Trump Rocks Phoenix

More White Working-class voters went to the polls in 2012 than was found by exit polls on Election Day. This raises the prospect that Mr. Trump has a larger pool of potential voters than generally believed.

This fact calls into question the prevailing demographic explanation of recent elections, which held thatBarack Obama did very poorly among whites and won only because young and minority voters turned out in record numbers. This story line led Republicans to conclude that they had maximized their support from white voters and needed to reach out to Hispanics to win in 2016.

Those previous conclusions emerged from exit polls released on election night. The new data from the census, voter registration files, polls and the finalized results tells a subtly different story with potential consequences for the 2016 election.

The data implies that Mr. Obama was not as weak among white voters as typically believed. He fared better than his predecessors among white voters outside the South. Demographic shifts weren’t so important: He would have been re-elected even with an electorate as old and white as it was in 2004. Latino voters did not put Mr. Obama over the top, as many argued in the reality it was the fact that so many working class whites stayed home....whites that are now supporting Trump.
^paranoid delusions or an excuse to run away from higher education?
Your paranoid delusions are your own.

I don't make excuses and have experienced a lucrative career without running away. My life didn't stop at high school getting high with my progressive friends.

Smoke another one.

I doubt your lucrative career (only because you felt the need to bring it up) but it doesn't matter one way or another.

The demographics for Trump at this moment don't look good. When it comes to minorities he appears to be far behind Romney in 2012. He's also seems to be lagging white women and educated whites. For Trump, I don't see a clear path to victory and he doesn't appear to be able to switch from a highly partisan Republican primary to a general election.
Dude. You really are lost.

I'm not a Republican, I don't support Trump, nor Hillary.

I just despise progressives.

Go back to your bong!

Your personal background doesn't mean anything in this topic. I could care less whether you are a Republican, Democrat or a person of the Moon.
You question me and don't like the response?

I suggest you keep your personal opinion to yourself. Happy Joy joy

I asked you an obvious rhetorical question two posts ago.
^paranoid delusions or an excuse to run away from higher education?
Your paranoid delusions are your own.

I don't make excuses and have experienced a lucrative career without running away. My life didn't stop at high school getting high with my progressive friends.

Smoke another one.

I doubt your lucrative career (only because you felt the need to bring it up) but it doesn't matter one way or another.

The demographics for Trump at this moment don't look good. When it comes to minorities he appears to be far behind Romney in 2012. He's also seems to be lagging white women and educated whites. For Trump, I don't see a clear path to victory and he doesn't appear to be able to switch from a highly partisan Republican primary to a general election.
You are the one talking about paranoia and running from education.

Good one. :alcoholic:
Good one.

I don't drink asshole!

No, the drinking was for me. You're pointless to talk to.
Glad everything went well and there weren't folks out blocking traffic. In the heat we are having here I suspect folks would have a very short fuse when it comes to troublemakers. I've decided to do my best to keep a positive attitude during this election, hopefully folks will be respectful even if the candidates aren't.
More White Working-class voters went to the polls in 2012 than was found by exit polls on Election Day. This raises the prospect that Mr. Trump has a larger pool of potential voters than generally believed.

This fact calls into question the prevailing demographic explanation of recent elections, which held thatBarack Obama did very poorly among whites and won only because young and minority voters turned out in record numbers. This story line led Republicans to conclude that they had maximized their support from white voters and needed to reach out to Hispanics to win in 2016.

Those previous conclusions emerged from exit polls released on election night. The new data from the census, voter registration files, polls and the finalized results tells a subtly different story with potential consequences for the 2016 election.

The data implies that Mr. Obama was not as weak among white voters as typically believed. He fared better than his predecessors among white voters outside the South. Demographic shifts weren’t so important: He would have been re-elected even with an electorate as old and white as it was in 2004. Latino voters did not put Mr. Obama over the top, as many argued in the reality it was the fact that so many working class whites stayed home....whites that are now supporting Trump.

It comes down to the fact that Obama actually received more white votes than previously though. 1 in 3 as opposed to 1 in 4. I'm not so sure this type of voter is going to vote for Obama in 2012 and then whip around and vote for the man baby birther king.

Plus, Trump still has to make up ground for the minority vote he is losing by in huge margins.
If only we had another thread bereft of thought or fact that pronounced how awesome Trump is.
Vote Gary Johnson.

HRC is the worst candidate ever, but then Donald came along.

The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

What you do not understand is that this election will be decided by the White Working Class....most of whom do not have a college education.

Academia in America is so screwed they have fallen down a rabbit hole...aka political correctness rules in their ivory towers of not led them mislead you chump.

In their view, those without a college degree are unable to function as intelligent adults.
Those with a college degree are MIND NUMB, MANIPULATED ROBOTS for the most part, but because of the HORRIBLE EMPLOYMENT under the Obomanation, they are actually starting to realize what has been done to them for all these years...of course, a degree in WOMAN'S STUDIES is something NO EMPLOYER is looking for!

The BELOW is what I'm waiting for....I want to see the BIKERS have eggs thrown at them, and SUCKER PUNCHED by the Bernie/Hildebeast crowd, and watch their reaction! LOLOLOL!

  • Biker Groups Will Protect Supporters at Trump’s Phoenix Rally
    Western Journalism ^ | June 18, 2016 | Jack Davis
    In the wake of violence waged against supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at past rallies, two biker groups will be on hand at Saturday’s Trump rally in Phoenix to allow citizens to exercise their rights in peace. “We’re going to stand between them and any protesters that come onto the property and hopefully protect them from any bodily harm, should it get to that point,” said Cindy Perrin of Lions Guard Arizona. She said the group is made up of veterans, retired police officers and others. They were joined by Riders USA, said Kirtis Baxter, president of the...
Exactly.................and any honest objective thinker that has a college degree knows how over-rated a university education is to begin with....especially those prestigious east coast universities aka the ivy league who have been radicalized to the point of outrage....where political correctness and affirmative action is pervasive and dominant.
If only we had another thread bereft of thought or fact that pronounced how awesome Trump is.
Vote Gary Johnson.

HRC is the worst candidate ever, but then Donald came along.

The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

And women
And Hispanics
And blacks
And Asians
And unmarried women

And is doing whatever he can to lose institutional republicants.
Only the blind or the foolishly ignorant blinded by political correctness cannot see that Donald Trump is the best choice to be the next President of The USA!

'We're going to solve our problems!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit

My son is in the Army, in Psy Ops....when we still had several running to be the nominee I asked me if he was goin to vote for Trump...he said Hell No. Now that we're down to him and Clinton, that has changed. Him and many others in the military will be voting for Trump.. We all know what will happen if Hillary is elected....we might as well take the chance on Trump, it cant be any worse. I will take a chance on Trump than to take a chance on that Lying POS Clinton.

I totally love the logic of voting for the complete unknown vs. voting for someone whom you yourself say is predictable.

Nonsense: Trump is a winner.....
According to himself. He actually had a casino file for bankruptcy which is hard to do. The "winner" was only able to scam a handful of people into buying the executive package at Trump U. Good snake oil salesmen did far more than that like Tom Vu, Albert Morris, Tony Hoffman etc...

he is a businessman......both of which we need.
Not certain why you say that; it's a different skillset. People who work for you are subservient to you. The Congress doesn't work for the President and these are the people he will have to convice. His people skills are on about the same level an eight grade student.

You're talking about a guy who insinuated a woman was on her period.
You're talking about a guy who makes fun of the disabled.
You're talking about a guy who makes crank calls, admits it then denies it.

Now, no voted for about unknowns...the most mysterious president we have ever fact it is difficult to tell if he is for or against America.
Only someone woefully ignorant of the past 8 years would make such a statement. This is bore out by Politifact that recently had him keeping his campgin promises at around 80%.

Hillary is the most crooked person to ever run for the least in modern times....well perhaps excluding LBJ.

You have your programming down. That much I can say for you.
The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

What you do not understand is that this election will be decided by the White Working Class....most of whom do not have a college education.

Academia in America is so screwed they have fallen down a rabbit hole...aka political correctness rules in their ivory towers of not led them mislead you chump.

In their view, those without a college degree are unable to function as intelligent adults.
Those with a college degree are MIND NUMB, MANIPULATED ROBOTS for the most part, but because of the HORRIBLE EMPLOYMENT under the Obomanation, they are actually starting to realize what has been done to them for all these years...of course, a degree in WOMAN'S STUDIES is something NO EMPLOYER is looking for!

The BELOW is what I'm waiting for....I want to see the BIKERS have eggs thrown at them, and SUCKER PUNCHED by the Bernie/Hildebeast crowd, and watch their reaction! LOLOLOL!

  • Biker Groups Will Protect Supporters at Trump’s Phoenix Rally
    Western Journalism ^ | June 18, 2016 | Jack Davis
    In the wake of violence waged against supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at past rallies, two biker groups will be on hand at Saturday’s Trump rally in Phoenix to allow citizens to exercise their rights in peace. “We’re going to stand between them and any protesters that come onto the property and hopefully protect them from any bodily harm, should it get to that point,” said Cindy Perrin of Lions Guard Arizona. She said the group is made up of veterans, retired police officers and others. They were joined by Riders USA, said Kirtis Baxter, president of the...
Exactly.................and any honest objective thinker that has a college degree knows how over-rated a university education is to begin with....especially those prestigious east coast universities aka the ivy league who have been radicalized to the point of outrage....where political correctness and affirmative action is pervasive and dominant.

Oh? Maybe in right wing circles, the rest of the country to include those who do not have a college education value it's importance in 2016.
If only we had another thread bereft of thought or fact that pronounced how awesome Trump is.
Vote Gary Johnson.

HRC is the worst candidate ever, but then Donald came along.

The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

And women
And Hispanics
And blacks
And Asians
And unmarried women

And is doing whatever he can to lose institutional republicants.
Only the blind or the foolishly ignorant blinded by political correctness cannot see that Donald Trump is the best choice to be the next President of The USA!

'We're going to solve our problems!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit

My son is in the Army, in Psy Ops....when we still had several running to be the nominee I asked me if he was goin to vote for Trump...he said Hell No. Now that we're down to him and Clinton, that has changed. Him and many others in the military will be voting for Trump.. We all know what will happen if Hillary is elected....we might as well take the chance on Trump, it cant be any worse. I will take a chance on Trump than to take a chance on that Lying POS Clinton.

I totally love the logic of voting for the complete unknown vs. voting for someone whom you yourself say is predictable.

Nonsense: Trump is a winner.....
According to himself. He actually had a casino file for bankruptcy which is hard to do. The "winner" was only able to scam a handful of people into buying the executive package at Trump U. Good snake oil salesmen did far more than that like Tom Vu, Albert Morris, Tony Hoffman etc...

he is a businessman......both of which we need.
Not certain why you say that; it's a different skillset. People who work for you are subservient to you. The Congress doesn't work for the President and these are the people he will have to convice. His people skills are on about the same level an eight grade student.

You're talking about a guy who insinuated a woman was on her period.
You're talking about a guy who makes fun of the disabled.
You're talking about a guy who makes crank calls, admits it then denies it.

Now, no voted for about unknowns...the most mysterious president we have ever fact it is difficult to tell if he is for or against America.
Only someone woefully ignorant of the past 8 years would make such a statement. This is bore out by Politifact that recently had him keeping his campgin promises at around 80%.

Hillary is the most crooked person to ever run for the least in modern times....well perhaps excluding LBJ.

You have your programming down. That much I can say for you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...I didn't say most of that stuff. :beer:
Nonsense: Trump is a winner.....
According to himself. He actually had a casino file for bankruptcy which is hard to do. The "winner" was only able to scam a handful of people into buying the executive package at Trump U. Good snake oil salesmen did far more than that like Tom Vu, Albert Morris, Tony Hoffman etc...

he is a businessman......both of which we need.
Not certain why you say that; it's a different skillset. People who work for you are subservient to you. The Congress doesn't work for the President and these are the people he will have to convice. His people skills are on about the same level an eight grade student.

You're talking about a guy who insinuated a woman was on her period.
You're talking about a guy who makes fun of the disabled.
You're talking about a guy who makes crank calls, admits it then denies it.

Now, no voted for about unknowns...the most mysterious president we have ever fact it is difficult to tell if he is for or against America.
Only someone woefully ignorant of the past 8 years would make such a statement. This is bore out by Politifact that recently had him keeping his campgin promises at around 80%.

Hillary is the most crooked person to ever run for the least in modern times....well perhaps excluding LBJ.

You have your programming down. That much I can say for you.
Last edited:
If only we had another thread bereft of thought or fact that pronounced how awesome Trump is.
Vote Gary Johnson.

HRC is the worst candidate ever, but then Donald came along.

The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

And women
And Hispanics
And blacks
And Asians
And unmarried women

And is doing whatever he can to lose institutional republicants.
Only the blind or the foolishly ignorant blinded by political correctness cannot see that Donald Trump is the best choice to be the next President of The USA!

'We're going to solve our problems!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit

My son is in the Army, in Psy Ops....when we still had several running to be the nominee I asked me if he was goin to vote for Trump...he said Hell No. Now that we're down to him and Clinton, that has changed. Him and many others in the military will be voting for Trump.. We all know what will happen if Hillary is elected....we might as well take the chance on Trump, it cant be any worse. I will take a chance on Trump than to take a chance on that Lying POS Clinton.

I totally love the logic of voting for the complete unknown vs. voting for someone whom you yourself say is predictable.

Nonsense: Trump is a winner.....
According to himself. He actually had a casino file for bankruptcy which is hard to do. The "winner" was only able to scam a handful of people into buying the executive package at Trump U. Good snake oil salesmen did far more than that like Tom Vu, Albert Morris, Tony Hoffman etc...

he is a businessman......both of which we need.
Not certain why you say that; it's a different skillset. People who work for you are subservient to you. The Congress doesn't work for the President and these are the people he will have to convice. His people skills are on about the same level an eight grade student.

You're talking about a guy who insinuated a woman was on her period.
You're talking about a guy who makes fun of the disabled.
You're talking about a guy who makes crank calls, admits it then denies it.

Now, no voted for about unknowns...the most mysterious president we have ever fact it is difficult to tell if he is for or against America.
Only someone woefully ignorant of the past 8 years would make such a statement. This is bore out by Politifact that recently had him keeping his campgin promises at around 80%.

Hillary is the most crooked person to ever run for the least in modern times....well perhaps excluding LBJ.

You have your programming down. That much I can say for you.
Trump’s preaching to the choir isn’t going to win him the election.

He might have been able to dupe a majority of republicans but the majority of the American people aren’t that dumb.
Oh no there are a very small number of homosexuals and Latinos supporting Trump. This anecdotal information means next to nothing.

EDIT: And a black
If only we had another thread bereft of thought or fact that pronounced how awesome Trump is.
Vote Gary Johnson.

HRC is the worst candidate ever, but then Donald came along.

The Fix
Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Working-class whites see Donald Trump as the champion Mitt Romney never was

Trump is falling way behind in college educated whites that went to Romney. Sorry.

What you do not understand is that this election will be decided by the White Working Class....most of whom do not have a college education.

Academia in America is so screwed they have fallen down a rabbit hole...aka political correctness rules in their ivory towers of not led them mislead you chump.

They're so cute when they think they know what they are talking about.

The largest voting block in the nation is female voters. #1 there are more of them than males and #2, they are more likely to vote.

Drumpf's record with women is abysmal; from the shameful beauty pageants, to insinuating that one is on her period, to calling another a "fat cow" to the incredibly juvenile comments about Hillary and her husband's marriage to the "pocahontas" name calling.

As more of Hillary's female surrogates join the fray, look for him to get even more belligerent and appear even more detatched.

Additinally, his female surrogates on the news channels are getting their ass handed to them also as their boss becomes more distateful.

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