Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

If the existence of international students were going to be the cause of a massive increase in the cost of tuition, they would have already.
let me guess, you must be a college educator....
. Yes, our administrations of post WWII Germany and Japan are admirable. No right individual from the territories wants to be out of the union.

That is no excuse for us at all, Foxfyre.

Despite all that, our history was racialistic and expansionist, yes. And we have lived past those facts better than most other countries. But when we start 'the blacks were blessed in slavery," we are leaving the fast lane at high speed heading to the ditches.
Nobody has said blacks were blessed in slavery. Americans did not bring ANY slaves to America but they were delivered here by British, Portuguese, Dutch and a few others. The vast majority of the slaves went to the Caribbean and South America. Slavery was still prevalent in cultures all over the world at that time.

Being made slaves was the worst thing to happen to black people of that distant time and culture. But those descended from those slaves who are living now are indeed blessed to be living in the most non racist, free, prosperous nation in the world with far more options, choices, opportunities and likelihood of quality of life than they would have had those ancestors been left in Africa. And again we are now among the least racist nations in the world. There is no justification of any kind for slavery in the past. But to deny that descendants of those slaves benefit by being American is just dumb.

People of whatever skin color who do not feel blessed to be Americans in the here and now should really move somewhere else more to their liking.

And new immigrants who go through the proper legal processes to come, live, work here and who contribute to society instead of draining resources from it are still welcome here and can enjoy all the blessings involved with being American. I think President Trump sees those who come here to get a college degree are most likely to be among those.
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Nope. I'm just pointing out a few of the inconsistencies of your argument
I am saving this thread. If Trump is elected and we find out tuition is on the rise from this idea, I am coming back to curb stomp you.
I am saving this thread. If Trump is elected and we find out tuition is on the rise from this idea, I am coming back to curb stomp you.

Tuition has slowly gone up for the last 50 years. Would you consider college's tuition rises along the same trendline to validate your theory?

Because if trump DOESN'T exact the policy, tuition rates will still slowly climb.

You can't establish causation when the result is the same WITH and WITHOUT your supposed 'cause'.
I dont think you do understand

If you did you’d be one of us
So why don’t you care about the possibility of letting in terrorists and spies? This concerns your fellow Trumpsters, but this doesn’t concern you.

Why is that?
Nobody has said blacks were blessed in slavery. Americans did not bring ANY slaves to America but they were delivered here by British, Portuguese, Dutch and a few others. The vast majority of the slaves went to the Caribbean and South America. Slavery was still prevalent in cultures all over the world at that time.

Being made slaves was the worst thing to happen to black people of that distant time and culture. But those descended from those slaves who are living now are indeed blessed to be living in the most non racist, free, prosperous nation in the world with far more options, choices, opportunities and likelihood of quality of life than they would have had those ancestors been left in Africa. And again we are now among the least racist nations in the world.

People of whatever skin color who do not feel blessed to be Americans in the here and now should really move somewhere else more to their liking.
Americans weren't allowed to import them after 1808 or something, but they were bought and sold

Slavery was a massive element of the U.S. national economy and even more so the economy of the South: "In 1860, enslaved people were worth more than $3 billion (~$83 billion in 2023) to their owners. In today's economy, that would be equivalent to $12.1 trillion or 67 percent of the 2015 U.S. gross domestic product...The unpaid fruits of their labors created an interest so strong that between 1861 and 1865, Confederate leaders staked hundreds of thousands of lives and the future of their civilization on it."[14] As told by historian Frederic Bancroft, "Slave trading was considered a sign of enterprise and prosperity."[15]
So why don’t you care about the possibility of letting in terrorists and spies? This concerns your fellow Trumpsters, but this doesn’t concern you.

Why is that?
You argue against immigration today

but tomorrow or soon after you’ll be hawking open borders with all the other libs
Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

You do understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration, right?
You argue against immigration today

but tomorrow or soon after you’ll be hawking open borders with all the other libs
We’re both in favor of this idea.

I’m asking you why you’re not concerned about the aspects of this idea that concern your fellow Trumpsters.
he doesn't. Big donors gave him money, this is the payback
Well, one of the things I thought was factually true, overall, was that H1b, was the dems allowed companies to hire for workers, educated here, at less than what Americans demanded. I'm not against all skilled for workers, but I also don't believe we really have a shortage. Offshoring is so in vogue.

But now Maga is busting the chops of their own allies. LOL
Tuition has slowly gone up for the last 50 years. Would you consider college's tuition rises along the same trendline to validate your theory?

Because if trump DOESN'T exact the policy, tuition rates will still slowly climb.

You can't establish causation when the result is the same WITH and WITHOUT your supposed 'cause'.
:talk2hand: last time - If Trump is elected and we find out tuition is on the rise from this idea, I am coming back to curb stomp you.
:talk2hand: last time - If Trump is elected and we find out tuition is on the rise from this idea, I am coming back to curb stomp you.

If Trump isn't elected, and the tuition rates still go up like they have for 50 years, what then?

You are assuming causation. But the 'proof' of your theory happens if your cause exists or if it doesn't.

That's not causation.
If Trump isn't elected, and the tuition rates still go up like they have for 50 years, what then?

You are assuming causation. But the 'proof' of your theory happens if your cause exists or if it doesn't.

That's not causation.
STFU already. I am done with you.
If Trump isn't elected, and the tuition rates still go up like they have for 50 years, what then?

You are assuming causation. But the 'proof' of your theory happens if your cause exists or if it doesn't.

That's not causation.
I know the causation: Government backing student loans and lowered admission standards.

I know because it happened while I was in school. Took extra classes to GTFO because of that.

Tuition spiked, cost of books spiked, enrollment more than doubled, and many of the new ones were not college material.

Clinton was president.

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