Trump says we need highly skilled workers - unsaid - because Republicans too stupid to learn

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Typical Rdean, picks something to rant about, and draws the wrong conclusion about it.

We need to bring in these workers because we keep propagating the lie that "everyone has to go to college" and even worse, when they get there, allow them to take degrees that are only useful if you intent to become a professor that teaches the subject matter of said degree.

We need more vocational schools, and more guidance for students to choose degrees that lead to jobs that the companies out there need filled.

Engineers, IT people, healthcare workers, not paleo-lesbian-ethnic pottery and basketweaving.
Typical right wingernut idiot furck tard Republican. No one said a thing about college. So where do they come from? The delusions? From drugs? A violent blow to the head? GOP propaganda?

Where do you think "skilled workers" come from, you raging dick-tard?
Is that what you think a machinist does? Just "set up a machine" and "use a micrometer"?

I do design machined parts, but I have never run a CNC machine. When I have questions, I go to a machinist and ask for their help from their personal experience from a complex and difficult job.

First, using tools. Carbon or hardened steel? Hardened tips or diamond encrusted?
Types of material used. Following tolerances when machining kynar, 300 series stainless, 316 stainless, copper, brass, zinc and so on. The tools deflect depending on the hardness of the materials being machined. How does that translate into tolerances.
Using the tools to measure the finished parts. Some parts, like for medical devices, have a tolerance of +0.00000 and -0.000003 - you can't measure that with a micrometer. You need a tiny, almost microscopic ball on the end of a sensor connected to a specialized computer program. Or a laser measurement device.
Being able to spot problems the customer is making and working with them to correct the problems, whether it's aerospace, medical equipment, automotive or other specialized parts.
Taking extremely complex and layered parts, translating them into 3d and programming along with surface characteristics, required knurls, grooves and making sure tools will be able to fit an assembly and recommending torque for the user's tools.

Machinists today don't work so much on a lathe and a drill press.


If you think it's easy programming a part like this:


or this:


You are out of your fucking mind.

And I'm not a machinist. I know how to design the parts, but making them, I leave to the experts and I take their advice. Always. I may not use it, but I always listen. Fools don't listen.

A micrometer and and basic math skills indeed.

My husband did much of his own machine work with his own tools. As much as you would like to believe I am an idiot you would be in error. Again resume skills do not equate to ability. Being able to use Word, Powerpoint or any other specialized program does not equate to being able to set up a machine even when it is done on a computer. Keep that word "specialized" in your head. The country has a bunch of money managers making decisions for companies they have no f'ing clue of what it takes to operate them. They have stripped off assets and profits to the point where the whole country is screwed up.
Word and Powerpoint are "specialized programs?"


OK, I admit it. I'm stumped.
You would be. A person can operate an engineered program does not mean they can effectively use Powerpoint. Pretty simple. You have a computer program that does graphics for signs. That is different than using Powerpoint or any other program. Yes you would be stumped.
You are hopeless.
Probably true unlike you and many others I was not indoctrinated.
Then how could you possibly believe that Powerpoint is as complicated as Catia, MasterCam, Inventor or some other professional engineering program. Compared to them, Powerpoint is a small hand carved wooden toy.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Typical Rdean, picks something to rant about, and draws the wrong conclusion about it.

We need to bring in these workers because we keep propagating the lie that "everyone has to go to college" and even worse, when they get there, allow them to take degrees that are only useful if you intent to become a professor that teaches the subject matter of said degree.

We need more vocational schools, and more guidance for students to choose degrees that lead to jobs that the companies out there need filled.

Engineers, IT people, healthcare workers, not paleo-lesbian-ethnic pottery and basketweaving.
Typical right wingernut idiot furck tard Republican. No one said a thing about college. So where do they come from? The delusions? From drugs? A violent blow to the head? GOP propaganda?

Where do you think "skilled workers" come from, you raging dick-tard?
Jr. College
Technical School
On the job training

Depending on the programs offered and the required skills.

I'm surprised you didn't know. You think you're smart, but that could be part of the delusion.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Typical Rdean, picks something to rant about, and draws the wrong conclusion about it.

We need to bring in these workers because we keep propagating the lie that "everyone has to go to college" and even worse, when they get there, allow them to take degrees that are only useful if you intent to become a professor that teaches the subject matter of said degree.

We need more vocational schools, and more guidance for students to choose degrees that lead to jobs that the companies out there need filled.

Engineers, IT people, healthcare workers, not paleo-lesbian-ethnic pottery and basketweaving.
Typical right wingernut idiot furck tard Republican. No one said a thing about college. So where do they come from? The delusions? From drugs? A violent blow to the head? GOP propaganda?

Where do you think "skilled workers" come from, you raging dick-tard?
Jr. College
Technical School
On the job training

Depending on the programs offered and the required skills.

I'm surprised you didn't know. You think you're smart, but that could be part of the delusion.

Yes, and I don't see wmyn studies up on that list. If people living here won't enter the programs that provide the staffing we need, then companies have to look elsewhere.

And again My IQ vs. your IQ any day of the week, any hour of the day, and any minute of the hour.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

The US government run public schools rank about 48th in the world in science and math.

It then makes sense to look elsewhere for potential employees.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.
Dumbest thing I've heard. Millions of highly educated workers - sitting at home or working at Walmart because all of the jobs have been shipped out.
And they were shipped out because of excessive government regulations and taxes.
That is the most ignorant and stupid bullshit. Repeating GOP nonsense and worse, believing it.

America's persistent problem: Not enough skilled workers
The Skills Gap in U.S. Manufacturing 2015 and Beyond

Three million open jobs in U.S., but who's qualified?

There are millions of jobs availble but employees can't find qualified workers. LEARN dumbfucker LEARN. It starts by reading.
Don't get nasty because you post bullshit. Manufacturing jobs are basically gone in America. And millions of people with Bachelor or higher degrees are working at hourly jobs like Walmart.

Been in manufacturing management for decades, watched tens of thousands of jobs move offshore.

What's your background?

America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs
Companies will ALWAYS go out of their way to pass legislation that allows the cheapest workers.
Especially in Industries with weak Associations that can't fight back.

Flowchat Corporate logic for only wanting Indian Business Visas and most of the boxes won't connect.
Maybe people should learn to write software.
Oh wait, those jobs went to India.

Maybe people should learn to be machinists.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Mexico.

Maybe people should learn to do assembly and test.
Oh wait, those jobs went to China.

Maybe people should learn to make electronics.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Asia.

Maybe people should learn to make medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Ireland.

The problem is not unskilled workers, but an over abundance of skilled workers because of over regulation and taxes have driven millions of manufacturing jobs offshore.
f you ran a bank who would you be more likely to loan money to...a mom & pop store in a bad neighborhood or a mom & pop store in a good neighborhood?

If you ran a bank in a poor area and accepted the deposits of the poor people in this area, yea you should be looking at loaning money on a store in that area.

If you're a banker your foremost responsibility is to not lose your stockholder's money...not to effect social change. Bankers are supposed to be conservative in nature and that isn't a "political" term I'm's a business term. Bankers should loan to people that are good risks. One of the reasons that the last recession was SO brutal was that politicians pressured bankers into loaning money to people who were NOT good risks and then allowed the bankers to bundle those bad loans and designate them as better than bad. When the shit hit the fan...people with no money down "liar" loans simply walked away from property that was underwater and financial institutions owning those bundled mortgages were facing huge losses from the foreclosures. In the long run...that didn't help anyone...not the banks...not the people who's credit was damaged...not the country in general.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Typical Rdean, picks something to rant about, and draws the wrong conclusion about it.

We need to bring in these workers because we keep propagating the lie that "everyone has to go to college" and even worse, when they get there, allow them to take degrees that are only useful if you intent to become a professor that teaches the subject matter of said degree.

We need more vocational schools, and more guidance for students to choose degrees that lead to jobs that the companies out there need filled.

Engineers, IT people, healthcare workers, not paleo-lesbian-ethnic pottery and basketweaving.
Typical right wingernut idiot furck tard Republican. No one said a thing about college. So where do they come from? The delusions? From drugs? A violent blow to the head? GOP propaganda?

Where do you think "skilled workers" come from, you raging dick-tard?
Jr. College
Technical School
On the job training

Depending on the programs offered and the required skills.

I'm surprised you didn't know. You think you're smart, but that could be part of the delusion.

Yes, and I don't see wmyn studies up on that list. If people living here won't enter the programs that provide the staffing we need, then companies have to look elsewhere.

And again My IQ vs. your IQ any day of the week, any hour of the day, and any minute of the hour.
What's a "wmym"?
Maybe people should learn to write software.
Oh wait, those jobs went to India.

Maybe people should learn to be machinists.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Mexico.

Maybe people should learn to do assembly and test.
Oh wait, those jobs went to China.

Maybe people should learn to make electronics.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Asia.

Maybe people should learn to make medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
Oh wait, those jobs went to Ireland.

The problem is not unskilled workers, but an over abundance of skilled workers because of over regulation and taxes have driven millions of manufacturing jobs offshore.
That's ridiculous. If that were the case, millions of American jobs wouldn't go wanting. Why you guys so stupid. Do you practice together?

America has 5.8 million job openings

They just don't want Republicans. Would you?
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Not all Republicans think like that, in fact I think the majority of Republicans are normal. This is why at least 30% or more the Republican Party have already stated they will not vote for a Donald Trump nominee no matter what.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Trump attracts the worst of ignorance in this country. The low life types, the ones that think they have been cheated out of something by someone else. They don't know anything about civics. They don't understand how government works, they're going to elect him, and he'll single handily do it all by himself--LOL They're also bigots. Anyone that's different from them, has to be bad.

Others believe he is some type of John Wayne figure. Little do they know that he is really Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.
Here Are the Levels of Crazy Donald Trump Supporters Have Reached
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

As my grandmother used to say to me: You'll fly over the rose bushes and land on a Cow Turd. That is exactly what the Republican party did this election cycle.


Last edited:
Trump says we need highly skilled workers - unsaid - because Republicans too stupid to learn
And here we see the highly educated Liberal, doing what she is best qualified to do...

Trump says we need highly skilled workers - unsaid - because Republicans too stupid to learn
And here we see the highly educated Liberal, doing what she is best qualified to do...

Republican would have shot the elephant.and mounted the head over the outhouse door.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

The Shocking Stats About Who's Really Starting Companies In America

Fully a third of venture-backed companies that went public between 2006 and 2012 had at least one immigrant founder at the helm.

The Most Entrepreneurial Group in America Wasn't Born in America

Immigrants now launch more than a quarter of U.S. businesses. All entrepreneurs should welcome reform that would make it easier for this class of strivers to stay--and succeed.


See? Get it? Are Republicans tards? Cut your nose off to spite your face?

What I've been saying since I started coming to the USMB. The reason Republicans want to deport 11 million Mexicans is because they hope to take over what the Mexicans leave behind. Why? Because they know they don't have to education to build their own. When you think of Republicans, you don't think of education or science or skills. You think of racism and attacks and white Supremacists. It's just who they are. It reminds me of German fascists throwing out the Jews so they could take ownership of what the Jews had. How pathetic.

Not all Republicans think like that, in fact I think the majority of Republicans are normal. This is why at least 30% or more the Republican Party have already stated they will not vote for a Donald Trump nominee no matter what.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Trump attracts the worst of ignorance in this country. The low life types, the ones that think they have been cheated out of something by someone else. They don't know anything about civics. They don't understand how government works, they're going to elect him, and he'll single handily do it all by himself--LOL They're also bigots. Anyone that's different from them, has to be bad.

Others believe he is some type of John Wayne figure. Little do they know that he is really Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.
Here Are the Levels of Crazy Donald Trump Supporters Have Reached
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

As my grandmother used to say to me: You'll fly over the rose bushes and land on a Cow Turd. That is exactly what the Republican party did this election cycle.


You said:

Not all Republicans think like that, in fact I think the majority of Republicans are normal.

See? You said "I think.........." which means you aren't even sure.
What this means is that foundation infiltrated education and multiculturalism has failed the nation.

Brainwashing our kids with meaningless and stupid curriculum is the problem.

As Gatto patiently explains, our children have no self initiative, they are pampered and completely useless. . .

But this is by design, not by accident.
Oh it's by design all right.

The Terrifying Texas GOP Platform

The document (About the Party - Republican Party of Texas) has already made headlines with the portion that opposes the “teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills” and “critical thinking skills.”
That is because they came in and got grants after they got here...

The federal government has racial set aside grants and the civilian programs are also set up to help primarily minority businesses.

White men are getting passed by, mugged and fucked over by our own god damned government using our own god damned taxes to do it.

Obama praised Supreme Court affirmative action ruling in 2003, applauded racial ‘set aside plans’
White men are getting passed by, mugged and fucked over by our own god damned government using our own god damned taxes to do it.

They can go to school if they want. But your kind wants free stuff without the hard work it takes to get an education. Even you know that.

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