Trump Rising like a rocket Ready to smash democrats !

Was watching the news this evening, and it seems that a lot of people (Trump supporters included) are seeing either a decrease in their anticipated refund, or they are finding that they have to pay more in taxes this year.

Seems that part of the problem, is that some people didn't adjust their withholding this year after Trumps tax plan went into effect. And, there are others who happen to be in a certain income level that have actually seen their taxes INCREASE.

Yeah......................let's see how popular Trump still is after April 15th.

What news network?

CNBC, VICE, NBC, CBS and ABC. Do a Google search for "paying more in taxes this year" and you will see.

Here's one to help you out, from VICE News.

It is still very, very early in the tax return season.
Some dimwit here at USMB said that they made alot more money last year and paid more in taxes. Did they expect to pay less than the year before when they made alot less?
Taxes are proportional to earnings; a concept that eludes many. Just sayin'.
Was watching the news this evening, and it seems that a lot of people (Trump supporters included) are seeing either a decrease in their anticipated refund, or they are finding that they have to pay more in taxes this year.

Seems that part of the problem, is that some people didn't adjust their withholding this year after Trumps tax plan went into effect. And, there are others who happen to be in a certain income level that have actually seen their taxes INCREASE.

Yeah......................let's see how popular Trump still is after April 15th.

What news network?

CNBC, VICE, NBC, CBS and ABC. Do a Google search for "paying more in taxes this year" and you will see.

Here's one to help you out, from VICE News.

All are lying liberal news media that cater to fools like yourself....

Did you do your taxes for this year yet? If so, did you do better or worse? Like I said, I'm gonna get mine done in the next week or so and will report back.
Was watching the news this evening, and it seems that a lot of people (Trump supporters included) are seeing either a decrease in their anticipated refund, or they are finding that they have to pay more in taxes this year.

Seems that part of the problem, is that some people didn't adjust their withholding this year after Trumps tax plan went into effect. And, there are others who happen to be in a certain income level that have actually seen their taxes INCREASE.

Yeah......................let's see how popular Trump still is after April 15th.

All those drugs have messed your mind up....

I don't do drugs. Not unless they are administered by my doctor, and he says that I HAVE to take them. I don't even do OTC drugs unless I am really sick.

Here.........................some light reading about Trump's tax plan and it's effect on people this year.

If I were you, I would rather have people think I was on drugs instead of stupid.

We all got a tax break any way you cut it......….
Nice! Just imagine how his numbers will go between now and 2020, and between 2020 and 2024.

Greatest President ever!


I would like to see him crowned king for life...……


You would like to see him crowned king for life? Why do you hate everything about what America stands for? We fought a revolution, drew up a Constitution and became a democracy to avoid that very thing.
/—-/ It was a joke, proving once again liberals have no sense of humor.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Was watching the news this evening, and it seems that a lot of people (Trump supporters included) are seeing either a decrease in their anticipated refund, or they are finding that they have to pay more in taxes this year.

Seems that part of the problem, is that some people didn't adjust their withholding this year after Trumps tax plan went into effect. And, there are others who happen to be in a certain income level that have actually seen their taxes INCREASE.

Yeah......................let's see how popular Trump still is after April 15th.

What news network?

CNBC, VICE, NBC, CBS and ABC. Do a Google search for "paying more in taxes this year" and you will see.

Here's one to help you out, from VICE News.

All are lying liberal news media that cater to fools like yourself....

Did you do your taxes for this year yet? If so, did you do better or worse? Like I said, I'm gonna get mine done in the next week or so and will report back.

My wife does them...…
Nice! Just imagine how his numbers will go between now and 2020, and between 2020 and 2024.

Greatest President ever!


I would like to see him crowned king for life...……


You would like to see him crowned king for life? Why do you hate everything about what America stands for? We fought a revolution, drew up a Constitution and became a democracy to avoid that very thing.

And yet when we get idiots like Obama in the White House, invariably some schmuck like Woody Allen will state that he wishes Obama could be a "dictator" for awhile, so he could get something done.

No thanks. I'd rather live under a successful President for the next ten years, rather than I would Obama for a month.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
More wisdom from the Raunchy Right...


Remember the Dems who relied upon polls in 2016?

Polls don't mean diddly-squat when you're staring a Grand Jury indictment down the barrel, Tvaritch...

Not in this country, anyway... don't know (or care) how that works in your neighborhood ( Red Square, Moskva )...
Nice! Just imagine how his numbers will go between now and 2020, and between 2020 and 2024.

Greatest President ever!


I would like to see him crowned king for life...……


You would like to see him crowned king for life? Why do you hate everything about what America stands for? We fought a revolution, drew up a Constitution and became a democracy to avoid that very thing.

And yet when we get idiots like Obama in the White House, invariably some schmuck like Woody Allen will state that he wishes Obama could be a "dictator" for awhile, so he could get something done.

No thanks. I'd rather live under a successful President for the next ten years, rather than I would Obama for a month.
The next 10 years.....:71:
Nice! Just imagine how his numbers will go between now and 2020, and between 2020 and 2024.

Greatest President ever!


I would like to see him crowned king for life...……


You would like to see him crowned king for life? Why do you hate everything about what America stands for? We fought a revolution, drew up a Constitution and became a democracy to avoid that very thing.

And yet when we get idiots like Obama in the White House, invariably some schmuck like Woody Allen will state that he wishes Obama could be a "dictator" for awhile, so he could get something done.

No thanks. I'd rather live under a successful President for the next ten years, rather than I would Obama for a month.
The next 10 years.....:71:

You'd enjoy the prosperity. Admit it.
Nice! Just imagine how his numbers will go between now and 2020, and between 2020 and 2024.

Greatest President ever!


I would like to see him crowned king for life...……


You would like to see him crowned king for life? Why do you hate everything about what America stands for? We fought a revolution, drew up a Constitution and became a democracy to avoid that very thing.

And yet when we get idiots like Obama in the White House, invariably some schmuck like Woody Allen will state that he wishes Obama could be a "dictator" for awhile, so he could get something done.

No thanks. I'd rather live under a successful President for the next ten years, rather than I would Obama for a month.
The next 10 years.....:71:

You'd enjoy the prosperity. Admit it.
/—-/ I enjoyed the Reagan boom that continued up until GHWB managed to strangle it.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Those aren't my expectations. I expect the Chinese to surrender any day now and offer us Hong Kong in exchange for lower tariffs..
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Those aren't my expectations. I expect the Chinese to surrender any day now and offer us Taiwan.
So far no deal which is why new tariffs are being placed on Chinese made crap.
What has Trump done to deserve such admiration?

The biggest thing he's done so far is not be arrested.

Who would you rather vote for "A candidate you like who's going to build a Railroad over the Ocean"
Or a Candidate you may not always agree with but who doesn't believe Over ocean rail travel is plausible . They can name it the MOON BAT Express I guess. Kamala , and Cory, and Pocahontas can all jump on and ride the train all the way to Socialist utopia.:abgg2q.jpg:
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Today, it had dropped over 200 points during the day, and it closed at minus 63.20, for a final close of 25,106.33.

Hey....................wasn't there someone who was saying that the DOW would be flirting with 27,000 by the end of April last year?

I'm thinking it's gonna see 22,000 before it sees 27,000.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Those aren't my expectations. I expect the Chinese to surrender any day now and offer us Taiwan.
So far no deal which is why new tariffs are being placed on Chinese made crap.

Because they've eased off on some of theirs. We don't want to kill them, just have fair trade deals.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Today, it had dropped over 200 points during the day, and it closed at minus 63.20, for a final close of 25,106.33.

Hey....................wasn't there someone who was saying that the DOW would be flirting with 27,000 by the end of April last year?

I'm thinking it's gonna see 22,000 before it sees 27,000.

25,106.33? So what the highest point during Obama? A 200 point drop is nothing to be worried about.
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump
It's funny how the conservative republicans are whistling past the graveyard.
Expectations on Monday are triple digit loses over tariffs starting...

Those aren't my expectations. I expect the Chinese to surrender any day now and offer us Hong Kong in exchange for lower tariffs..

Whistling past the Grave yard ? Democrats and their ridiculous Abortion stance are singing Koom byah in the graveyard over the bodies of 57,000,000 aborted humans. The Nazis only killed 6,000,000! good job!
Trump gaining so fast in polls

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Polls are scared to list the wise soaring for trump

LOL...Rasmussen means NOTHING.

They are a STAGGERINGLY biased polling service.

And before some clod says 'Yeah - they were the most accurate before the 2016 elections'. they were not...they not even close to the most accurate if you actually look at the numbers.

Most polls have Trump no where NEAR 50%.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

The only thing more politically pathetic than someone who blindly follows a politician (for either party) one who does not even bother to look at respected data to do it.

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