Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

This morning I didn’t take my blood pressure or cholesterol medicine. I sent the pills to a lab and paid another scientist to tell me what’s really in those pills. But how do I know that scientist isn’t in on it? So I got a second opinion. Just want to be sure the medical community isn’t putting magnets in me.
Do any stupid shit you want, I really don’t care. It’s your life, not mine.
Gee, you admit it was the poor handling of Covid then. You’re slowly getting there. Guess who was in charge ? Dah.
You keep ignoring the root cause, China. As for Trump, I applaud him for pushing us to get the economy opened up while Democrats kept screaming for lockdowns unless it involved a BLM protest. Fauci has been all over the place recently. Biden said he was going to get rid of COVID. But guy keep beating up Trump if it makes you feel better. Blame is not a solution.
You get my point. You take the shot the doctor gives. You don’t send it out for testing first to see if they are putting magnets in you or a tracker.
What point? You have none. I think you are lost and clueless. What does that have to do with going to another doctor and getting a second opinion?
Um, you claimed the Bio defense team only fought against Chemicals.

And here is the definition of Bio warfare, which is exactly what China did, Dumbass.

You really like getting bitchslapped, huh?

Biological warfare is the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as bacteria, virus, rickettsiae, and fungi, or their toxins, to kill or incapacitate humans

Yes, I used the wrong term. Should have said biological weapons, not chemical weapons.

Irrelevant in this discussion however because they were still no longer working in defense of pandemics.

Again, Trump disbanded that unit which even your link said.
Yes, I used the wrong term. Should have said biological weapons, not chemical weapons.

Irrelevant in this discussion however because they were still no longer working in defense of pandemics.

Again, Trump disbanded that unit which even your link said.
You admit you lied, then double down on your lies.

Typical of you, liar.
Never mind then papa. Are you being obtuse?
No, I stated I go to doctors and if they find issues I go get a second opinion and you said you didn’t then went on some stupid rant of having your medicine analyzed, for what reason, I have no clie.
You admit you lied, then double down on your lies.

Typical of you, liar.
No, a lie would would be saying goodbye something I knew was untruthful. I was thinking of chemical weapons but you're right, it's biological weapons. But the evidence it was a mistake on my part and not a lie is ...

It doesn't make a difference. Either way, they still weren't working on strategies to battle a pandemic. They were working on strategies to defend against biological warfare.
No, a lie would would be saying goodbye something I knew was untruthful. I was thinking of chemical weapons but you're right, it's biological weapons. But the evidence it was a mistake on my part and not a lie is ...

It doesn't make a difference. Either way, they still weren't working on strategies to battle a pandemic. They were working on strategies to defend against biological warfare.
No, I stated I go to doctors and if they find issues I go get a second opinion and you said you didn’t then went on some stupid rant of having your medicine analyzed, for what reason, I have no clie.
You don't go get a second opinion liar.

Yea Papa. If you don't trust the medical community why don't you have your high blood pressure medicine analyzed? The nuts who won't get vaccinated don't trust the doctors. They think they are putting magnets in them with the shot.

If you are that paranoid, I'm assuming you have your pills diagnosed before you take them right? Or do you trust?
You don't go get a second opinion liar.

Yea Papa. If you don't trust the medical community why don't you have your high blood pressure medicine analyzed? The nuts who won't get vaccinated don't trust the doctors. They think they are putting magnets in them with the shot.

If you are that paranoid, I'm assuming you have your pills diagnosed before you take them right? Or do you trust?
You get second opinions all the time, if you are referred to another doctor, that is getting a second opinion. You have never gotten a second opinion? Seriously? My son was diagnosed when he was three months with some rare fluid on the brain disease, we went to another doctor and he examined him and he was fine. It has nothing to do with trust, it has everything to do with being responsible person when it comes to health. No one doctor knows it all. If you don't want to offend your doctor then don't get a second opinion. When it comes to prescriptions, the doctor and I go over the prescription and possible side effects so we can see if it is helping or hurting. Right now I take one medication for blood sugar.

I guess I don't understand your logic.
Um, you claimed the Bio defense team only fought against Chemicals.

And here is the definition of Bio warfare, which is exactly what China did, Dumbass.

You really like getting bitchslapped, huh?

Biological warfare is the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as bacteria, virus, rickettsiae, and fungi, or their toxins, to kill or incapacitate humans

These Panda-People Can't Walk and Chew Chop Suey at the Same Time

Look at the shoddy merchandise the Chinese sweatshops send us and our traitors in retail sell. The same carelessness and incompetence must be true about their lab workers.

Not blaming genetic disabilities to produce anything worth anything also creates the Chickenhawk warmongers' scare story about their military. The Poopy People's Army can be aggressive but it will turn into resounding defeats because of their incompetence. They are either an inferior and harmless race, a DNA Paper Tiger, or have been turned into Third World losers by Communism.
You keep ignoring the root cause, China. As for Trump, I applaud him for pushing us to get the economy opened up while Democrats kept screaming for lockdowns unless it involved a BLM protest. Fauci has been all over the place recently. Biden said he was going to get rid of COVID. But guy keep beating up Trump if it makes you feel better. Blame is not a solution.
So you must really hate Europe. They spread syphilis. Nope, Trump the idiot left the airports open from Europe where Covid ran rapid. I was he and his herd of minions who are in the way of herd immunity. Stupidity does that. Biden said he was getting rid of covid ? Where ? He promised he would do everything he could to provided vaccines to anyone free of charge. The idiot Humpers who refuse to take is are the root cause of the continuation of covid.
So you must really hate Europe. They spread syphilis. Nope, Trump the idiot left the airports open from Europe where Covid ran rapid. I was he and his herd of minions who are in the way of herd immunity. Stupidity does that. Biden said he was getting rid of covid ? Where ? He promised he would do everything he could to provided vaccines to anyone free of charge. The idiot Humpers who refuse to take is are the root cause of the continuation of covid.
From the Troll who had HUG A CHINA MAN DAYS in California and New York............Dang you peeps are EXPERT LIARS.....

Did you ever win anything at the FISH TOURNEY LIARS AWARDS...........Either that or you should sell used cars........
When the left and the media were demanding lockdowns,. and President Trump and many Republican governor's were being pummeled in articles and TV news for not embracing lockdowns and keeping their state's open... science has proven they were right...

And here are the receipts ... March 2020...

Thank God my Governor had a backbone and held out as long as possible under the assault from democrats especially in the media.

"Some states are still refusing to order lockdowns Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said he will not issue a statewide shutdown, insisting it is down to 'individual responsibility' Medical experts sent him..."

And Kudos to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for standing up to relentless pressure and never shutting down...

Honorable mentions for other states that did their best to defy the democrats demands to destroy their states economies...

He was totally wrong. New Zealand successfully staged a lockdown in the first days of the coronavirus and they got a handle on it. The reason the lockdowns were not successful was because right wingers refused to cooperate thus reducing the effectiveness of it. Of course Trump egged them on which shows how Trump kept the cxoronavirus going. Right wingers have kept it going by not getting vaccinated.

The economy is booming right now so no economies have been destroyed. The monthly question is not how many jobs were created but how many people decided to work.

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