Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

Florida is a death camp.
Far from it.

The spread is mostly among the unvaccinated which is mostly you Humpers. You guys are the contagious zombies who walk among us spewing your infections. Humper super spreaders.
According to the CDC being vaccinated does not stop you from spreading COVID.


The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus.

In a segment on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said that while the vaccines are doing very well to protect against serious illness and death, what they cannot do anymore is stop transmission.

“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to sever illness and death. They prevent it," Walensky said.

The following statement is more notable, however, as it is one of the only times the CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines are not capable of stopping the spread of the virus.
Let’s get the history of our dependence on Middle East oil. First, we literally drained reserves from portions of Texas during ww2 where the US was supplying practically ALL of the oil for the entire allied war effort. Much of the effort went into keep Middle East oil out Germany’s hands and allowing the Middle East countries to remain sovereign instead of having a fascist German presence. So, that is the genesis of our cozy relationship with. Middle East countries.

Because of the sacrifices the US made for the world and the Middle East, to this day, the world is much more dependent on Middle East oil then it would have otherwise.

Yet still, we are the worlds largest producer.
“The US is by far and away the world's largest oil producer (over 180 million MT in 1940), followed by the Venezuela and the Soviet Union (30 and 27 million MT respectively”

So yes, the world needs to be dependent on oil from the Middle East as well. It’s a historical necessity. Get use to it till alternate sources can replace it.
Mercenary Mythmakers Are the Message

Your sources are bribed by jihadi oil money. We do not have to accept this designed shortage. From your analysis's very beginning, it does not fit the facts. After World War II, oil in America was cheap and abundant. So even if the Strategic Oil Reserve was drained to save the formerly Great Britain, there was plenty more to fill it right back up and supply American gasoline to Americans at 20 cents a gallon all through the 50s. Then the petrocrats came up with this scheme: shutting off half America from drilling (which they blamed on the Gubmint) and forcing our dependence on the OPECkers, who would cripple our economy for fanatical religious reasons.
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my link said Dipshit.

and coordinated the United States’ response to the Ebola epidemic in Congo, which was ultimately defeated its expert team was critical to effectively handling the 2018-19 Africa Ebola crisis."
Gasping and Gagging on Gaia

The Unabomber Cult's scare-story fantasy of "pollution" is what stopped Ebola from coming here. There is no great concentration of auto emissions in the jungle countries where it originated and spread. The Green Monster's whole Caveman Science is based on the superstition that natural air is safest for us. Before industrialization, that primitive air produced plague after plague. Nature is a crime against humanity.
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Like the rest of Trumps Cabinet they were out to cut anything they didn’t understand .....which is pretty much anything with three or more syllables.
Trump Should Have Hired Rap "Musicians" to Deflect Criticism From the Thughuggers

If they had spoken Ebonics, using "three or more syllables," you would have accepted their opinion out of fear of being charged with Ray Sizzum.
Far from it.

Moving the Goalposts So Their Opponents Have to Settle for a Field Goal

But no controlled dissenter accuses the Lockdown of actually causing all these deaths. The deceptive and defective term "pollution" eliminates the interpretation that it can be antiseptic.
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Moving the Goalposts So Their Opponents Have to Settle for a Field Goal

But no controlled dissenter accuses the Lockdown of actually causing all these deaths. The defective term "pollution" eliminates the interpretation that it can be antiseptic.
If I had to make a choice of where to live during this pandemic I would definitely chose the Free State of Florida over New York or California.
Trump Should Have Hired Rap "Musicians" to Deflect Criticism From the Thughuggers

If they had spoken Ebonics, using "three or more syllables," you would have accepted their opinion out of fear of being charged with Ray Sizzum.
Trump did. He hired his entire family of bag lapoers to be advisors. The White House was the la cosa Nostra
The economy would grow even more, if the far right Humpers got vaccinated.
Maybe if inflation was not in the double digits and energy prices weren’t higher is the more likely answer. How did they contribute to people not getting vaccinated..a good chunk of Blacks and Latinos refuse to get vaccinated as well. Based on your logic, why only the conservatives not getting vaccinated made the economy worse??
Maybe if inflation was not in the double digits and energy prices weren’t higher is the more likely answer. How did they contribute to people not getting vaccinated..a good chunk of Blacks and Latinos refuse to get vaccinated as well. Based on your logic, why only the conservatives not getting vaccinated made the economy worse??
Inflation follows recessions. If we didn’t have a recession and so many people unvaccinated, we would not have the economic problem. The economy follows covid. It’s the poor handling of covid and huge tax cuts by Trump that cause the recession.
Inflation follows recessions. If we didn’t have a recession and so many people unvaccinated, we would not have the economic problem. The economy follows covid. It’s the poor handling of covid and huge tax cuts by Trump that cause the recession.
Lockdowns of businesses had nothing to do with it???
Imbecile, Tim Morrison became the head of the counterproliferation and biodefense team.

That's not fighting pandemics, it's fighting chemical weapons.

Are you ever not a complete moron?


  • 1.defensive measures taken to protect against an attack using biological weapons:"the panel will issue a report recommending actions to improve biodefense"

Dumbfuck, that's not fighting against a pandemic. You're such a piñata, you're now beating yourself with a stick. :lmao:

From your link:

surgical masks reduce the chances of testing positive

Wearing masks indoors reduces transmission,

Thanks for confirming they don't prevent the spread of the Fauci Flu.
They reduce the chance of transmission. You just posted that.


Dumbfuck, that's not fighting against a pandemic. You're such a piñata, you're now beating yourself with a stick. :lmao:

Um, you claimed the Bio defense team only fought against Chemicals.

And here is the definition of Bio warfare, which is exactly what China did, Dumbass.

You really like getting bitchslapped, huh?

Biological warfare is the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as bacteria, virus, rickettsiae, and fungi, or their toxins, to kill or incapacitate humans


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