Trump says he can only lose the election if the election is rigged. Do you agree?

the smallest group of the uneducated are somehow the smartest...not really. Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group.

:abgg2q.jpg: I LOVE IT! Every time WITHOUT fail, you jacked off fuckwits always come back to education and how much "smarter" you think you are when you cannot win an argument, cannot provide proof and cannot win elections!

Yeah, Trump won, but Hillary had the popular vote!

You pinheads always need that last thing to buoy up your pathetic fragile egos. The hilarious part is when you ACTUALLY LOOK at the PEOPLE, Trump supporters are clean, well-mannered, dignified and orderly, while the democrats are full of crazy school-age loons, violent, radical, dirty, sociopathic, and don't even know what gender they are.

And when you ACTUALLY look at the DATA, it turns out that democratic districts have some of the lowest IQs in the nation. I actually saved some data on that somewhere in my computer, I think it pertained to California; maybe later if I have nothing better to do, I'll dig it up.

View attachment 393640
You wasted 5 minutes of yourlife. I don’t read your BS. Ha ha...loser.
Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group. Your BS a good illustration.
How do you square that with almost half the Democrat base being black?

Is anyone home?
You’re an idiot. No wonder the left has more brains. Only 24% of the total vote was from blacks in 2016. we know blacks In general are smarter then Trump supporters in general. Geesus, who supports anyone with the mentality of a mature cucumber but another cucumber.
Those trying to rig the election are Donald Trump and his sycophant's. The ballots found in the trash is likely the work of Trump Supporters, seeking to "prove" Democrats are trying to cheat. D's are too smart to leave such evidence.
Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group. Your BS a good illustration.
How do you square that with almost half the Democrat base being black?

Is anyone home?
You’re an idiot. No wonder the left has more brains. Only 24% of the total vote was from blacks in 2016. we know blacks In general are smarter then Trump supporters in general. Geesus, who supports anyone with the mentality of a mature cucumber but another cucumber.
That makes no sense. Democrat demographics are demonstrably of lesser intelligence than Republicans'. After all, they're the ones living in violent shitholes. Try again, this time without resorting to phallic symbols.
President Trump on Monday further cast doubt on the U.S. election process, claiming falsely that the only way he would lose in November is if the election is “rigged.”


So the question is simple: Trump says the only way he loses the election is if it is rigged, Do you agree with him?

In other words, if he loses it is proof the election is rigged.

My opinion is that Trump is whacked and is preparing for major chaos when he does lose. Trump will not go quietly into that good night. Based on his comments, Orange Beelzebub will sow as much chaos as possible before he departs or is evicted from the White House.

Will his minions follow him into the abyss. That is the question.
We've never had a President who attacked our electoral system. And Trump did this in 2016, too, calling it "rigged".

What a dark time in this country's history. This person is a sociopath. He has no appreciation for the office he holds.

It was the democrats who attacked the electoral system, by creating a completely unacceptable election process. Meanwhile Clinton already told Biden to not accept the results of the election.

What you said is extremely dishonest, characterizes the lying left perfectly.

I am not even going to ask whether you believe Trump should concede the election even if it turns out that 500 million ballots have been cast. Or perhaps a bit more given that every American is voting for president Trump.

Full blown TDS.
Exactly what process are you talking about that democrats, who have no more control then republicans have enacted ? Are you saying that red states DON‘T allow vote by mail ? Dah ? Sone states have been doing it for decades ! Wtf are you talking about !!

Democrats rammed through the mail in fraud. And no, not every state is allowing the fraudster madness.

They belong in prison.
NAME ONE STATE THAT DOES NOT ALLOW MAIL IN BALLOTS. They all allow absentee voting......that’s done by mail. Dah.

Mail in ballots and absentee voting are an entirely different thing.

You are retarded.

If they were the same thing, democrats would not have needed to "add" anything. Throw them in prison, in New Hampshire straight hanging is also a viable option.
Mail-in and absentee ballots are the same. What is the difference?

You have to request an absentee ballot, and there are many security features on absentee ballots.

But if they are the same, then why is the system being changed? If you are fine with absentee ballots why do we need the massive overhauls?

It's incredible how these morons argue that "it's just the same" and at the same time argue we need massive changes. Sure sign of a Satan spawn.
I requested a mail-in ballot. The reason that mail-in ballots are offered w/o requesting is that there is a fear that trump will do something stupid to shortstop the process, like fucking with the postal system. My intention is to go to the polls and vote early anyway. Remember that we have a pandemic that may prevent people from voting in person, and trump should be doing all that he can to encourage voting, be it in person or by mail since he is a "patriot" and cares about us all no matter whether we are Dems, Republicans, or trump party people. He is a grifter, plain and simple.
about the American people, yes?
President Trump on Monday further cast doubt on the U.S. election process, claiming falsely that the only way he would lose in November is if the election is “rigged.”


So the question is simple: Trump says the only way he loses the election is if it is rigged, Do you agree with him?

In other words, if he loses it is proof the election is rigged.

My opinion is that Trump is whacked and is preparing for major chaos when he does lose. Trump will not go quietly into that good night. Based on his comments, Orange Beelzebub will sow as much chaos as possible before he departs or is evicted from the White House.

Will his minions follow him into the abyss. That is the question.
We've never had a President who attacked our electoral system. And Trump did this in 2016, too, calling it "rigged".

What a dark time in this country's history. This person is a sociopath. He has no appreciation for the office he holds.

It was the democrats who attacked the electoral system, by creating a completely unacceptable election process. Meanwhile Clinton already told Biden to not accept the results of the election.

What you said is extremely dishonest, characterizes the lying left perfectly.

I am not even going to ask whether you believe Trump should concede the election even if it turns out that 500 million ballots have been cast. Or perhaps a bit more given that every American is voting for president Trump.

Full blown TDS.
Exactly what process are you talking about that democrats, who have no more control then republicans have enacted ? Are you saying that red states DON‘T allow vote by mail ? Dah ? Sone states have been doing it for decades ! Wtf are you talking about !!

Democrats rammed through the mail in fraud. And no, not every state is allowing the fraudster madness.

They belong in prison.
NAME ONE STATE THAT DOES NOT ALLOW MAIL IN BALLOTS. They all allow absentee voting......that’s done by mail. Dah.

Mail in ballots and absentee voting are an entirely different thing.

You are retarded.

If they were the same thing, democrats would not have needed to "add" anything. Throw them in prison, in New Hampshire straight hanging is also a viable option.
Mail-in and absentee ballots are the same. What is the difference?

You have to request an absentee ballot, and there are many security features on absentee ballots.

But if they are the same, then why is the system being changed? If you are fine with absentee ballots why do we need the massive overhauls?

It's incredible how these morons argue that "it's just the same" and at the same time argue we need massive changes. Sure sign of a Satan spawn.
I have requested a mail-in ballot. The reason that mail-in ballots are being offered w/o a request is to make it as easy as possible to vote and the fear that trump is trying to fuck up the voting process, especially with his attack on the postal system. The pandemic has made it difficult for many to vote in person for obvious reasons and a mail-in ballot
resolves that issue. My intention is to vote in person anyway due to trump's shenanigans.
One would think that trump would encourage all registered voters to vote no matter what our political leaning is, whether by mail or in-person since he says that he "cares" about America. He is a liar and a grifter and is voting by mail. Oh, and the mail-in and absentee ballot are the same.

Mail-in voting versus absentee voting: Differences to know ... › how-to › mail-in-voting-versus-absent...

Sep 3, 2020 - So what's the real difference between absentee ballots and mail-in voting? Typically, absentee ballots refer to ballots that are requested and ...
This is not "typically" as the article points out.
This kind of stuff is doing major damage to the country. It's going to be one of the things that leads to the downfall. Trump isn't the only one that has done this but right now he is leading it.

Screaming that voting is unsafe and has been corrupt despite absolutely no evidence of that leads people to distrust the system.

The Democrats did major damage by blaming their loss on the "Russians" and Trump is now doing the same with his complete unsubstantiated B.S.

The voters have a right to fear violence if they elect trump.

thus the election is not free or fair. Any dem victory(s) will be tainted by that.

you want elections to be respected? start respecting them. stop beating and killing people in the streets. stop burning down shit.

until then, this is the world you made.

Hell, don't you support the use of street violence for political power? What did you think would happen?

So you're saying that all those gun-toting righties who are just gagging for a civil war are running scared? Is that what you're saying?? RATFLMAO!!!
No, I'll go the other way. You're using the threat of violence to sway the election the other way. You're making out that something is going to happen, even though it won't, to scare people into voting for Trump. It's called a self-fulfilling prophacy. Total. Utter. Bullshit.
Last edited:
Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group. Your BS a good illustration.
How do you square that with almost half the Democrat base being black?

Is anyone home?
You’re an idiot. No wonder the left has more brains. Only 24% of the total vote was from blacks in 2016. we know blacks In general are smarter then Trump supporters in general. Geesus, who supports anyone with the mentality of a mature cucumber but another cucumber.
That makes no sense. Democrat demographics are demonstrably of lesser intelligence than Republicans'. After all, they're the ones living in violent shitholes. Try again, this time without resorting to phallic symbols.
Let’s see. Universal healthcare, AGW, universal background checks and now fake voter fraud. Gop and trump supporters have a history of being totally ignorant on major matters. No other political party in the entire free world has this bastion of stupidity known as the gop with the eager dim witted followers that we have.
This kind of stuff is doing major damage to the country. It's going to be one of the things that leads to the downfall. Trump isn't the only one that has done this but right now he is leading it.

Screaming that voting is unsafe and has been corrupt despite absolutely no evidence of that leads people to distrust the system.

The Democrats did major damage by blaming their loss on the "Russians" and Trump is now doing the same with his complete unsubstantiated B.S.

The voters have a right to fear violence if they elect trump.

thus the election is not free or fair. Any dem victory(s) will be tainted by that.

you want elections to be respected? start respecting them. stop beating and killing people in the streets. stop burning down shit.

until then, this is the world you made.

Hell, don't you support the use of street violence for political power? What did you think would happen?

So you're saying that all those gun-toting righties who are just gagging for a civil war are running scared? Is that what you're saying?? RATFLMAO!!!...

Here is the deal, Dr. Gimp, don't guess what I mean. If you have any question, ask. Because you libs are morons at understanding conservatives.

Now, phrase that as a serious question, or fuck off.
Hes right and the Democrats know it. If they thought they had a reasonable chance they wouldnt have to resort to breaking the law, such as Michigan illegally sending UNREQUESTED BALLOT APPLICATIONS to every household

Show me the law that says it's illegal to send ballot requests to people. The secretary of the state says you're a liar. I'll take her word over yours. It's her job to know that law. Not yours. Do you even live in Michigan? Or are you one of the old russian bots left over from the 2016 election?

If trump believed he was going to win in an honest election why did he have the Post Office destroy all those sorting machines? Thus messing up the mail?

If trump believes he will win in an honest election why has he set up a scheme to get states with republican controlled congress to appoint electors to the electoral college when the people of the state have already done that and the ballots have not all been counted?

If trump believes he will in an honest election why has he hired 1 thousand lawyers to challenge the election?

If trump believes he will win in an honest election why does he want to get rid of the ballots?

trump isn't acting like a man who believes he will win an honest election.
the smallest group

BTW, jackass, when is the last time you got your head out of your ass and checked an election map of who is the smallest?

View attachment 393643
Wow. You are stupid. The republicans “own“ unpopulated areas. Is that because you have brain damage ?

"Unpopulated" areas. Guess you missed my thread on the actual population of Trump's states. I see you're another high-school grad who fell asleep in like the 5th grade? This must be another myth you jackass fucknots tell yourself, that "ghosts" all voted for Trump! Or maybe it was dead people!

So Lessee: Democrats like to brag that they got their asses whipped by a real estate developer with NO background in politics who was elected by states with no people in them! :auiqs.jpg:

Oh yeah, and it was all orchestrated by a Russian guy who doesn't even speak English from 8,000 miles away on a Facebook page.

Not something I'd go around putting on my CV showing to too many people if that were me.
the smallest group of the uneducated are somehow the smartest...not really. Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group.

:abgg2q.jpg: I LOVE IT! Every time WITHOUT fail, you jacked off fuckwits always come back to education and how much "smarter" you think you are when you cannot win an argument, cannot provide proof and cannot win elections!

Yeah, Trump won, but Hillary had the popular vote!

You pinheads always need that last thing to buoy up your pathetic fragile egos. The hilarious part is when you ACTUALLY LOOK at the PEOPLE, Trump supporters are clean, well-mannered, dignified and orderly, while the democrats are full of crazy school-age loons, violent, radical, dirty, sociopathic, and don't even know what gender they are.

And when you ACTUALLY look at the DATA, it turns out that democratic districts have some of the lowest IQs in the nation. I actually saved some data on that somewhere in my computer, I think it pertained to California; maybe later if I have nothing better to do, I'll dig it up.

View attachment 393640
You wasted 5 minutes of yourlife. I don’t read your BS. Ha ha...loser.

HaHa. You just proved you did. And try 30 seconds, Jackass. Unlike you, I don't type with one finger.
Here is the deal, Dr. Gimp, don't guess what I mean. If you have any question, ask. Because you libs are morons at understanding conservatives.

Now, phrase that as a serious question, or fuck off.

Hey, here's the deal. Stop being an alarmist Twat. That would be a good start.
That makes no sense. Democrat demographics are demonstrably of lesser intelligence than Republicans'. After all, they're the ones living in violent shitholes. Try again, this time without resorting to phallic symbols.

Maybe, maybe not. However, this board must be the unluckiest on the Internet. We have managed to attracted all the dumb-as-a-post, inbred, white trash throwback Deplorables from the Republican party in one place. What are the odds?
President Trump on Monday further cast doubt on the U.S. election process, claiming falsely that the only way he would lose in November is if the election is “rigged.”


So the question is simple: Trump says the only way he loses the election is if it is rigged, Do you agree with him?

In other words, if he loses it is proof the election is rigged.

My opinion is that Trump is whacked and is preparing for major chaos when he does lose. Trump will not go quietly into that good night. Based on his comments, Orange Beelzebub will sow as much chaos as possible before he departs or is evicted from the White House.

Will his minions follow him into the abyss. That is the question.

No. Trump as usual is full of shit.

The only way Trump can win is if the election is rigged.
the smallest group of the uneducated are somehow the smartest...not really. Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group.

:abgg2q.jpg: I LOVE IT! Every time WITHOUT fail, you jacked off fuckwits always come back to education and how much "smarter" you think you are when you cannot win an argument, cannot provide proof and cannot win elections!

Yeah, Trump won, but Hillary had the popular vote!

You pinheads always need that last thing to buoy up your pathetic fragile egos. The hilarious part is when you ACTUALLY LOOK at the PEOPLE, Trump supporters are clean, well-mannered, dignified and orderly, while the democrats are full of crazy school-age loons, violent, radical, dirty, sociopathic, and don't even know what gender they are.

And when you ACTUALLY look at the DATA, it turns out that democratic districts have some of the lowest IQs in the nation. I actually saved some data on that somewhere in my computer, I think it pertained to California; maybe later if I have nothing better to do, I'll dig it up.

View attachment 393640
You wasted 5 minutes of yourlife. I don’t read your BS. Ha ha...loser.

HaHa. You just proved you did. And try 30 seconds, Jackass. Unlike you, I don't type with one finger.
the smallest group of the uneducated are somehow the smartest...not really. Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group.

:abgg2q.jpg: I LOVE IT! Every time WITHOUT fail, you jacked off fuckwits always come back to education and how much "smarter" you think you are when you cannot win an argument, cannot provide proof and cannot win elections!

Yeah, Trump won, but Hillary had the popular vote!

You pinheads always need that last thing to buoy up your pathetic fragile egos. The hilarious part is when you ACTUALLY LOOK at the PEOPLE, Trump supporters are clean, well-mannered, dignified and orderly, while the democrats are full of crazy school-age loons, violent, radical, dirty, sociopathic, and don't even know what gender they are.

And when you ACTUALLY look at the DATA, it turns out that democratic districts have some of the lowest IQs in the nation. I actually saved some data on that somewhere in my computer, I think it pertained to California; maybe later if I have nothing better to do, I'll dig it up.

View attachment 393640
You wasted 5 minutes of yourlife. I don’t read your BS. Ha ha...loser.

HaHa. You just proved you did. And try 30 seconds, Jackass. Unlike you, I don't type with one finger.

Dagosa, you seem to have some obsession with Donald and the orifices of his body. Are you crying out trying to tell us something? It OK now you know to come out of the closet. Even our last president did it.
Trump supporters contain the least educated, most ignorant conspiracist Group. Your BS a good illustration.
How do you square that with almost half the Democrat base being black?

Is anyone home?
You’re an idiot. No wonder the left has more brains. Only 24% of the total vote was from blacks in 2016. we know blacks In general are smarter then Trump supporters in general. Geesus, who supports anyone with the mentality of a mature cucumber but another cucumber.
/—-/ You couldn’t keep up with Trump for 24 hours, you couldn’t negotiate a peace treaty between warring factions, speak for 90 minutes at a rally of 15,000, or construct a skyscraper from begging to end, and neither could your dork Dementia Joe.

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