Trump Rewards Student Who Tore Down Tampon Dispenser

I do believe that I know this news story. Here's the thing, I believe that everybody was in the wrong here. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to have that machine up in the boy's bathroom, but at the same time vandalism is against the law.

It's also pretty cool that Trump contacted the kid and wrote him a letter and gave him a MAGA cap, but I don't think that he should be condoning illegal behavior either.

You applaude a bad man and will vote for him, be sure to trash the voting booth you use when voting for Trump.
So, is that a Yes on the MAGA retards invading Congress or do you need more proof?
The was no invasion of congress. Congress meets in chambers about100 yards away from as far as Buffalo Bill ever got. Plus he’s one guy out of thousands
You all make up scenarios that are compatible to your feelings and wishes and then fakely go with that as fact
That’s the main hall
Closest member of Congress about 100 yards away
Fake offered as”proof” defeated as always
Retard. What the fuck difference does it make? Did the MAGA mob invade Congress or not?

Simple question. Even a full-baked retard like you can answer it. Go.
The was no invasion of congress. Congress meets in chambers about100 yards away from as far as Buffalo Bill ever got. Plus he’s one guy out of thousands
You all make up scenarios that are compatible to your feelings and wishes and then fakely go with that as fact
Keep lying, retard.

Congress Invasion1.jpg

Congress Invasion2.jpg
Not much worse than what you retards did. I believe poor Pence is still having nightmares about you MAGA mob trying to hang him.
Yep an insurrection that no one has been charged with. Oh and unarmed people almost overthrew our government. Not very smart, are you?
Yep an insurrection that no one has been charged with. Oh and unarmed people almost overthrew our government. Not very smart, are you?
Where did I mention insurrection? Guilty much?

But let's take your broader point of no one being charged....
I do believe that I know this news story. Here's the thing, I believe that everybody was in the wrong here. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to have that machine up in the boy's bathroom, but at the same time vandalism is against the law.

It's also pretty cool that Trump contacted the kid and wrote him a letter and gave him a MAGA cap, but I don't think that he should be condoning illegal behavior either.

/——/ Ohhh, get a helmet and sneak out of your safe space.
Nope. One is more than the other. Let's see if you can figure it out.

I don't think a retard like you can but hey, surprise me. Go.
It's okay short buser .. 1/2 the country doesn't agree with your premise and it will continue to erode as time moves on :itsok: .. no need to burn calories on a retarded question.
yet, here you are doing so.
This is where double standards in justice lead a country. One side gets away with criminal behavior but the other is prosecuted. What do you expect them to do? Screw their justice system until it becomes free and fair again.
Great, so you support bullying and vandalism?
This can have far reaching affects if the dispenser was left in there. These kids know other kids in other schools. As opponents in many sports or just school pride. I typed school pride. So, then it gets more than taking a ribbing it may mean altercations and worse. How can so many people forget going to school with the other issues different than the forced agendas we see today.

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