Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Under the Fourth Amendment, Americans are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures.

There was no need for the criminal FBI raid on Trumps home.

It was all political and it was all illegal!:mad-61:

The scum who did this to Trump will pay.

This will be the basis for the 4th Amendment challenge:

They will make the argument that the government violated Trumps 4th amendment rights. If the court agrees, nothing seized can be used as evidence in any procedure.

Fourth Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Do you understand what "particularly describing" means? A 4 year window for documents doesn't come close to meeting that definition. The warrant is invalid on its face.

This was insisted on by the founders, because the English Crown just loved the use of general warrants.

Another legal term the commies might want to familiarize their self with, "fruit of the poisonous tree". LMAO

He was chief of staff for Attorney General Ed Meese during the Reagan administration. Damn, you're an idiot.
Nope, he is an idiot for not making sure that all of his biographies post that he is a constitutional lawyer.

Constitutional lawyer who apparently never followed that profession, perhaps. I do not find one source saying that he worked for many years as one, not even one. Do you have any source saying it? :

[ Not during Reagan]
The Office of the Chief of Staff is responsible for directing, managing and overseeing all policy development, daily operations, and staff activities for the President. This office coordinates and communicates with all departments and agencies of the Administration.
It is not about what the accountant finally had to show which got him indicted. Trump refused to show his taxes during the campaign, and into one or two years of his Administration. Showed the taxes where he had paid only for the previous year as the President.

Journalists got a hold of previous years which showed that he had lost 1 Billion Dollars in 10 years.

Biden has always shown his taxes. Trump refused to show his.

His accountant has now been sentenced for tax fraud for the Trump Organization.

Wow, do you just lie out of reflex. The CFO of a company is not the accountant.

You’re making these claims based on the statements of the anti government militia groups statements?! Really?? There are recordings of these guys making explosives in front of their kids and talking about killing the governor and you’re going to take their word on it before everything has been brought to trial?? Why’s wrong with you??

If the FBI did anything out of line they can be sued by those who were damaged. Bring the facts to court. That’s where these things get adjudicated. Lay off the propaganda for a spell.

This is the game--when presented with the facts, act outraged by the source.

Right, but for decades all candidates to the Presidency showed their taxes willingly. Trump refused to do so.

Some were only shown when someone leaked them to the media, which showed a loss of a Billion dollars in 10 years.


Great. I appreciate how knowledgeable he is about the Constitution.
he was there with Garland whom I did not get to meet, met liz Warren there and shook her hand, Gloria Steinem was there [no handshake] and the PM of New Zealand was there on Thursday but didn't get to meet her...and the weather was absolutely perfect the entire time, [4 nights 5 days] one of my all-time best weekends...that's the end of my self promoting boasting and back slapping.
They have zero to work with. The FBI and DOJ followed this to the letter of the law. Trump is pissing in the wind. LOL! I said when Trump was out he'd be living in court. I was right.

Only if you call shopping for a biased judge and a defective warrant following the law.

What is the letter of the law compared to what the DOJ knows about the law and exercised the affidavit and search warrant on?

Have you worked in a Law Firm, or the DOJ to have the experience to say that the law was not followed to the letter?

A, B, C, what should hav been done. First this, then that, then......

Do explain to us

It was already explained to you in post 451 of your lame assed commie thread. You obviously lack the intelligence to understand the concepts presented.

The DOJ and FBI came to this fight prepared. Trump is sucking on sour lemons right now with no defense. Good luck with that loser.

Tiger laughing.jpg

Behind the scenes I’d bet the people in the know are laughing at all the idiots making baseless assumptions and accusations with no idea of what’s actually going on. You think they are discredited but that’s just propaganda. Nobody knows the details behind the warrant so you have no way of knowing that it wasn’t legit. FBI, DOJ and Judge all signed off. That’s doesn’t happen with out major thought, consideration and weight behind the evidence

See post 181 and try to refute it.

Oh really?

Educate yourself on the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. Your esteemed FBI picked a dirt poor target living in a basement of a retail store with no running water. They then plied him and his friends with pot every time they attempted to entrap him, gave him money to buy guns and ammo, and told him over and over how great it would be to kidnap the governor.

THAT is why there were no prosecutions in the case.

THAT is your squeaky-clean FBI.

Now. Care to revisit J6?

Actually there were prosecutions, they ended in two acquittals and two hung juries.

This is the game--when presented with the facts, act outraged by the source.

How do you know your source is presenting the facts? There are probably a dozen different accounts and interpretations and spins about the facts involved with this situation. What makes you so sure that the defendants are the ones giving the accurate account?
See post 181 and try to refute it.

What is there to refute? The 14th amendment is pretty clear. The elements for probable cause would need to exist in the affidavit for a judge to legally approve the search warrant. Why are you confident that they don’t exist?
Wikipedia. Said nothing about him being a Constitutional lawyer. He has one in Political Science:

Skipping his senior year of high school, Levin enrolled at Temple University Ambler and graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in Political Science in 1977 at age 19.[15][16] Later in 1977, Levin won election to the Cheltenham school board on a platform of reducing property taxes.[15] In 1980, Levin earned a J.D. from Temple University School of Law.[17]


Just post a link where it shows that he is one, that he has a diploma in Constitutional Law. I cannot find it.

Show us Tribe's diploma in constitutional law. The fact is they don't exist, it's simply a specialty or subspecialty of an attorney.

You’re making these claims based on the statements of the anti government militia groups statements?! Really?? There are recordings of these guys making explosives in front of their kids and talking about killing the governor and you’re going to take their word on it before everything has been brought to trial?? Why’s wrong with you??

If the FBI did anything out of line they can be sued by those who were damaged. Bring the facts to court. That’s where these things get adjudicated. Lay off the propaganda for a spell.

Explain why there were no convictions.


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