Trump Says Zionist Jews No Longer Control The USA. LOL

Trump said the zionists controlled Congress for decades. The US provides Israel with foreign aid since 1948. The Arabs are wealthy, but they aren't bribing US politicians.. They do however spend more on foreign aid per capita than the US.


Let's see it, Islamist.

Let's see it, Islamist.

I would have thought you knew this.

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
75 rows · U.S. aid to the Middle East has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. Israel doesn’t ...
When you learn to use the toilet, let me know. As far as your vitriol, anyone can be a hero online. In real life you would just sit there and look stupid.

Like i said jew

My caste's name means upper class in english


remember you were told when it comes. As it has over and over again for you kikes. Amazing lack of social acuity

In front of people like me you're still the same lowly illiterate ***** you were when the Romans tried to purge you. Only relevant thing you've done is expedite us splitting ht atom. Rest is just leeching off my fellow indo europeans. You have no real civilization or culture of your own

Which is why they perceive you as the leeches you are.
Trump said the zionists controlled Congress for decades. The US provides Israel with foreign aid since 1948. The Arabs are wealthy, but they aren't bribing US politicians.. They do however spend more on foreign aid per capita than the US.
Where's the quote?
Arabs so spend money on murdering their neighbors and feeding the ones who are barely alive.
I agree that the US should stop giving Israel money so that Israel can sell the technology to the US at much higher prices.

The interesting part, however, is that every Democrat says they will cut off Israel and then winds up giving Israel money.
I would have thought you knew this.

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
75 rows · U.S. aid to the Middle East has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. Israel doesn’t ...
I said link the DJT quote. It is not aid, it is a military contract. Ever read the agreement?
Like i said jew

My caste's name means upper class in english


remember you were told when it comes. As it has over and over again for you kikes. Amazing lack of social acuity
Your caste means to poop outside and to worship hamburgers. Relax.
I would have thought you knew this.

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
75 rows · U.S. aid to the Middle East has always been one-sided in favor of Israel. Israel doesn’t ...
You're dealing with mentally ill idiots.

He's a peasant, you need to do your jew thing and check his blood

He has got to be the most ignorant Jew i have ever interacted with

Cut his dumb ass out of the gene pool

No one taught him about major world religions. The fuck? And he chose the worst character in LOTR to be his avatar. I think it might even be movie only. Like what the fuck?
He's a peasant, you need to do your jew thing and check his blood

He has got to be the most ignorant Jew i have ever interacted with

Cut his dumb ass out of the gene pool
Ignorant? I know how to use a toilet and you don't. You worship hamburgers but I am ignorant?

Ignorant? I know how to use a toilet and you don't. You worship hamburgers but I am ignorant?



My caste name means upper class in ENGLISH. Because of us


These aspersions just come off as an insane peasant barking. I'm a literal brahmin dude. English, do you speak it?

Why don't you worry about dodging a gas chamber instead of pretending your mud blood line that didn't even infer you any IQ means anything? What a sad example of an Ashkenazi you are

My caste name means upper class in ENGLISH. Because of us


These aspersions just come off as an insane peasant barking. I'm a literal brahmin dude. English, do you speak it?

Why don't you worry about dodging a gas chamber instead of pretending your mud blood line that didn't even infer you any IQ means anything? What a sad example of an Ashkenazi you are
You are truly representative of the jackasses I had the displeasure of working with.
You are truly representative of the jackasses I had the displeasure of working with.

Hey you're clever

I don't disrespect your breeding

He's not. He's just a peasant with a yamaca. Very sad

And again Mr. Endogamy I wouldn't be talking shit about them when you do the same shit. You don't like them? No one likes you. lol

Difference is we will give it up and assimilate. We haven't spent millenia resisting assimilation even after immigration.

My caste name means upper class in ENGLISH. Because of us


These aspersions just come off as an insane peasant barking. I'm a literal brahmin dude. English, do you speak it?

Why don't you worry about dodging a gas chamber instead of pretending your mud blood line that didn't even infer you any IQ means anything? What a sad example of an Ashkenazi you are
Your caste means nothing in America. ZERO. That archaic system is not recognized here. Just as Megan Markle is not a princess here.

Got it, princess?

In terms of our people..welll

GDP per capita - Israel


GDP per capita - India

Hey you're clever

I don't disrespect your breeding

He's not. He's just a peasant with a yamaca. Very sad

And again Mr. Endogamy I wouldn't be talking shit about them when you do the same shit. You don't like them? No one likes you. lol

Difference is we will give it up and assimilate. We haven't spent millenia resisting assimilation even after immigration.
Hindus don't assimilate; I've seen their houses and they look like outhouses.
Your caste means nothing in America. ZERO. That archaic system is not recognized here. Just as Megan Markle is not a princess here.

Got it, princess?

In terms of our people..welll

GDP per capita - Israel

View attachment 559557

GDP per capita - India

View attachment 559558

Actually we top all individual income and family lists in America


Because jews are too scared to claim their top spot HAHAHAHA

So i'm going to take this one as a win for us.

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