

It's how grown ups handle things.

I wonder if you even noticed the irony in those two sentences.

Not really.

What does this look it?


Oh, Orange Man Bad.

What about this?


Oh, Orange Man Bad... :eusa_whistle:
Conservatives must be soooooo mad at Trump for this statement.

Does Trump even know what he wants? Maybe he should just shut up and let other people handle this.

Nah, we just disagree with him, sploogy.

It's how grown ups handle things.

I wonder if you even noticed the irony in those two sentences.

Not really.

What does this look it?

View attachment 327150
Oh, Orange Man Bad.

What about this?

View attachment 327151
Oh, Orange Man Bad... :eusa_whistle:

Apparently not.
I think it was the kind of businesses Georgia was reopening like Gyms and hair salons that led to some initial concern at the white house...the Governor however explained his reasoning...let them open and go back to work we need to see what happens...this could be a good sign.... we may see the quickest economic recovery in our nations history....
A. Very honest dont get tired of finding excuses of anything that trump or the GOP say or do ? I mean dont you at least once think for yourself and say yes they screwed up? Do you have any personality ?
I think it was the kind of businesses Georgia was reopening like Gyms and hair salons that led to some initial concern at the white house...the Governor however explained his reasoning...let them open and go back to work we need to see what happens...this could be a good sign.... we may see the quickest economic recovery in our nations history....
A. Very honest dont get tired of finding excuses of anything that trump or the GOP say or do ? I mean dont you at least once think for yourself and say yes they screwed up? Do you have any personality ?
When he screws up I will say so.....I voted for him...he says the things I have always said...he is America first and he is not perfect....but you guys hammer him constantly about everything...and what that does is cloud his negatives in a bubble of TDS in my mind.....we had the greatest economy in the world before this pandemic and even during the pandemic he is making all the right decisions IMO.....I'll let everyone here know if I ever get mad at the president or disagree with his actions.....
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

People are going to die.

He "accepts no responsibility", remember?

An 86 year old man today suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and pneumonia died of Wuhan virus today.

Oh yeah, it was Shitting Bull's brother...
Why don't you call his family and tell them it's no big deal.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

People are going to die.

He "accepts no responsibility", remember?

An 86 year old man today suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer and pneumonia died of Wuhan virus today.

Oh yeah, it was Shitting Bull's brother...
Why don't you call his family and tell them it's no big deal.

Who said it's not a big deal? Stage 4 pancreatic cancer is a death sentence, you'll die from Wunah virus for sure...
Are any deaths now attributable to causes other than Covid?
Where can I get that info?
Are hospitals treating Covid patients only?
Can I get that info at same place?
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.


So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.


So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

The whole purpose of the shutdown was to keep hospitals from being overrun, mission accomplished, time to get back to work.

So that hospitals can be overrun. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Oh, we didn't spend this time ramping up our medical ability to respond to the virus?

Or you're just too dense to have noticed?
And yet hospitals are still being overwhelmed and they will be again if we "open up" too soon.



That story has more conjecture than you have lies. At this point they aren't overrun, are they? Now the question remains, where are these hospitals that are being overwhelmed? Don't just say it, link it.

I think it was the kind of businesses Georgia was reopening like Gyms and hair salons that led to some initial concern at the white house...the Governor however explained his reasoning...let them open and go back to work we need to see what happens...this could be a good sign.... we may see the quickest economic recovery in our nations history....
A. Very honest dont get tired of finding excuses of anything that trump or the GOP say or do ? I mean dont you at least once think for yourself and say yes they screwed up? Do you have any personality ?
When he screws up I will say so.....I voted for him...he says the things I have always said...he is America first and he is not perfect....but you guys hammer him constantly about everything...and what that does is cloud his negatives in a bubble of TDS in my mind.....we had the greatest economy in the world before this pandemic and even during the pandemic he is making all the right decisions IMO.....I'll let everyone here know if I ever get mad at the president or disagree with his actions.....
I have never seen once criticize him, you are always giving him excuses and defending like 99% of his base.
The guy is a joke all around, it takes a huge deal of either loyalty or stupidity to not see that.
I cringe everytime time he says or does something and so does most of humans except his loyal 20 or so percent.
So Trump was for reopening Georgia, before he “strongly disagreed” with it

But the there is this ….mostly targeting states with Democratic Governors. Can someone please explain the inconsistency??

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What is it that you dislike bluzman61? The painful truth?
Georgia is violating the CDC guidelines. you cant do those jobs they want to do without social distancing...unless you want to die!

what an ignorant post. less than 1% die from covid 19. reopening is optional, not mandatory. If you are scared, stay home. Everyone who reopens or goes to a reopened business is not going to die. You are a fricken moron if you believe that.

the gov of Ga said that businesses that choose to reopen must follow the CDC guidelines on distancing and sanitizing.

Until we get the bullshit politics out of this, we will continue to suffer medically and economically.

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