Trump says to cancel order to new Airforce 1 for him.. Too much money.

I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
These people (liberals) prove they have a mental disorder. That or they are paid liars to stir up trouble. Personally, I wish we had the tech to throw them all into the sun.
Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
These people (liberals) prove they have a mental disorder. That or they are paid liars to stir up trouble. Personally, I wish we had the tech to throw them all into the sun.

Pupps would settle for catapulting them across the Rio Bravo.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.
The idiot wouldn't even know what he is negotiating.

Trump already owns a Boeing

We are the wealthiest nation on earth with assets exceeding $125 trillion

So what are you suggesting, that we increase taxes even more? Maybe borrow more money?

Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to increase taxes and she lost. Trump ran on a platform to decrease taxes and he won.

Maybe if you Moon Bats would pay attention to signals like that you would be more relevant.

Government fat cats like Obama already have enough fat off the hog while they are in office. Trump has said he can do without, which shows us that he is serious about fiscal responsibility.

We buy what needs buying and yes, we can afford it

Air Force One is an aircraft that is critical to the operations of the country. More important than any current military aircraft
I wouldn't worry too much about getting a new AF-1. Trump is just pondering how he can profit in some way from the construction of the new plane.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility.

This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.
Trump has offered to take $1 in salary and has already attempted to save the tax payers money - so where does this belief that Trump is suddenly going to come in and start spending like a drunken sailor - OR OBAMA - come from, besides your partisan nether-orifice?

We are the wealthiest nation on earth with assets exceeding $125 trillion

So what are you suggesting, that we increase taxes even more? Maybe borrow more money?

Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to increase taxes and she lost. Trump ran on a platform to decrease taxes and he won.

Maybe if you Moon Bats would pay attention to signals like that you would be more relevant.

Government fat cats like Obama already have enough fat off the hog while they are in office. Trump has said he can do without, which shows us that he is serious about fiscal responsibility.

We buy what needs buying and yes, we can afford it

Air Force One is an aircraft that is critical to the operations of the country. More important than any current military aircraft
I wouldn't worry too much about getting a new AF-1. Trump is just pondering how he can profit in some way from the construction of the new plane.
Now you're a mind reader, huh?
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility.

This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.
Trump has offered to take $1 in salary and has already attempted to save the tax payers money - so where does this belief that Trump is suddenly going to come in and start spending like a drunken sailor - OR OBAMA - come from, besides your partisan nether-orifice?
Perhaps he took Trump seriously when Trump promised one trillion in new infrastructure spending?

That's not going to happen, although by goper congressman is now pushing a new Interstate route of about 250 miles.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility.

This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.
Trump has offered to take $1 in salary and has already attempted to save the tax payers money - so where does this belief that Trump is suddenly going to come in and start spending like a drunken sailor - OR OBAMA - come from, besides your partisan nether-orifice?
He promised grandiose infrastructure projects, rebuilding our military, and cutting taxes on top of that. Plus, we have actual history of what happens when repugs run everything. So we have enormous sums being spent, and revenue being cut. But that's fiscal responsibility to repugs.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.

You going to upgrade to mid air refueling?
Do you have any idea what he MUST have on AF1?

Trump will never fly on this AF1. It will be delivered after he leaves office
Whatever it takes. Still won't cost as much as building the brand new one. Then President Pence can thank President Trump for saving TONS of money for him IF he does let them build it OR he can shop around for other companies in the US that can build it. Competition is always good! Make them fight for the rights to build it.

So you think it's cheaper to retrofit a much smaller plane with all the things required to keep the president safe? Flares, Chaff, extensive Command and Control equipment, EMP Shielding, installing a Hospital making it able to refuel in transit(And it still won't ever have the range). We have a 757 based transport for the Vice President and it can't compete with the full bore Air Force One, if the world goes to shit and the president has to be in a 757 he's fucked.

Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.

The Democrats sure as hell didn't get any memo when that jackass Obama was spending more money than he had year after year. Trillions more. In fact he racked up more debt than all the other Presidents in the history of the Republic combined.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility.

This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.
Trump has offered to take $1 in salary and has already attempted to save the tax payers money - so where does this belief that Trump is suddenly going to come in and start spending like a drunken sailor - OR OBAMA - come from, besides your partisan nether-orifice?
He promised grandiose infrastructure projects, rebuilding our military, and cutting taxes on top of that. Plus, we have actual history of what happens when repugs run everything. So we have enormous sums being spent, and revenue being cut. But that's fiscal responsibility to repugs.

What are you talking about? Give him some credit. He found the money to pay for the southern wall. :banana::banana::banana:
Boeing assembles planes in Washington State, a liberal Democrat stronghold, from parts made in a variety of foreign countries. Its union employees were strong Hillary supporters.

Beginning to understand?
Watch what follows.
Any one of us out here who has run a busines knows exactly what he is doing.
That was the problem with most of our politicians, they know nothing about how busness works.
Therefore they pass opressive laws that does more harm than good.
Democrats have been passing laws designed to destroy businesses...

Both parties have.
Not really.....the GOP just hasn't offered any resistance.

weakasslame pard.
But accurate.


No, that's what I meant, it was nothing but more denial as per usual. The usual, well-yeah-but-your-fucked-up-party-is-worse-than-my-fucked-up-party.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
Where did I say "what a monster"?
Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
Where did I say "what a monster"?

When Barry dropped trow?
Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
This is astonishing. Trump saves US jobs and Clinton supporters say, outrageous! He tries to save taxpayers money, and you say, what a monster! Are you trying to convince voters to vote for Trump in 2 and 4 years?
Where did I say "what a monster"?
It is addressed to you as part of the pack that would rather see America fail than Trump succeed in making America great.
The problem is we've built an environment around decay, corruption and boredom. The only reason for gay marriage is the result of exactly that. You can spin near anything and declare violation of the Constitution.

The results of this is a dumbed down public and expired common sense.

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