Trump says you'll let him get away with murder


He mocked a reporter's disability.

To-mA-toe, TO-ma-toe.

He mocked his disabilities.
If he had a problem with what the reporter alleged, he should point out what the issue was.

If the reporter was black or Hispanic, should Trump result to racial slurs?
None of that shit matters.

The guy could declare a National Throw a Bean Bag at a Beaner Day, and still get away with it, and maybe even pick up another 5 points in the polls.


You LibProgs really don't get it, do you?

America wants the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone... not on a phukking path-to-citizenship... not out-of-the-shadows... not paying taxes... but... gone.

America does not want the goddamned Syrians.

America has had a bellyful of LibProg Rule-by-Imperial-Decree.

You've finally pushed America too far, in trying to cram your agenda down America's throat, and trying to suppress opposition.

Comes the dawn.

Fun Time's over, kiddies (LibProgs)...

Step aside.

Your turn is over.

Grab your mitts and head for the outfield.

The Other Side now gets a turn at-bat.

And this is the guy you want to send to the plate?


Better than someone still cowed by Political Correctness.
So...he was right.
Trump's being divisive?

What is the most divisive thing you believe he has done/said?

What planet are you on?


Have you been paying attention at all?

Or does your filter just ignore all the awful things he says?
  • Mock handicapped people
  • Call decorated POWs "losers"
  • Brand all Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, drug mules, and "some, I assume, are good people."
  • Insult Seventh-Day Adventists
  • Threaten lawsuits against someone running negative ads against you
  • Be super thin-skinned that you feel the need to insult everyone and anyone
  • Say that a woman can't be President because she's ugly
  • Create a database of all persons of a specific religion
  • Ask Iowans how stupid are they?
  • Say that some protesters deserve to get roughed up.
  • Deny entry into the country based on religion "until we know what's going on," including Americans of that religion
  • Introduce the word "schlonged" into the American political lexicon and apply it to your potential opponent, who is female.
  • Call a newspaper editor who criticizes you a "lowlife."
Trump said that he could shoot people and his supporters would still back him. That's so true. I'm sure you'll find some way to rationalize all this.
Trump's being divisive?

What is the most divisive thing you believe he has done/said?

What planet are you on?


Have you been paying attention at all?

Or does your filter just ignore all the awful things he says?
  • Mock handicapped people
  • ....

He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.
[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


Yes, he did.

He's a lying bastard like that.

I had a moment of hope that his election might improve Race Relations. Cause lord knows we need that.

Instead he used the Race Card right off the bat. Very disappointing.

And very, very divisive.
Ah..the Race Card Card. It never gets old.
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.

WTF is the matter with you?

A Presidential candidate should NEVER mock a person for their handicap under any circumstance.

This should be the bare minimum of decency.

YOUR concern is misplaced.

You condemn Obama for what you are willing to excuse in Trump because you support him.

Then you complain about Obama for being divisive.

That's hypocritical.

Trump is going to get smoked in the general because there aren't enough angry white people to offset all the people he's pissed off.
Trump's being divisive?

What is the most divisive thing you believe he has done/said?

What planet are you on?


Have you been paying attention at all?

Or does your filter just ignore all the awful things he says?
  • Mock handicapped people
  • ....
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.
^ Apparently, that makes it ok.
[This type of exchange happens all day, every day, on this site. Where have you been?

So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

t, if what you say is true, than conservatives are finally angry enough to be playing as mean as libs.

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


Yes, he did.

He's a lying bastard like that.

I had a moment of hope that his election might improve Race Relations. Cause lord knows we need that.

Instead he used the Race Card right off the bat. Very disappointing.

And very, very divisive.
Ah..the Race Card Card. It never gets old.

Well, you libs seem to think so.
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.

WTF is the matter with you?

A Presidential candidate should NEVER mock a person for their handicap under any circumstance.

This should be the bare minimum of decency.

YOUR concern is misplaced.

You condemn Obama for what you are willing to excuse in Trump because you support him.

The you complain about Obama for being divisive.

That's hypocritical.

Trump is going to get smoked in the general because there aren't enough angry white people to offset all the people he's pissed off.

Tip toeing around everyone's "feelings" is part of the problem.

You want to talk about Decency when Bill Clinton won re-election?

Trump mocked one person, not a segment of society.

THat is not being divisive.
Trump's being divisive?

What is the most divisive thing you believe he has done/said?

What planet are you on?


Have you been paying attention at all?

Or does your filter just ignore all the awful things he says?
  • Mock handicapped people
  • ....
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.
^ Apparently, that makes it ok.

My point was that his concern seemed misplaced.

You can tell, because I said it clearly.

Do you care to address my point?
So what you are saying is that the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is equivalent to the name-calling that goes on on an anonymous message board?

Do you not realize how idiotic that is?

Conservatives have been playing just as mean as liberals for a long, long time.

You just don't realize it because you are engulfed in massive confirmation bias, and you are rationalizing the disgusting behavior of your candidate.


Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


Yes, he did.

He's a lying bastard like that.

I had a moment of hope that his election might improve Race Relations. Cause lord knows we need that.

Instead he used the Race Card right off the bat. Very disappointing.

And very, very divisive.
Ah..the Race Card Card. It never gets old.

Well, you libs seem to think so.
We aren't the ones continuing to flash the Race Card Card.
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.


ANd the libs goes for the Race Card.

THe meme is clearly ridiculing Obama for his Arrogance.

That is a personal attack on an individual.

YOu are the one that ignored the messages spelled out is large capital red letters to play the Race Card.

Libs: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.

WTF is the matter with you?

A Presidential candidate should NEVER mock a person for their handicap under any circumstance.

This should be the bare minimum of decency.

YOUR concern is misplaced.

You condemn Obama for what you are willing to excuse in Trump because you support him.

The you complain about Obama for being divisive.

That's hypocritical.

Trump is going to get smoked in the general because there aren't enough angry white people to offset all the people he's pissed off.

Tip toeing around everyone's "feelings" is part of the problem.

You want to talk about Decency when Bill Clinton won re-election?

Trump mocked one person, not a segment of society.

THat is not being divisive.
Oh...that's so much better. Justification....or is it an excuse?
If you're a supporter what does that tell you he thinks about you?
Seriously, I've never seen someone so full of himself be so willing to insult the integrity of his own supporters.


ANd the libs goes for the Race Card.

THe meme is clearly ridiculing Obama for his Arrogance.

That is a personal attack on an individual.

YOu are the one that ignored the messages spelled out is large capital red letters to play the Race Card.

Libs: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
There's your Race Card Card again.

Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign. McCain did nothing of the sort and did nothing nearly that vicious.

Nothing is more divisive in this culture than accusations of racism and that was a man who became be the "President of the most Powerful nation on Earth".

If you haven't noticed how fucking mean the libs have been playing, that would explain why you are not as angry as you should be.

Obama did no such thing.


Yes, he did.

He's a lying bastard like that.

I had a moment of hope that his election might improve Race Relations. Cause lord knows we need that.

Instead he used the Race Card right off the bat. Very disappointing.

And very, very divisive.
Ah..the Race Card Card. It never gets old.

Well, you libs seem to think so.
We aren't the ones continuing to flash the Race Card Card.

Yes you are, you just did in post 165.

I will not join in your little game of pretending that the Race Card is anything other that a tactic used by libs to personally attack conservatives with false accusations of racism.

You don't get to play stupid.
He mocked ONE handicapped reporter, once.

That is nothing compared to the constant Race Baiting coming out of the Left, which demonizes vast segments of the population.

YOur concern seem misplaced.

WTF is the matter with you?

A Presidential candidate should NEVER mock a person for their handicap under any circumstance.

This should be the bare minimum of decency.

YOUR concern is misplaced.

You condemn Obama for what you are willing to excuse in Trump because you support him.

The you complain about Obama for being divisive.

That's hypocritical.

Trump is going to get smoked in the general because there aren't enough angry white people to offset all the people he's pissed off.

Tip toeing around everyone's "feelings" is part of the problem.

You want to talk about Decency when Bill Clinton won re-election?

Trump mocked one person, not a segment of society.

THat is not being divisive.
Oh...that's so much better. Justification....or is it an excuse?

Neither is required.

I don't care if you are offended.

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