Trump says you'll let him get away with murder

[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.
Do you also know who deserves to be mocked?

Handicapped people!

Thank God Trump has the balls to finally mock people with handicaps.


Yes, that's what we need in a President.

He mocked a reporter.

I'm fine with that.

So are nearly half the American people according to the Trump vs Hillary polls.


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?

And if he did, his supporters would still defend him.

Trump said his supporters would still support him if he was standing on Fifth Avenue shooting people.

And he's right.

They are so consumed by hate, they'll believe anything he says.

We are not consumed by hate. We are angry.

And rightfully so.
[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.
We are not consumed by hate. We are angry.

And rightfully so.

And that anger will lead to President Hillary or Sanders.

Your petulant anger will have thrown away an election that was easily winnable.

Remember that when a Democrat is being sworn in next year.

The issues that Trump brought to the fore, need to be addressed.

Actually they needed to be addressed long ago, but better late than never.

I am tired of the US being the world's bitch when it comes to trade and immigration.

A republican who would continue that is no better, at this point, than a democrat.
jknowgood is an obedient puppet for the rw. He relishes his hate of Americans who don't share his zany views. AGAIN- conservatives- "party before country". Curious how he's astonished about Benghazi but doesn't bat an eye about the 4,400+ casualties of the 21st century's largest foreign policy blunder- vietraq :eusa_think:
Vietnam? Wasn't that a democrat war? Oh and Hillary voted and supported the Iraq war. So you are a two faced fool.
i said vietraq dummy. Reading is not your strong suit I see. You even missed the century :eusa_doh:

So..... what are your views of vietraq and the 4,400+ casualties that the current President advised against when he was a senator?

Never mind. You've taken the rw, hate media, brown acid. No hope for you
Nope Hillary voted and supported that war, but you don't really care. Can I see your hatred coming out?
ummm..... ignoring my GINORMOUS siggie pic in order to make a cheap political point?
Trump's supporters are pretty much morally bankrupt; they would support him no matter what. This is why Hillary wins.

Good Lord woman! As a Hillary supporter, you need to post a warning before replying with something like that!!!

I could have been seriously injured when my Hypocrisy Meter exploded...

You feel comfortable with the President of your Country mocking handicapped persons?


I can see him, after he sends 30,000 troops into the middle east--he said he was going to "take their (ISIS) oil" so I'm not making that up--some come back with PTSD like Palin's son. When he and his wife are in the residence, he mocks the PFC from Moline who has PTSD in the same way.... You really want this type of man as the CIC of your son or daughter. Or if they get captured...remember "He likes soldiers who don't get caught".

Missourian does have the 4-time bankrupt, thrice married, carnival barker in his siggie
The issues that Trump brought to the fore, need to be addressed.

Actually they needed to be addressed long ago, but better late than never.

I am tired of the US being the world's bitch when it comes to trade and immigration.

A republican who would continue that is no better, at this point, than a democrat.

You can address illegal immigration better than accusing Mexicans of being rapists.

That is NOT a conservative position. It's a reactionary, unintelligent one. It's needlessly shooting yourself in the head.

As for trade, that's free markets. Sorry. Liberals, statists and others Big Government advocates want to raise taxes on imports. If you believe that, that's fine. But don't call yourself a conservative. You're either a liberal, a charlatan, or an idiot.
The issues that Trump brought to the fore, need to be addressed.

Actually they needed to be addressed long ago, but better late than never.

I am tired of the US being the world's bitch when it comes to trade and immigration.

A republican who would continue that is no better, at this point, than a democrat.

You can address illegal immigration better than accusing Mexicans of being rapists.

That is NOT a conservative position. It's a reactionary, unintelligent one. It's needlessly shooting yourself in the head.

As for trade, that's free markets. Sorry. Liberals, statists and others Big Government advocates want to raise taxes on imports. If you believe that, that's fine. But don't call yourself a conservative. You're either a liberal, a charlatan, or an idiot.

No one was addressing it before Trump broached it.

The Establishment GOP is pro-amnesty and pro-Third World Immigration.

Being careful of the feelings of those who are invading US is not the path to the needed firm action.

And we do not have Free Trade with China.

Only an idiot would pretend we do.
The issues that Trump brought to the fore, need to be addressed.

Actually they needed to be addressed long ago, but better late than never.

I am tired of the US being the world's bitch when it comes to trade and immigration.

A republican who would continue that is no better, at this point, than a democrat.

You can address illegal immigration better than accusing Mexicans of being rapists.

That is NOT a conservative position. It's a reactionary, unintelligent one. It's needlessly shooting yourself in the head.

As for trade, that's free markets. Sorry. Liberals, statists and others Big Government advocates want to raise taxes on imports. If you believe that, that's fine. But don't call yourself a conservative. You're either a liberal, a charlatan, or an idiot.
Walk over the border into Mexico.
Someone with a gun will tell you to step back over the border into the US.
You will refuse.
He will shoot you dead.
Do you also know who deserves to be mocked?

Handicapped people!

Thank God Trump has the balls to finally mock people with handicaps.


Yes, that's what we need in a President.

He mocked a reporter.

I'm fine with that.

So are nearly half the American people according to the Trump vs Hillary polls.


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?

He mocked a reporter.

I'm fine with that.

So are nearly half the American people according to the Trump vs Hillary polls.


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.
[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.

If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

It would not surprise me if Trump is a Clinton plant. They were buddy buddy back in the early 1990's.
We are not consumed by hate. We are angry.

And rightfully so.

And that anger will lead to President Hillary or Sanders.

Your petulant anger will have thrown away an election that was easily winnable.

Remember that when a Democrat is being sworn in next year.

The issues that Trump brought to the fore, need to be addressed.

Actually they needed to be addressed long ago, but better late than never.

I am tired of the US being the world's bitch when it comes to trade and immigration.

A republican who would continue that is no better, at this point, than a democrat.
-------------------------- TRUE and that's the reason that I dislike moderate repubs more than dems Correl !!
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.

It would not surprise me if Trump is a Clinton plant. They were buddy buddy back in the early 1990's.
--------------------------- might be Eagle , we will see !! Go Trump !!
the making of the antichrist, and those who gladly accept his number, right before my very eyes....

Oh wait, oopsie, wrong thread and forum.... :rolleyes:
[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


Yes, he did.

He's a lying bastard like that.

I had a moment of hope that his election might improve Race Relations. Cause lord knows we need that.

Instead he used the Race Card right off the bat. Very disappointing.

And very, very divisive.
To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.

Or any sort of decency or class.


Like McCain? Fuck that shit.

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