Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

He was totally wrong. New Zealand successfully staged a lockdown in the first days of the coronavirus and they got a handle on it. The reason the lockdowns were not successful was because right wingers refused to cooperate thus reducing the effectiveness of it. Of course Trump egged them on which shows how Trump kept the cxoronavirus going. Right wingers have kept it going by not getting vaccinated.

The economy is booming right now so no economies have been destroyed. The monthly question is not how many jobs were created but how many people decided to work.
The only question are do you get paid to post this BS or do you actually believe this nonsense................For your sake I hope you get paid to post it. Because if not you are truely fucked.
When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.

"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...

He has been proven right quite frequently
So you must really hate Europe. They spread syphilis. Nope, Trump the idiot left the airports open from Europe where Covid ran rapid. I was he and his herd of minions who are in the way of herd immunity. Stupidity does that. Biden said he was getting rid of covid ? Where ? He promised he would do everything he could to provided vaccines to anyone free of charge. The idiot Humpers who refuse to take is are the root cause of the continuation of covid.
I love Europe. It was you people that were saying that Trump should have been more like Europe and shut everything down. The problem with that is Europe is you people were pointing to Europe as a model for shutting down. Now, you are saying COVID was running rampid.

Since you are such an expert about when, where, and how COVID flows, what has been the flow from the southern border since February 2020? Should we close it down?

Keep pining on that since you destroyed yourself, posting an article which said Trump disbanded the pandemic response unit.

The team was merged with others.

Tell us again how Biodefense Teams only deal with chemical weapons, Dumbass. :dance:
I love Europe. It was you people that were saying that Trump should have been more like Europe and shut everything down. The problem with that is Europe is you people were pointing to Europe as a model for shutting down. Now, you are saying COVID was running rampid.

Since you are such an expert about when, where, and how COVID flows, what has been the flow from the southern border since February 2020? Should we close it down?
So where did Biden say he would get rid of Covid ? It was never in his hands. All he can do is provide the means. It’s free for everyone. It’s in the hands of every individual. Contagious diseases are like that. Someone else doesn’t cure you. It’s up to Humpers to do their part instead of whining.
From the Troll who had HUG A CHINA MAN DAYS in California and New York............Dang you peeps are EXPERT LIARS.....

Did you ever win anything at the FISH TOURNEY LIARS AWARDS...........Either that or you should sell used cars........
Who was closer to China then Trump. He has a North Korean love interest.
keep one thing in mind. Biden was NOT president when Covid hit our shores or there for the resulting recession. ITS THE SAME OLD SAME OLD. Repos create the problem then whine and complain because Obama and now Biden aren’t cleaning it fast enough when they’re the ones still trying to fk everything up….frauds. They have no agenda, but to steal elections and steal wealth.
So where did Biden say he would get rid of Covid ? It was never in his hands. All he can do is provide the means. It’s free for everyone. It’s in the hands of every individual. Contagious diseases are like that. Someone else doesn’t cure you. It’s up to Humpers to do their part instead of whining.
Go back to the debate with Trump and you will see where he criticized Trump’s and handling and Biden said he will end it. Further, you might want to look at the numbers regarding people not doing their part..A good number of Blacks are not getting vaccinated as well as Latinos. The majority of these are not Trump supporters.
The team was merged with others.

Tell us again how Biodefense Teams only deal with chemical weapons, Dumbass. :dance:

You poor thing, they don't plan on how to deal with pandemics. Trump dismantled that pandemic response team.

You got owned by your own article.

You poor thing, they don't plan on how to deal with pandemics. Trump dismantled that pandemic response team.

You got owned by your own article.
What exactly is a pandemic team for a virus that no one knows anything about?
You’re making it sound like doctors who work in hospitals are helpless without the government.

You poor thing, they don't plan on how to deal with pandemics. Trump dismantled that pandemic response team.

You got owned by your own article.
Ultimately restructuring a pandemic response team is not the same as an outright dismantling. Get your facts straight.

Democrats then and Democrats now continue to impede the economy in the name of the pandemic. Limiting businesses did nothing to help the pandemic. You people need to answer how come you were slow to businesses opening back up yet quick for mass protests to take place.

You poor thing, they don't plan on how to deal with pandemics. Trump dismantled that pandemic response team.

You got owned by your own article.
I gave you a link to the definition of biodefense, Dumbass. They deal with exactly what Fauci and China unleashed on the world.

Tell us again how a biodefense team only deals with chemical threats, Moron. :dance:
What exactly is a pandemic team for a virus that no one knows anything about?
You’re making it sound like doctors who work in hospitals are helpless without the government.
The Internet can answer all your questions.
Ultimately restructuring a pandemic response team is not the same as an outright dismantling. Get your facts straight.

Democrats then and Democrats now continue to impede the economy in the name of the pandemic. Limiting businesses did nothing to help the pandemic. You people need to answer how come you were slow to businesses opening back up yet quick for mass protests to take place.
It wasn't restructured. It was entirely disbanded. All the members either resigned or were reassigned to other duties or shipped overseas to help other countries.
I gave you a link to the definition of biodefense, Dumbass. They deal with exactly what Fauci and China unleashed on the world.

Tell us again how a biodefense team only deals with chemical threats, Moron. :dance:

And your link said nothing about preparing or dealing with pandemics.

Your own link owned you, Dumbfuck. :lmao:
It already has; the Feds accomplished dip squat.
It’s cool when you admit you couldn’t find an answer.
Who said I couldn't, Spunky? It's not my job to look shit up for you. If you wanna learn, go get educated.
Who said I couldn't, Spunky? It's not my job to look shit up for you. If you wanna learn, go get educated.
Since you always take 30 minutes to find something, you couldn’t find anything to back you up except for your usual emotionally disturbed ad hominem.
Your parents really fucked you up.
Go back to the debate with Trump and you will see where he criticized Trump’s and handling and Biden said he will end it. Further, you might want to look at the numbers regarding people not doing their part..A good number of Blacks are not getting vaccinated as well as Latinos. The majority of these are not Trump supporters.
Still no proof. Nothing.
While we have Trump’s own words, 13 times, saying covid will be gone soon…he even kissed China’s ass.
I guess by magic, the weather, Oz , wishful thinking… kmows. He doesn’t have a clue. Listen. He’s a nut job. Not much different then the foolishness here by Humpers.
Btw, Humpers aren’t that bright about contagious diseases are they. EVERYONE HAS TO BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO BE VACCINATED to be effective

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