Trump says to cancel order to new Airforce 1 for him.. Too much money.

I am actually going to help the bitter, butt-hurt snowflakes out, because it's Christmas - the giving season, by giving them a real, reasonable excuse - true / possible or not - for attacking Trump on this one:

"It's weeks away from Christmas. Hard-working middle class workers are diligently working on this project to build a new Air Force 1, counting on the money from this project to buy little Timmy a new bicycle and little Susie a dolly....when suddenly the guy who promised to put Americans back to work just cancelled the contract, taking away all that contract money, all the salaries, all the bonuses...leaving the middle class hard working men and women on this project to have a shitty Christmas, thanks to the 'orange - not green - Grinch!"

You're welcome, you fear-mongering, drama queen snowflakes. You have my permission to use it. Merry Christmas!


Always find a way to complain.

That is money that could spent somewhere else.
The only reason he targeted AF1 is because it's the president's plane, he's the president, and he can make it appear that he is giving something up (he's not) to help the country save money.

Just another con. What you want to bet that he's riding on it in a couple of years?

This plane would not fly for another ten years. Long after Trump leaves office....screw the next guy and make him fly in a 40 year old obsolete plane
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
It would be funny if Trump saved the government money on these planes by ordering from Airbus instead
Maybe he could save a few bucks buying a jet from Sukhoi or Ilyushin. I'm sure Pootypoot could give him a good deal.
Has anyone bitching about the cost of this plane stopped to consider how far technology has come in just the past 10 years? Chances are that a lot of the equipment and tech gear on AF1 is close to becoming obsolete.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.

You going to upgrade to mid air refueling?
Do you have any idea what he MUST have on AF1?

Trump will never fly on this AF1. It will be delivered after he leaves office
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.

I expect all Presidents to travel on the most sophisticated Air Force One available...nothing but the best

Do you remember after 9-11 Bush circled in AF1 until the threat had cleared?
That is after the people around him were finally able to convince him that it was time stop reading Dr. Seuss to the children, and to get on the big pretty airplane and play president again.

I just loved that totally befuddled look on his face in that classroom. It would have been hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
Has anyone bitching about the cost of this plane stopped to consider how far technology has come in just the past 10 years? Chances are that a lot of the equipment and tech gear on AF1 is close to becoming obsolete.
He's got a fuckikng twitter account! Who needs more? LOL
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility.

This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Didn't you get the memo? The debt only matters when the president is a Democrat. Once Trump is inaugurated, the sky is the limit.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.

You going to upgrade to mid air refueling?
Do you have any idea what he MUST have on AF1?

Trump will never fly on this AF1. It will be delivered after he leaves office

Are you sure? I thought I read something that said it would be delivered by the end of 2017.
Trump Tweets to 'Cancel Order' for New Air Force One Plane Go ahead libs find something negative about this. He is trying to save Americans money.
This is not only abut the contract for Air Force One. The Air Force has signed a number of contracts with Boeing that leave the final cost open ended and experience shows the final cost is always many times higher than the estimates. Trump promised to eliminate wasteful spending and he is starting with this issue. Unlike Obama and Clinton, Trump has much experience negotiating large contracts and Boeing is being put on notice that if it does not cooperate in keeping costs down, they will lose these contracts. 45 days before being inaugurated, 13 days before the electoral college votes, Trump has already begun keeping the promises he made during the campaign.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.

You going to upgrade to mid air refueling?
Do you have any idea what he MUST have on AF1?

Trump will never fly on this AF1. It will be delivered after he leaves office
Whatever it takes. Still won't cost as much as building the brand new one. Then President Pence can thank President Trump for saving TONS of money for him IF he does let them build it OR he can shop around for other companies in the US that can build it. Competition is always good! Make them fight for the rights to build it.
I think you Libtard Moon Bats fail to understand fiscal responsibility. This country is $20 Trillion in debt. We can't afford a new airplane.
Or thousands of rounds of golf with a full compliment of SS, multiple annual multi-million dollar vacations where 2 - 3 747s/planes, an entire compliment of staff, SS, etc go along and take up 2 whole floors of some of the most luxurious hotels in the world.....

The man has offered to take $1 as President...and snowflakes attacked him for that!

'Nuff said.

In addition to not taking any salary Trump has also said he wasn't going to take many vacations and now cancelled the cool new airplane and these are all good signs that he actually takes fiscal responsibility seriously, unlike this Obama jackass.

If any of these Moon Bats think we just gotta have a new AF-1 then why don't they just send the government some of their money to pay for it? Put their money where their mouth is.
Trump hasn't cancelled anything. He's not the president. He did give Boeing fair warning that they better pinch a few pennies.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
Tsk tsk, the Trump planes only have a few more years left. It's about letting these contractors know that there really is a bottom line.
LIberals once again show how stupid and mindless they have become.
I think Trump fails to understand the complexities of Air Force One and how critical it is to the role of President...not just from a security standpoint but command and control

Pupps thinks that you don't understand that Trump will get the same plane at a better price for the taxpayers by negotiating. It's called Bidnezz 101, you leftist tool.

Negotiate what?

Is he going to give up all the bells and whistles on AF1?
Boeing is the only game in town because the aircraft must be made in the USA
Existing AF1 is close to 30 years old....Trump can walk away from the table, but not for long
Upgrade things on his plane to give him what he MUST have as President. Save MILLIONS if not BILLIONS.
I see you know nothing about air frame fatigue.
Tell us all about it, dickie.

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