Trump savages Rihanna over half time routtine

  • Only 14% of the US population is Black.
  • More than 4.6 million Black people in the U.S. were born outside the country as of 2019, meaning that 10% of the Black population was foreign born.
  • Yet four out of four super bowls the past four years have all featured black or PR musicians! Jennifer Lopez, The Weekend, Dr. Dre & Snoop Dog, and now Rihanna. Worse, they are all from the pop music genre.
  • It has been THIRTEEN YEARS since the half time performer was geared towards an older white audience (The Who) despite the fact that the NFL and the Super Bowl are CREATIONS of and largely financed by OLDER WHITE PEOPLE.

It isn't racism to OBSERVE that Blacks are treated like a majority in this country when they are in fact a minority. RACISM is giving preference to a minority group just BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK.
Trump continues to engage in white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, exploiting the fear, hate, and ignorance of the racist right.
Trump continues to engage in white grievance politics
While you and other blacks spend 24/7 engaged in black grievance politics.

exploiting the fear, hate, and ignorance of the racist right.
As the Left exploits the fear, hate and ignorance of the racist black left.

It isn't white grievance politics when a white who is more than 50% of the population only gets 20% of the media time, discriminated for his skin color, that is just mere OBSERVATION.

Apparently it was the worst routine ever and she looked rough.

It must be a huge comfort to Republicans that trump is foccussed on the real problems facing America.

Lesser men might get distracted by things like China, Ukraine and the M and Ms
scandal. But Trump rises above this to target the real issues that concern Americans

He also has a new nickname for Mr desantis - Meatball Ron. The man is truly Tqllyrand of the internet era.

We live in special times.
It is important to Trump that he constantly reminds us he is eight years old.
Says the racist coward whose president was too cowardly to even appear during the Super Bowl to give an interview because he was afraid he'd be asked a legitimate question.

Trump never backed down from anything in his life.
Except Vietnam War

Two divorces..back right down there

How many fraud charities did he rob

Backed down from putin

Back down from telling first how about his stormy affair
Will Rhianna sacrifice her fetus in the name of reproductive rights or will she allow it to live? Moloch is tapping his foot.
Like the rest of the racist right, Trump’s not happy with people of color performing on TV at all.
Really? We all have some color although yours is a bit pasty from never removing that silly facediaper.
Maybe Trump, like the rest of us, can't stand non talented people on TV.

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