Trump says to cancel order to new Airforce 1 for him.. Too much money.

Americans suddenly would experience far better airline service if ALL government personnel, including Presidents, were required to travel ONLY in the cheapest of cheap seats.

Trust me on this.....

Heard about the new United Airlines scam where they'll sell you a ticket cheap but forbid you to carry on baggage and have your (middle) seat assigned only just before departure? I had quit flying with United over 20 years ago and found some decent service with Continental. Then the two merged and I had hopes at Continental's ethic would prevail. I was wrong. Not just the United name but also the United crappy attitude.

These days when I have to go to Europe it's with Icelandair. Will be interesting to watch what's coming with Norwegian Air Shuttle. Already serving places like Oakland and Boston - now reaching out to places like Stewart Airport (60 Miles from NYC), Providence, RI, and Portsmouth, NH. Won't get to all of them but we can hope.

I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Yep, I did that for 20 years myself, and most of the flights were almost exclusively Delta unless you were flying into places they didn't go. Coach wasn't so bad, but you're right, it is asinine to think the president should fly coach. Shoot, it's stupid to think he shouldn't have his own plane to fly because of all the people that have to travel with him.

Based on what?

He has not demonstrated that he is aware of what the contract is, what the cost drivers are and why they are needed. If he could point to a study that shows the existing AF1 will last another 20 years
If he could point to specifics about why Boeing is charging too much, I would listen. But he is just Tweeting that he doesn't like the cost

What part of $4 billion don't you understand Moon Bat? $4 billion for a fucking airplane to fly the President around is too much.

Boeing just demanded another $170 million for the stupid program. That is one hellva cost overrun for a stupid airplane, isn't it?

However, who gives a shit what an idiot Moon Bat like you thinks? You don't get to make the call on whether the President needs another flying castle or not. The American people elected Trump to do that and he said no. Live with it Moon Bat.

The $170 million is initial studies and R&D on the project
Lifetime cost is in the neighborhood of $4 billion

What do you think a limited production, advanced aircraft should cost?
Trump Tweets to 'Cancel Order' for New Air Force One Plane Go ahead libs find something negative about this. He is trying to save Americans money.
Why would this AF1 order be for him?

Its not for him; it’s for the President.

It won't be available for ten years...more reason for Trump to cancel
Hey the current ones will ONLY be 35 years old. What could go wrong. LOL

Yeah..............what could go wrong with a 35 year old airframe that has been flown over hundreds of thousands of miles? Aircraft need to be replaced every so often due to the stresses the airframe experiences in flight. Eventually, stress cracks can form in the structure of the airplane.

What do you want to see happen, watch AF1 fall out of the sky because the wings fell off?
Trump Tweets to 'Cancel Order' for New Air Force One Plane Go ahead libs find something negative about this. He is trying to save Americans money.
How the fuck is he saving tax payers money when, not even fuckin president yet, he's already costing us a million dollars a day, with his Trump tower secret service scam? Headlines should be: TRUMP FAMILY PLANS TO GAUGE TAX PAYERS BY FILTERING TAX DOLLARS TO THE TRUMP BRAND, VIA TRUMP HOTEL, TRUMP PLANES, TRUMP GOLF CLUBS, TRUMP STEAKS, TRUMP MAG. ETC......WHAT A FUCKIN SCAM
We also have an $18 trillion GDP and over $125 Trillion in national assets
That is real world
Great, liquidate $20 Trillion in assets, pay off our debts, then continue fiscally irresponsibly spending as much as you like...

Hey Trump dummies, the fix is in....expect the Trump family once again to profit from any decision this clown makes.....that Boeing is for FUTURE PRESIDENTS YOU MORONS!! I find it funny, the guy that lost a billion dollars is now budget savvy....LOLOLOLOL
Trump Tweets to 'Cancel Order' for New Air Force One Plane Go ahead libs find something negative about this. He is trying to save Americans money.
Why would this AF1 order be for him?

Its not for him; it’s for the President.

It won't be available for ten years...more reason for Trump to cancel
Hey the current ones will ONLY be 35 years old. What could go wrong. LOL

Yeah..............what could go wrong with a 35 year old airframe that has been flown over hundreds of thousands of miles? Aircraft need to be replaced every so often due to the stresses the airframe experiences in flight. Eventually, stress cracks can form in the structure of the airplane.

What do you want to see happen, watch AF1 fall out of the sky because the wings fell off?
Can't wait for these gerrymandered redneck districts that host Boeing to go bat shit crazy over this one....LOLOLOLO
Trump Tweets to 'Cancel Order' for New Air Force One Plane Go ahead libs find something negative about this. He is trying to save Americans money.
Why would this AF1 order be for him?

Its not for him; it’s for the President.

It won't be available for ten years...more reason for Trump to cancel
Hey the current ones will ONLY be 35 years old. What could go wrong. LOL

Yeah..............what could go wrong with a 35 year old airframe that has been flown over hundreds of thousands of miles? Aircraft need to be replaced every so often due to the stresses the airframe experiences in flight. Eventually, stress cracks can form in the structure of the airplane.

What do you want to see happen, watch AF1 fall out of the sky because the wings fell off?
Trump won't be on board, so why should the Trumpbots care? LOL
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.
The program is so new that there aren't even any cost overruns to it .... yet. Trump's got an AF1 hemmroid.

But Air Force One is different, Harrison said, because "it's still very, very early. It hasn't had a chance to have any cost overruns yet." He said it was curious that Trump would single out Air Force One when there are so many other defense programs that have gone wildly over budget and behind schedule.

But this isn't the first time Trump has highlighted the costs of Air Force One. In July, he objected to the use of the plane for campaign events: "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary," he tweeted. "A total disgrace!"

He brought it up again at a rally in North Carolina in July. "Now Air Force One is a very old Boeing 747," Trump said. "It sucks up a lot of gas. A lot of fuel. Boy, the fuel bill. You turn on those engines, I can tell you, it's a lot of money."

Trump says cancel Air Force One deal; Boeing says it'll deliver 'best value'
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.
(sigh)...I wish to God this was all a dream and we as a nation could wake up to 2008 all over again.
The only reason he targeted AF1 is because it's the president's plane, he's the president, and he can make it appear that he is giving something up (he's not) to help the country save money.

Just another con. What you want to bet that he's riding on it in a couple of years?
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.
The program is so new that there aren't even any cost overruns to it .... yet. Trump's got an AF1 hemmroid.

But Air Force One is different, Harrison said, because "it's still very, very early. It hasn't had a chance to have any cost overruns yet." He said it was curious that Trump would single out Air Force One when there are so many other defense programs that have gone wildly over budget and behind schedule.

But this isn't the first time Trump has highlighted the costs of Air Force One. In July, he objected to the use of the plane for campaign events: "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary," he tweeted. "A total disgrace!"

He brought it up again at a rally in North Carolina in July. "Now Air Force One is a very old Boeing 747," Trump said. "It sucks up a lot of gas. A lot of fuel. Boy, the fuel bill. You turn on those engines, I can tell you, it's a lot of money."

Trump says cancel Air Force One deal; Boeing says it'll deliver 'best value'
Trump knows how fucked up the media is and its to deflect the morons from the real stories his so called white house is building up to be.....that Flynn story is a good example, not to mention
Reminder: Ben Carson Is An Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist Who Thinks Islam Isn’t A Religion
This is the guy Donald Trump has nominated to be HUD secretary.
Picking the dumbest black guy in america for HUD secretary!!
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.

I expect all Presidents to travel on the most sophisticated Air Force One available...nothing but the best

Do you remember after 9-11 Bush circled in AF1 until the threat had cleared?
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.

All he will do is renogotiate the contract with Boeing because the union and airline lobbyists have made a shity political deal that brought the price up to high.
He is breaking a political lobby deal and will make a new contract with them for a more reasonable price.
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.
The program is so new that there aren't even any cost overruns to it .... yet. Trump's got an AF1 hemmroid.

But Air Force One is different, Harrison said, because "it's still very, very early. It hasn't had a chance to have any cost overruns yet." He said it was curious that Trump would single out Air Force One when there are so many other defense programs that have gone wildly over budget and behind schedule.

But this isn't the first time Trump has highlighted the costs of Air Force One. In July, he objected to the use of the plane for campaign events: "Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary," he tweeted. "A total disgrace!"

He brought it up again at a rally in North Carolina in July. "Now Air Force One is a very old Boeing 747," Trump said. "It sucks up a lot of gas. A lot of fuel. Boy, the fuel bill. You turn on those engines, I can tell you, it's a lot of money."

Trump says cancel Air Force One deal; Boeing says it'll deliver 'best value'
Trump knows how fucked up the media is and its to deflect the morons from the real stories his so called white house is building up to be.....that Flynn story is a good example, not to mention
Reminder: Ben Carson Is An Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist Who Thinks Islam Isn’t A Religion
This is the guy Donald Trump has nominated to be HUD secretary.
Picking the dumbest black guy in america for HUD secretary!!

No Muslims in public housing damn it!
I traveled for the Government for over 30 years and we always had the cheap seats. The Government, using high volume, also negotiated the cheapest airfares that were available on the market

And it is asinine to think the President should fly coach

Again, trust me on this, Obama leaves office in January. Your (once) New Messiah won't be needing Air Farce One (The golf course express) after that so you really don't give a shit what His replacement will use.

All he will do is renogotiate the contract with Boeing because the union and airline lobbyists have made a shity political deal that brought the price up to high.
He is breaking a political lobby deal and will make a new contract with them for a more reasonable price.

He will stretch out the contract over more years and cost us more in the long run

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