Trump Saves Lives by Killing EPA Regulations

That's right, folks, rgulations cost more than just money. They also cost lives. When people don't have enough money to pay for health insurance, drugs, groceries, etc, they sometimes die. Poverty kills, and Obama's pointless regulations create more poverty

Trump Improves Transparency by Ending EPA Sue-and-Settle Agreements

Poverty remains, by far, the biggest killer of humans, and government-imposed regulations have been proven to create economic costs that make poverty more likely. As a result, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget estimates every $7.5 million to $12 million in regulatory costs imposed on the economy results in a life lost.

Federal and state government regulatory costs top $1.9 trillion annually, amounting to $14,842 per U.S. household. That’s nearly $15,000 that’s unavailable to families to pay for health insurance, medicine or medical bills, college expenses, groceries, a new car, or vacations.

These facts clearly show why substantive and formal transparency is critical when developing and imposing regulations. Regulations should be built on unimpeachable science. To best ensure that occurs, government agencies should disclose all the science, models, and information exchanges used to make agency decisions, and no agency should be allowed to use any report to support or justify a rule if the research is not open to verification by outside parties.

Additionally, every government research contract should require recipients to make available all assumptions, models, data, and email exchanges related to the contracted research upon receiving a Freedom of Information Act request or a request by a congressional committee that has proper oversight.

Increasing transparency in the research processes used to justify regulations is not enough. There must also be transparent processes for establishing new rules forced on the public by regulatory agencies.

Existing laws already require transparency in the normal rulemaking process. For instance, regulatory agencies must reach out to stakeholders, including state governments likely to be affected by proposed rules, for input concerning the need for a rule and what form it should take. Laws or internal agency rules also typically require public hearings and a public notice period while regulations are being drafted and, once drafted, before they are finalized.

However, during President Barack Obama’s administration, rather than following this legally required transparency process, bureaucrats worked behind the scenes to collude with lobbyists from radical environmental groups to impose costly policies outside of the normal rulemaking process and expand the coffers of environmental groups using “sue-and-settle.”

Sue-and-settle is a strategy used most often by environmental special-interest groups. The groups sue a federal agency, demanding the agency issue rules by a specific deadline, and the group and agency then enter into a private settlement that becomes legally binding for the agency. These agreements allow rules to be created without agencies having to go through the normal rulemaking channels, and there are no public comment periods.
This incredibly stupid person doesn’t know that the word regulation means protection. And that the letters EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump/ Pruitt are doing the exact opposite. Their ushering the scientific end of the EPA out the door and substituting them with fossil fuel CEO’s.
The words climate change has been eliminated from the EPA. This is their first step in dissolving the agency to let the fossil fuel industry rape and pillage our land and air.

Douchebag thinks poisoning our land and air “ saves lives.”
This is the craziest shit imaginable and can only come from T supporters.
That's right, folks, rgulations cost more than just money. They also cost lives. When people don't have enough money to pay for health insurance, drugs, groceries, etc, they sometimes die. Poverty kills, and Obama's pointless regulations create more poverty

Trump Improves Transparency by Ending EPA Sue-and-Settle Agreements

Poverty remains, by far, the biggest killer of humans, and government-imposed regulations have been proven to create economic costs that make poverty more likely. As a result, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget estimates every $7.5 million to $12 million in regulatory costs imposed on the economy results in a life lost.

Federal and state government regulatory costs top $1.9 trillion annually, amounting to $14,842 per U.S. household. That’s nearly $15,000 that’s unavailable to families to pay for health insurance, medicine or medical bills, college expenses, groceries, a new car, or vacations.

These facts clearly show why substantive and formal transparency is critical when developing and imposing regulations. Regulations should be built on unimpeachable science. To best ensure that occurs, government agencies should disclose all the science, models, and information exchanges used to make agency decisions, and no agency should be allowed to use any report to support or justify a rule if the research is not open to verification by outside parties.

Additionally, every government research contract should require recipients to make available all assumptions, models, data, and email exchanges related to the contracted research upon receiving a Freedom of Information Act request or a request by a congressional committee that has proper oversight.

Increasing transparency in the research processes used to justify regulations is not enough. There must also be transparent processes for establishing new rules forced on the public by regulatory agencies.

Existing laws already require transparency in the normal rulemaking process. For instance, regulatory agencies must reach out to stakeholders, including state governments likely to be affected by proposed rules, for input concerning the need for a rule and what form it should take. Laws or internal agency rules also typically require public hearings and a public notice period while regulations are being drafted and, once drafted, before they are finalized.

However, during President Barack Obama’s administration, rather than following this legally required transparency process, bureaucrats worked behind the scenes to collude with lobbyists from radical environmental groups to impose costly policies outside of the normal rulemaking process and expand the coffers of environmental groups using “sue-and-settle.”

Sue-and-settle is a strategy used most often by environmental special-interest groups. The groups sue a federal agency, demanding the agency issue rules by a specific deadline, and the group and agency then enter into a private settlement that becomes legally binding for the agency. These agreements allow rules to be created without agencies having to go through the normal rulemaking channels, and there are no public comment periods.
This incredibly stupid person doesn’t know that the word regulation means protection. And that the letters EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump/ Pruitt are doing the exact opposite. Their ushering the scientific end of the EPA out the door and substituting them with fossil fuel CEO’s.
The words climate change has been eliminated from the EPA. This is their first step in dissolving the agency to let the fossil fuel industry rape and pillage our land and air.

Douchebag thinks poisoning our land and air “ saves lives.”
This is the craziest shit imaginable and can only come from T supporters.
That's like saying the IRS takes your money to help save it for you.
It sure as hell does. Cheap electricty refrigerates our food and makes it possible to pay for food, health insurance and prescription drugs.

Do you thnk more people die when everything is expensive or when everything is cheap?

More people die from pollution than lack of cheap electricity.

Wrong. Produce a single death certificate that says the person died from pollution.
You will not find pollution as cause of death but respiratory failure.
/—-/ and how is that caused by pollution and not other factors? If true you have clusters of people dying of respiratory problems not isolated cases.
If you look at a map of emmissions from coal fired power plants and a map showing where people lived when they died of respitory failure, you'll note there is absolutely no correlation.
Of course the direct opposite is true..

Even common sense will tell you that.
The solar system I invested in was $15,ooo and I got a 30% tax credit. It powers the home all day and the battery wall does all night. Rainy days have little effect on the production of power. The nice thing is I am immune from raising rates for electricity and have missed a couple of increases already.
How about not spreading a bunch of bullshit we all know is only half the story.

It doesn't power your home all day. Rainy days you still have power because you're still on the old grid. You haven't missed a single rise in electricity costs because they don't give a shit about your solar, you still pay the going rate for electricity. It will be about 20 years before you break even on that investment. Unfortunately your going to purchase new batteries four times in that span of time costing thousands. So much for the 20 year plan. You actually feel pretty dumb writing those checks to the electric company every month as your pretty sure the actual monthly savings means a 20 year pay off was pretty optomistic.
It is very apparent you do not know how solar energy works. I do not pay for electricity other than the solar panels which should be paid off next year. The power co pays me for electricity. I was grandfathered in to the old system not the net metering one. My battery is the newer tesla one and they last about 10 years. By then the cost should be negligible. The really nice thing is I don't have to replace it. I would suggest you get up to date on the subject.
That's right, folks, rgulations cost more than just money. They also cost lives. When people don't have enough money to pay for health insurance, drugs, groceries, etc, they sometimes die. Poverty kills, and Obama's pointless regulations create more poverty

Trump Improves Transparency by Ending EPA Sue-and-Settle Agreements

Poverty remains, by far, the biggest killer of humans, and government-imposed regulations have been proven to create economic costs that make poverty more likely. As a result, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget estimates every $7.5 million to $12 million in regulatory costs imposed on the economy results in a life lost.

Federal and state government regulatory costs top $1.9 trillion annually, amounting to $14,842 per U.S. household. That’s nearly $15,000 that’s unavailable to families to pay for health insurance, medicine or medical bills, college expenses, groceries, a new car, or vacations.

These facts clearly show why substantive and formal transparency is critical when developing and imposing regulations. Regulations should be built on unimpeachable science. To best ensure that occurs, government agencies should disclose all the science, models, and information exchanges used to make agency decisions, and no agency should be allowed to use any report to support or justify a rule if the research is not open to verification by outside parties.

Additionally, every government research contract should require recipients to make available all assumptions, models, data, and email exchanges related to the contracted research upon receiving a Freedom of Information Act request or a request by a congressional committee that has proper oversight.

Increasing transparency in the research processes used to justify regulations is not enough. There must also be transparent processes for establishing new rules forced on the public by regulatory agencies.

Existing laws already require transparency in the normal rulemaking process. For instance, regulatory agencies must reach out to stakeholders, including state governments likely to be affected by proposed rules, for input concerning the need for a rule and what form it should take. Laws or internal agency rules also typically require public hearings and a public notice period while regulations are being drafted and, once drafted, before they are finalized.

However, during President Barack Obama’s administration, rather than following this legally required transparency process, bureaucrats worked behind the scenes to collude with lobbyists from radical environmental groups to impose costly policies outside of the normal rulemaking process and expand the coffers of environmental groups using “sue-and-settle.”

Sue-and-settle is a strategy used most often by environmental special-interest groups. The groups sue a federal agency, demanding the agency issue rules by a specific deadline, and the group and agency then enter into a private settlement that becomes legally binding for the agency. These agreements allow rules to be created without agencies having to go through the normal rulemaking channels, and there are no public comment periods.
This incredibly stupid person doesn’t know that the word regulation means protection. And that the letters EPA stands for the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump/ Pruitt are doing the exact opposite. Their ushering the scientific end of the EPA out the door and substituting them with fossil fuel CEO’s.
The words climate change has been eliminated from the EPA. This is their first step in dissolving the agency to let the fossil fuel industry rape and pillage our land and air.

Douchebag thinks poisoning our land and air “ saves lives.”
This is the craziest shit imaginable and can only come from T supporters.
That's like saying the IRS takes your money to help save it for you.
Spoken like a true T supporter.
Trump Saves Lives by Killing EPA Regulations

Yeah, coal will help us live longer.
It sure as hell does. Cheap electricty refrigerates our food and makes it possible to pay for food, health insurance and prescription drugs.

Do you thnk more people die when everything is expensive or when everything is cheap?
natural gas is cheaper than coal....and much cleaner...

how many lives are saved by having the regulations? Be good to know, so we can compare....

Coal and polluted rivers wil save us all
Coal does save lives. Nobody wants polluted rivers but let's keep in mind the last river that was polluted was done by the EPA. So maybe they aren't all that special.

Holy shit. That’s bizarro world crazy. The fossil fuel industries pollute our rivers, streams and wet lands all the time.
Fortunately under Obama they were prosecuted and it got much better..
Under Trump he’s setting up laws to make it impossible to pprosecute polluters. He’s putting in fossil fuels CEO’s in high level places in the EPA. The foxes are watching the hen house.

Coal and polluted rivers wil save us all

More people die from pollution than lack of cheap electricity.

Wrong. Produce a single death certificate that says the person died from pollution.
You will not find pollution as cause of death but respiratory failure.
/—-/ and how is that caused by pollution and not other factors? If true you have clusters of people dying of respiratory problems not isolated cases.
If you look at a map of emmissions from coal fired power plants and a map showing where people lived when they died of respitory failure, you'll note there is absolutely no correlation.
Of course the direct opposite is true..

Even common sense will tell you that.

Speaking of stupid, note that the report referred to was written by the NCAAP, not the EPA or any scientific organization. Also, note the following:

People living within 3 miles of a coal plant are more likely to inhale pollutants that cause respiratory problems such as asthma, researchers said. They also said people living within 3 miles of a coal plant are disproportionately low-income and minorities.
It doesn't say that people living within 3 miles of a coal plant are more likely to suffer from respitory problems. That's because there is no such evidence. The location of coal fired power plants has no effect whatsoever on the incidence of respitory disease. No one has ever demonstrated such a correlation.

The bottom line is that no one has ever died or even become sick from a modern coal fired power plant. No one.

What you call "common sense" is really environmental idiocy.
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Trump Saves Lives by Killing EPA Regulations

Yeah, coal will help us live longer.
It sure as hell does. Cheap electricty refrigerates our food and makes it possible to pay for food, health insurance and prescription drugs.

Do you thnk more people die when everything is expensive or when everything is cheap?
natural gas is cheaper than coal....and much cleaner...

how many lives are saved by having the regulations? Be good to know, so we can compare....
No lives were saved by Obama's "Clean Power Plan." But it would have tripled our power bills.
Missouri Mike says the last rivers and streams that were polluted the EPA did it.
I’m not going to list 5 dozen links like I could of how the fossil fuel companies foul our water and air, only an insane person doesn’t know that.
Missouri Mike: certifiable insane.
The solar system I invested in was $15,ooo and I got a 30% tax credit. It powers the home all day and the battery wall does all night. Rainy days have little effect on the production of power. The nice thing is I am immune from raising rates for electricity and have missed a couple of increases already.
How about not spreading a bunch of bullshit we all know is only half the story.

It doesn't power your home all day. Rainy days you still have power because you're still on the old grid. You haven't missed a single rise in electricity costs because they don't give a shit about your solar, you still pay the going rate for electricity. It will be about 20 years before you break even on that investment. Unfortunately your going to purchase new batteries four times in that span of time costing thousands. So much for the 20 year plan. You actually feel pretty dumb writing those checks to the electric company every month as your pretty sure the actual monthly savings means a 20 year pay off was pretty optomistic.
It is very apparent you do not know how solar energy works. I do not pay for electricity other than the solar panels which should be paid off next year. The power co pays me for electricity. I was grandfathered in to the old system not the net metering one. My battery is the newer tesla one and they last about 10 years. By then the cost should be negligible. The really nice thing is I don't have to replace it. I would suggest you get up to date on the subject.
Paying off the loan used to buy it is not the same thing as the system paying for itself. It's apparent you don't know how economics works.

If you believe the cost of a Tesla battery is going to be neglible in 10 years, then you are ignorant of the history of batteries. Has the price of lithium ion batteries gone down in the last 10 years?
Missouri Mike says the last rivers and streams that were polluted the EPA did it.
I’m not going to list 5 dozen links like I could of how the fossil fuel companies foul our water and air, only an insane person doesn’t know that.
Missouri Mike: certifiable insane.
Digging up rare earth metals to make batteries also fouls our water and air. Why don't you have a problem with that?

Coal and polluted rivers wil save us all

Wrong. Produce a single death certificate that says the person died from pollution.
You will not find pollution as cause of death but respiratory failure.
/—-/ and how is that caused by pollution and not other factors? If true you have clusters of people dying of respiratory problems not isolated cases.
If you look at a map of emmissions from coal fired power plants and a map showing where people lived when they died of respitory failure, you'll note there is absolutely no correlation.
Of course the direct opposite is true..

Even common sense will tell you that.

Speaking of stupid, note that the report referred to was written by the NCAAP, not the EPA or any scientific organization. Also, note the following:

People living within 3 miles of a coal plant are more likely to inhale pollutants that cause respiratory problems such as asthma, researchers said. They also said people living within 3 miles of a coal plant are disproportionately low-income and minorities.
It doesn't say that people living within 3 miles of a coal plant are more likely to suffer from respitory problems. That's because there is no such evidence. The location of coal fired power plants has no effect whatsoever on the incidence of respitory disease. No one has ever demonstrated such a correlation.

The bottom line is that no one has ever died or even become sick from a modern coal fired power plant. No one.
You’re entitled to your opinion but you’re not entitled butchering the facts.
You’re 100% totally full of shit.

Pollution from America's power plants is a deadly serious problem, a new study shows
Living on Earth


Avon Lake, a coal-fired power plant near Cleveland, has been out of compliance with the Clean Air Act for at least three years. Its particulate pollution is responsible for hundreds of premature deaths, according to PSE Healthy Energy and NextGen Climate America.
*****Residents living closest to power plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania caused up to 4,400 premature deaths across the country in 2015, according to a new study. *****

****Residents closest to the plants, near Pittsburgh and Cleveland, had the highest premature death rates, but particulates and other pollutants from those power plants increased mortality and morbidity as far away as Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts. ****

Pollution from America's power plants is a deadly serious problem, a new study shows
Trump Saves Lives by Killing EPA Regulations

Yeah, coal will help us live longer.
It sure as hell does. Cheap electricty refrigerates our food and makes it possible to pay for food, health insurance and prescription drugs.

Do you thnk more people die when everything is expensive or when everything is cheap?
natural gas is cheaper than coal....and much cleaner...

how many lives are saved by having the regulations? Be good to know, so we can compare....
No lives were saved by Obama's "Clean Power Plan." But it would have tripled our power bills.
I doubt that...!!!

coal power: air pollution

coal power: air pollution

Burning coal is also a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution. Some emissions can be significantly reduced with readily available pollution controls, but most U.S. coal plants have not installed these technologies.

    • Sulfur dioxide (SO2): Coal plants are the United States’ leading source of SO2 pollution, which takes a major toll on public health, including by contributing to the formation of small acidic particulates that can penetrate into human lungs and be absorbed by the bloodstream. SO2 also causes acid rain, which damages crops, forests, and soils, and acidifies lakes and streams. A typical uncontrolled coal plant emits 14,100 tons of SO2 per year. A typical coal plant with emissions controls, including flue gas desulfurization (smokestack scrubbers), emits 7,000 tons of SO2 per year.
    • Nitrogen oxides (NOx): NOx pollution causes ground level ozone, or smog, which can burn lung tissue, exacerbate asthma, and make people more susceptible to chronic respiratory diseases. A typical uncontrolled coal plant emits 10,300 tons of NOx per year. A typical coal plant with emissions controls, including selective catalytic reduction technology, emits 3,300 tons of NOx per year.
    • Particulate matter: Particulate matter (also referred to as soot or fly ash) can cause chronic bronchitis, aggravated asthma, and premature death, as well as haze obstructing visibility. A typical uncontrolled plan emits 500 tons of small airborne particles each year. Baghouses installed inside coal plant smokestacks can capture as much as 99 percent of the particulates.
    • Mercury: Coal plants are responsible for more than half of the U.S. human-caused emissions of mercury, a toxic heavy metal that causes brain damage and heart problems. Just 1/70th of a teaspoon of mercury deposited on a 25-acre lake can make the fish unsafe to eat. A typical uncontrolled coal plants emits approximately 170 pounds of mercury each year. Activated carbon injection technology can reduce mercury emissions by up to 90 percent when combined with baghouses. ACI technology is currently found on just 8 percent of the U.S. coal fleet.
Other harmful pollutants emitted annually from a typical, uncontrolled coal plant include approximately:

    • 114 pounds of lead, 4 pounds of cadmium, other toxic heavy metals, and trace amounts of uranium. Baghouses can reduce heavy metal emissions by up to 90 percent3.
    • 720 tons of carbon monoxide, which causes headaches and places additional stress on people with heart disease.
    • 220 tons of hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOC), which form ozone.
    • 225 pounds of arsenic, which will cause cancer in one out of 100 people who drink water containing 50 parts per billion.
The solar system I invested in was $15,ooo and I got a 30% tax credit. It powers the home all day and the battery wall does all night. Rainy days have little effect on the production of power. The nice thing is I am immune from raising rates for electricity and have missed a couple of increases already.
How about not spreading a bunch of bullshit we all know is only half the story.

It doesn't power your home all day. Rainy days you still have power because you're still on the old grid. You haven't missed a single rise in electricity costs because they don't give a shit about your solar, you still pay the going rate for electricity. It will be about 20 years before you break even on that investment. Unfortunately your going to purchase new batteries four times in that span of time costing thousands. So much for the 20 year plan. You actually feel pretty dumb writing those checks to the electric company every month as your pretty sure the actual monthly savings means a 20 year pay off was pretty optomistic.
It is very apparent you do not know how solar energy works. I do not pay for electricity other than the solar panels which should be paid off next year. The power co pays me for electricity. I was grandfathered in to the old system not the net metering one. My battery is the newer tesla one and they last about 10 years. By then the cost should be negligible. The really nice thing is I don't have to replace it. I would suggest you get up to date on the subject.
It's more than obvious to me, being someone who has worked in electrical and electronics for going on 35 years you're a fucking idiot trying to bullshit his way through a conversation. You do pay for electricity. In the few hours you produce more than you use the electric company is forced to pay more for your electricity than it costs them to produce their own and that typically happens when they don't need it. Which is why nobody after you gets that deal. The rest of the time without supplimental sources you would be sitting in the dark. You're no where near off grid slick. Your batteries are branded Tesla, Congrats sucker. You got an expensive battery that you hope will last en years but will last maybe a little longer than one that says Sears. The only thing Tesla batteries have in common with their cars is neither one can be built and sold with massive government subsidies. I thought you people hated corporate subsidies?

Now. Stop with the bullshit and get honest. You got snookered by the solar energy salesman.
How do you know when a Trumpie is lying? He’s breathing.

Bripat: People living near coal plants don’t have health problems or deaths.

Now the truth once again:

******Residents living closest to power plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania caused up to 4,400 premature deaths across the country in 2015, according to a new study. *****

****Residents closest to the plants, near Pittsburgh and Cleveland, had the highest premature death rates, but particulates and other pollutants from those power plants increased mortality and morbidity as far away as Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts. ****

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