Trump Says Zionist Jews No Longer Control The USA. LOL

Uhh Jesus, the most famous jew of all if he existed was almost certainly illiterate....?

That's the most obvious one and why I know that.

Most jews were illiterate at that time apparently. At least if you were a carpenter's son

It was not envy that drove Romans to kill Jews. It was their unwillingness to accept a king not of the line of King David or some shit. Also there was some sacrifice they didn't wanna do, they had a previous exemption but lost it under new leadership. As I'm sure you know. Quite a wild story really. You are the first terrorists lol
Which one? There were 7 in the Talmud.
The name Jesus is derived from an Aramaic word which is not a real name but an insult and the Romans didn't know Aramaic to know that.
I think arguing about generalized groups of people is a low IQ way of debating. Talk about specifics and individuals or stop wasting time… how’s that?

No no no this is not how endogamy works

YOu gotta meet them at their level

The jews understand this sort of talk they're just not used to get it from the side instead of below. hahaha
Which one? There were 7 in the Talmud.
The name Jesus is derived from an Aramaic word which is not a real name but an insult and the Romans didn't know Aramaic to know that.

The christian Jesus

This isn't some Christian finding

It's just extrapolation that no carpenter's son would have been literate at that time. Maybe they were before, IDK. That wasn't the question people just wanna know about JESUSSSSS or yesuah or whatever his momma called him

But if he existed. And was raised as the son of a lower middle class tradesman.....Consensus seems to be he would be illiterate.
The christian Jesus

This isn't some Christian finding

It's just extrapolation that no carpenter's son would have been literate at that time. Maybe they were before, IDK
How do we know he was the son of a carpenter when the Talmud makes no such claim?
The christian Jesus

This isn't some Christian finding

It's just extrapolation that no carpenter's son would have been literate at that time. Maybe they were before, IDK. That wasn't the question people just wanna know about JESUSSSSS or yesuah or whatever his momma called him

But if he existed. And was raised as the son of a lower middle class tradesman.....Consensus seems to be he would be illiterate.
You realize it took the Church 1,000 years to take shape.
How do we know he was the son of a carpenter when the Talmud makes no such claim?

I'm not claiming no Jews could read.

I'm just saying you weren't the Ashkenazi of today.

Again there is an obvious one, Joesephius or whatever his name was. But he was an elite there was nothing special about Judea at that time. They just wanted you to submit and you wrongly or rightly refused. That simple. That's what started 2,000 years of persecution. You're stubborn i'll give you that
You realize it took the Church 1,000 years to take shape.

That's not the finding dude

THe finding is ethnographers don't believe anyone was literate at that time outside the very very upper crust.

Whether or not he existed doesn't change the fact no carpenter's son who was jewish could read at that time. Would not be normal

This is not based in any religious text. This is just historical experts talking about biblical times....Very common because we ahve a massive christian population so it's very easy to come across this info.
I'm not claiming no Jews could read.

I'm just saying you weren't the Ashkenazi of today.

Again there is an obvious one, Joesephius or whatever his name was. But he was an elite there was nothing special about Judea at that time. They just wanted you to submit and you wrongly or rightly refused. That simple. That's what started 2,000 years of persecution. You're stubborn i'll give you that
We went to Rome for 1,000 years and lots of Romans married Jews.
The same is happening in the US.
Jews don't beat up their wives.
That's not the finding dude

THe finding is ethnographers don't believe anyone was literate at that time outside the very very upper crust.

Whether or not he existed doesn't change the fact no carpenter's son who was jewish could read at that time. Would not be normal

This is not based in any religious text. This is just historical experts talking about biblical times....Very common because we ahve a massive christian population so it's very easy to come across this info.
You are so funny...There is zero historical evidence of your Jesus...none.
We went to Rome for 1,000 years and lots of Romans married Jews.
The same is happening in the US.
Jews don't beat up their wives.

Wow you got people to accept your women

Low bar in a patriarchal society lol. We're indo europeans almost half the planet is derived from the same paternal line stealing women. We all have different matrilineal lines. Sort of our thing

How did your men fair? Oh that's right you pissed off one of the gayest and capable emperors to live. And he purged you. You crazy fuckers

Not because of envy. But because you didn't fucking wanna submit. That was all. Everyone else had to submit. And they certainly didn't get to kill Roman citizens. That's why it happened. YOu know it. I don't give a fuck what your Talmud says you know the history too. I bet they taught you that in whatever fancy school you went to. I had to read the history for myself. It's taboo for the goy

The balls on you people. Hah
Wow you got people to accept your women

Low bar in a patriarchal society lol

How did your men fair? Oh that's right you pissed off one of the gayest and capable emperors to live. And he purged you. You crazy fuckers

Not because of envy. But because you didn't fucking wanna submit. That was all. Everyone else had to submit. And they certainly didn't get to kill Roman citizens. That's why it happened. YOu know it. I don't give a fuck what your Talmud says you know the history too. I bet they taught you that in whatever fancy school you went to. I had to read the history for myself

The balls on you people. Hah
Why do 99.99999999999999999999% of Hindus live in dire poverty and worship the feces of animals?
Wow you got people to accept your women

Low bar in a patriarchal society lol

How did your men fair? Oh that's right you pissed off one of the gayest and capable emperors to live. And he purged you. You crazy fuckers

Not because of envy. But because you didn't fucking wanna submit. That was all. Everyone else had to submit. And they certainly didn't get to kill Roman citizens. That's why it happened. YOu know it. I don't give a fuck what your Talmud says you know the history too. I bet they taught you that in whatever fancy school you went to. I had to read the history for myself. It's taboo for the goy

The balls on you people. Hah
Why would a Jew submit to lower themselves to a society where drinking beer is a status symbol?
Why do 99.99999999999999999999% of Hindus live in dire poverty and worship the feces of animals?

*checks GDP over world history*

*checks demography*

Hey bud, what happened? You accidentally run into some gas chambers and pogroms*/ lol

like a little dog yapping. Leech off my kin some more you semetic scum. YOu're probably one of us anyway you just don't want to admit it because of your dirty sand dwelling maternal lines. So pathetic and unseemly
*checks GDP over world history*

*checks demography*

Hey bud, what happened? You accidentally run into some gas chambers and pogroms*/ lol
Read Mein Kampf and you'll understand why a nation that prided itself on being intoxicated and poor hated the Jews.
Why would a Jew submit to lower themselves to a society where drinking beer is a status symbol?

Because as you've been taught over and over again

We'll kill you


impressively stubborn. maybe it's genetic. for such whiners you have no fear. I see so few jews who act like maybe pissing the whites off isn't a great idea. how does that happen with your education? you steep yourselves in victimhood. That's your whole fucking religion.
Read Mein Kampf and you'll understand why a nation that prided itself on being intoxicated and poor hated the Jews.

Except it happened in all of Europe. Plenty of EUropeans wanted to off you

I mean it was an obvious mistake. THat was the height of your power. You held the bomb in your hands. Even we, the greatest, have to nod at that.

People talk about Russians winning the war. Bullshit. We had you and thus we got the bomb first. We won

But past that they've been fine.
And Trump says that is a bad thing :heehee: even though ZOG is still in control. These guys say a hostile foreign power should not run the USA. :dunno:

Jared his son in law, his daughter Ivanka, both his daughter in laws, and most of his grandchildren are not only Jews, but Zionist Jews.
Jared his son in law, his daughter Ivanka, both his daughter in laws, and most of his grandchildren are not only Jews, but Zionist Jews.

Ivanka isn't a real jew tho, and i'm pretty sure by their rules the kids aren't either.

Although maybe the Cohens or Kagans or whatever the fuck they call them would allow it. I know some do male line for priest caste. They have some really complciated shit going on

But generally they do their mother's line.
Except it happened in all of Europe. Plenty of EUropeans wanted to off you

I mean it was an obvious mistake. THat was the height of your power. You held the bomb in your hands. Even we, the greatest, have to nod at that.

People talk about Russians winning the war. Bullshit. We had you and thus we got the bomb first. We won

But past that they've been fine.
In other words, Moshe's prophecy in Deuteronomy was 100% accurate.
That's why we won't join your drunken nation.
In other words, Moshe's prophecy in Deuteronomy was 100% accurate.
That's why we won't join your drunken nation.

Will you fucking stop i refuse to google your semetic subversive religious lines.

And pff you will try to use my indian kin* the same way you use my white kin. Natural allies against the Muslims. Who else are you going to turn to when teh Pakis feel the need to start poking you? hahah. Wont' be Americans* for long

They don't give a fuck about your nukes either. They'll nuke themselves. That's the semetic ideology shining through. Hahahaha

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