trump Says Bolton Will Break The Law If His Book Is Published

trump says to expect bolton to be sued.
From the undisputed king of frivolous lawsuits that get him laughed out of the courtroom?

I'm sure Bolton is shaking in his shoes.

It will be fun to watch.

trump is delusional if he thinks that bolton is going to not publish that book.

In fact, he's going to use this to promote that book. This can be a potential goldmine for bolton.
trump says to expect bolton to be sued.
From the undisputed king of frivolous lawsuits that get him laughed out of the courtroom?

I'm sure Bolton is shaking in his shoes.

It will be fun to watch.

trump is delusional if he thinks that bolton is going to not publish that book.

In fact, he's going to use this to promote that book. This can be a potential goldmine for bolton.
‘Copies of "The Room Where It Happened" have already been printed and shipped to distribution sites. Reporters at ABC News have already read the book, since Martha Raddatz sat down with Bolton on Monday for an interview that will air Sunday night in a prime time special. Other reporters are likely to obtain the book in the next few days. So if the Trump admin or the Trump campaign tries to sue to block the release of the book, the suit would be rendered moot...’

This entire ‘administration’ is a joke.
You'll just have to take his word for it. After all, when it comes to lies and lying, who would know better than the liar-in-chief?
Haha, the man can't string two coherent thoughts together.

It's illegal to release the info... but none of it is factual info.

Huurrrr.... Donnie go peepee and poopee in the potty now....
My god, you clowns are like 7 year olds.
trump says to expect bolton to be sued.
From the undisputed king of frivolous lawsuits that get him laughed out of the courtroom?

I'm sure Bolton is shaking in his shoes.

It will be fun to watch.

trump is delusional if he thinks that bolton is going to not publish that book.

In fact, he's going to use this to promote that book. This can be a potential goldmine for bolton.
‘Copies of "The Room Where It Happened" have already been printed and shipped to distribution sites. Reporters at ABC News have already read the book, since Martha Raddatz sat down with Bolton on Monday for an interview that will air Sunday night in a prime time special. Other reporters are likely to obtain the book in the next few days. So if the Trump admin or the Trump campaign tries to sue to block the release of the book, the suit would be rendered moot...’

This entire ‘administration’ is a joke.
Lol.... after the last buffoon.... the spy guy!
You'll just have to take his word for it. After all, when it comes to lies and lying, who would know better than the liar-in-chief?
Haha, the man can't string two coherent thoughts together.

It's illegal to release the info... but none of it is factual info.

Huurrrr.... Donnie go peepee and poopee in the potty now....
My god, you clowns are like 7 year olds.
Even a 7 year old could understand that the two ideas that the info in the book is false, yet it is a disclosure of classified info, are not two facts that can exist in the same universe. But this seems to escape you moron cultists and the moron president.
‘WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration sued former national security adviser John Bolton on Tuesday to delay the publication of a book that the White House says contains classified information and that is expected to paint an unfavorable portrait of the president’s foreign policy decision-making.


His publisher, Simon & Schuster, called the lawsuit “nothing more than the latest in a long running series of efforts by the administration to quash publication of a book it deems unflattering to the president.” It said in a statement Tuesday evening that Bolton had worked with White House officials to address their concerns, and that it “fully supports his First Amendment right” to tell his story.

Similarly, Bolton’s attorney, Chuck Cooper, has said Bolton worked for months with classification specialists to avoid releasing classified material. He has accused the White House of using national security information as a pretext to censor Bolton.’

Another frivolous Trump lawsuit, completely devoid of merit.
Bolton needs to be put in jail if he releases classified information in that book. Barr is the man to see that happens.

This narcissist thinks he can just declare any and all conversations he has with an advisor to be highly classified. This man is delusional.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that not all conversations with the president are highly classified or executive privilege.

He also says that what bolton says in his book includes lies. But he says he has not read the book so how does he know it's lies? He makes a blanket statement that all conversations with him are highly classified because he has not read the book so just makes a blanket statement that's totally ridiculous

trump says to expect bolton to be sued.

This is getting fun to watch. Everyone knows that the book will be published.

Trump is so stupid.
Wish Rex Tillerson would, too.
Probably just a matter of time.
After the election, if Trump loses, the floodgates will open, IMO. All those too intimidated to talk will suddenly start singing like canaries. Should be fun.

Yes once the threat of retaliation is gone, people will start writing books and telling the whole world all the secrets trump wants to keep hidden.

It will be fun to watch trump squirm.
‘WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration sued former national security adviser John Bolton on Tuesday to delay the publication of a book that the White House says contains classified information and that is expected to paint an unfavorable portrait of the president’s foreign policy decision-making.


His publisher, Simon & Schuster, called the lawsuit “nothing more than the latest in a long running series of efforts by the administration to quash publication of a book it deems unflattering to the president.” It said in a statement Tuesday evening that Bolton had worked with White House officials to address their concerns, and that it “fully supports his First Amendment right” to tell his story.

Similarly, Bolton’s attorney, Chuck Cooper, has said Bolton worked for months with classification specialists to avoid releasing classified material. He has accused the White House of using national security information as a pretext to censor Bolton.’

Another frivolous Trump lawsuit, completely devoid of merit.

All this is going to do is bring more attention to that book which will cause more people to eventually buy it when it's in the stores for sale.

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