Trump says Can&Mex will escape tariffs only after concessions

No, if he were he'd put those sanctions on Russia the congress voted in. Do you want to live in a bad neighborhood, not nice to fight with your neighbors.
If you don't like what your neighbors are doing, you usually put up a fence. Even Obama walled in his multimillion dollar house to keep riff raff like you out.

I missed the part where that wall went up between Canada and the US.

Trump complains we treat American farmers really badly. That’s because we don’t want beef or milk shot full of growth hormones, GMO foods, or foods treated with banned pesticides.

Trudeau is prepared to retaliate and government officials have suggested tariffs on American wines could be implemented.

Trudeau calls Trump’s trade war ‘unacceptable’ as Canadian officials reach out to U.S. administration | Toronto Star

Last but not least, the US has a trade surplus with Canada so Trump is not only stupid but he’s not working with facts. The idiocy of starting a trade with a country where you have a trade surplus boggles the imagination but this is Dumb Donald we’re talking about.

Canada | United States Trade Representative
Last but not least, the US has a trade surplus with Canada

Canada is currently our 2nd largest goods trading partner with $544.0 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2016. Goods exports totaled $266.0 billion; goods imports totaled $278.1 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Canada was $12.1 billion in 2016.

Canada | United States Trade Representative

Why did you clip just one of the three paragraphs?

You eliminated the first and third paragraphs. You posted only the “goods” but not the “services”, or the total trade in goods and services.

What you posted, while true, but excludes all of the information which makes it a false premise. Kind of like the Nunes Memo cherry picked information and painted a false picture of the FISA application.

US Goods and Services trade with Canada totalled an estimated $627.8 billion in 2016. Exports were $320.1 billion; imports were $307.6 billion. The U.S. goods trade surplus with Canada was $12.5 billion in 2016.

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