Trump savages Rihanna over half time routtine

The Chris Stapleton singing of the National Anthem was very moving and brought the Eagles head coach to tears. The best performance of the evening by far.

Something we can agree on. He was awesome. I am a huge fan of his Blues music, not so much his straight country

If you watched the broadcast live you would know why the coach was brought to tears, and it was not just due to the quality of the singing.
She has a fine voice. I just find it amusing, ever since Jacksons tittie made an unscheduled appearence, adult entertainment at halftime has become the norm. It use to be a family game.

What was "adult" about the halftime show this year?
It’s gotten to the point where racist conservatives can’t even watch the halftime show without having ‘the blacks’ forced on them – worse, a foreign black.
Isn't half-time for going to the bathroom and getting a beer, meat pie and hot chips....or hotdogs or something??

What I saw of the show was quite ordinary frankly.

Once had a co-worker that was British.
I was curious about the game of Cricket, and ask him to tell me about how it was played?
He said, "I could explain it for 3 days, and you'd be none the wiser". .. :laugh: :laugh:
Its pretty straightforward. two teams and the one that scores the most runs wins.

The pitch is what makes it superior to baseball. They can be prepared to take spin or pace.,fast or slow. It gives the game the variety that baseball lacks.

The weather also plays a part, Its very elemental.
Like the rest of the racist right, Trump’s not happy with people of color performing during halftime.
There we go, if a Black person screws up, it's all about RACISM. She just sucked OK? There have been many excellent performances by Black artists at half time. Rhianna's was one of the worst. It's not about color Mr. Race Card.

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