Trump SecDef Denies Trump Ordered Deployment of National Guard


Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into the District of Columbia in protest.

To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.

In his first interview since pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol last week, Sund, who has since resigned, said his supervisors were reluctant to take formal steps to put the Guard on call even as police intelligence suggested that the crowd President Donald Trump had invited to Washington to protest his defeat probably would be much larger than earlier demonstrations.
House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving said he was not comfortable with the “optics” of formally declaring an emergency before the demonstration, Sund said. Meanwhile, Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger suggested that Sund informally seek his Guard contacts, asking them to “lean forward” and be on alert in case Capitol Police needed their help.

The military did not want it to look to the world like they were assisting in a coup. Simple as that.

They did not appreciate the flak they got after being used for Trump's fake bible photo op.
The military did not want it to look to the world like they were assisting in a coup. Simple as that.

They did not appreciate the flak they got after being used for Trump's fake bible photo op.

Not your point you dishonest asshole..............

Your point is that milley said Trump didn't order National Guard Troops........the Inspector General Reports shows that you are an idiot....
Trump’s “order” was ignored by his own Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chief of Staff. Doesn’t sound like they respected him.

Not to mention that during the riot, Trump was pouting in his private dining room while Pence was on the phone with the military giving orders that were being followed.

You’ve got him this time! You can impeache Trump for lack of respect! You’ve hit the mother load! Finally after all these years!
I can hear this libtard say, but that wasn't shown in the hearing, so it didn't happen.... that's how fucking stupid these people are.
To bad he said it only once at the beginning and not at the end of his over an hour long spiel inciting the crowd.

Did the Dirty Don call up Pelosi and say "Hey Nanc, you know that Crowd I called to DC for my latest pouting rally, I'm thinking about marching them to the Capitol and I wanted to let you know you might need the National whatever you need just let me know."

Surely TrumpyBerra had warned them that he was going to send his angry mob to the capitol and knew they'd be in danger right?
Not your point you dishonest asshole..............

Your point is that milley said Trump didn't order National Guard Troops........the Inspector General Reports shows that you are an idiot....
Trump never gave a formal order.

And he sat in front of his TV jacking off for over three hours once the attack commenced. He never gave an order.
The military did not want it to look to the world like they were assisting in a coup. Simple as that.

They did not appreciate the flak they got after being used for Trump's fake bible photo op.

You’ve nailed it right on the head! Finally we have a rational thinker!
I’m surprised the NYT or CNN hasn’t offered you a position. Your ability to think outside the box and uncover the truth is nothing short of brilliant! You are are a credit to this fine Nation!
You’ve nailed it right on the head! Finally we have a rational thinker!
I’m surprised the NYT or CNN hasn’t offered you a position. Your ability to think outside the box and uncover the truth is nothing short of brilliant! You are are a credit to this fine Nation!
Thank you. Thank you very much.

From the IG Report 2Aguy cited:

Mr. Miller told us, “There was absolutely no way … I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period.” He cited media stories alleging that the President’s advisors were pushing him to declare martial law to invalidate the election and that Mr. Miller was an ally installed as the Acting SecDef to facilitate a coup. He also cited a January 3, 2021 open letter from 10 former Secretaries of Defense warning the DoD not to use the military in a manner antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Miller stated that he “made a very deliberate decision that I would not put U.S. military people … East of the 9th Street, northwest. ... And the reason for that was I knew if the morning of the 6th or prior if we put U.S. military personnel on the Capitol, I would have created the greatest Constitutional crisis probably since the Civil War.”
Clearly the next line of spin is “Well, it wasn’t a formal order!”
Every once in a while I feel sorry for these pathetic leftists but it only takes a few hours for one of them to make me realize they’re so dumb they deserve it.
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Trump never gave a formal order.

And he sat in front of his TV jacking off for over three hours once the attack commenced. He never gave an order.


In the military, anything an officer says to his troops is, by definition, an order...more so by the President of the United States, you idiot...when he tells his minions that he wants to make sure the capitol is safe for his rally, that is a fucking dope....milley knows this....
Thank you. Thank you very much.

From the IG Report 2Aguy cited:

Mr. Miller told us, “There was absolutely no way … I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period.” He cited media stories alleging that the President’s advisors were pushing him to declare martial law to invalidate the election and that Mr. Miller was an ally installed as the Acting SecDef to facilitate a coup. He also cited a January 3, 2021 open letter from 10 former Secretaries of Defense warning the DoD not to use the military in a manner antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Miller stated that he “made a very deliberate decision that I would not put U.S. military people … East of the 9th Street, northwest. ... And the reason for that was I knew if the morning of the 6th or prior if we put U.S. military personnel on the Capitol, I would have created the greatest Constitutional crisis probably since the Civil War.”
Great stuff. Keep it coming!
Thank you. Thank you very much.

From the IG Report 2Aguy cited:

Mr. Miller told us, “There was absolutely no way … I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period.” He cited media stories alleging that the President’s advisors were pushing him to declare martial law to invalidate the election and that Mr. Miller was an ally installed as the Acting SecDef to facilitate a coup. He also cited a January 3, 2021 open letter from 10 former Secretaries of Defense warning the DoD not to use the military in a manner antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Miller stated that he “made a very deliberate decision that I would not put U.S. military people … East of the 9th Street, northwest. ... And the reason for that was I knew if the morning of the 6th or prior if we put U.S. military personnel on the Capitol, I would have created the greatest Constitutional crisis probably since the Civil War.”

Trump didn't say that....Trump told them he wanted the Capitol safe..........they said it was moron...
Your point is that milley said Trump didn't order National Guard Troops
He didn't.

"Unlike anywhere else in the country, the D.C. Guard does not report to a governor, but to the president, so Walker patched in the Army secretary’s office, noting that he would need authorization from the Pentagon to order soldiers to the Capitol."

A top Army official noted that the Pentagon still needed authorization from Capitol Police to step foot on Capitol grounds. Sund ticked through details on the severity of the breach, but the call got noisy with crosstalk as officials asked more questions.
Contee sought to quiet the din. “Wait, wait,” he said, and then directed attention to Sund. “Steve, are you requesting National Guard assistance at the Capitol?”

Sund said he replied: “I am making urgent, urgent, immediate request for National Guard assistance.”

But the Army official, dialed in from across the river at the Pentagon, pushed back, according to Sund, saying he would prefer to have Guard soldiers take up posts around Washington, relieving D.C. police, so they could respond to the Capitol instead of guardsmen. Sund’s account is supported by four D.C. officials on the call, including Bowser.

Bowser told The Post that Sund had “made it perfectly clear that they needed extraordinary help, including the National Guard. There was some concern from the Army of what it would look like to have armed military personnel on the grounds of the Capitol.”

Falcicchio said that once Contee confirmed that Sund wanted the National Guard, D.C. officials echoed his request.

“Contee was definitely – I hate to use this term, but there’s no other term for it. He was pleading,” Falcicchio said. “He was pleading with them to fulfill the request that Capitol Police was making.”

But the entire discussion was in vain. Only McCarthy, the secretary, could order the Guard deployed – and only with the approval of the Pentagon chief. McCarthy has since said that, at the time of the call, he was busy taking the requests to activate more guardsmen to acting defense secretary Christopher Miller.

At one point, according to a defense official, Contee said, “Let me be clear, are you denying this?” To which the Army official responded that he was not denying the request; he simply did not have the authority to approve it.

“It was clear that it was a dire situation,” the defense official said. “He didn’t want to commit to anything without getting approval.”

At 3:45 p.m., Stenger told Sund that he would ask his boss, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for help getting the National Guard authorized more quickly. Sund never learned the result. More of Contee’s officers had arrived and were helping remove rioters from the grounds. Capitol Police worked with other federal authorities, including the Secret Service, the Park Police and the FBI, to secure lawmakers, eject rioters and sweep the building so lawmakers could return to finish counting the electoral college votes that would allow them to formally recognize Biden’s victory later that night.

According to a timeline the Defense Department published Friday, Miller verbally authorized the activation of the entire D.C. Guard at 3:04 p.m. It would take two more hours for most of the citizen soldiers to leave their jobs and homes, and pick up gear from the D.C. Armory.


In the military, anything an officer says to his troops is, by definition, an order...more so by the President of the United States, you idiot...when he tells his minions that he wants to make sure the capitol is safe for his rally, that is a fucking dope....milley knows this....
I'm retired military, dipshit. I know the difference between a direct order and a non direct order. And so does a General.

Trump did not give a direct order.

If Trump was so worried about the violence, why didn't he make a call during the 187 minutes he was jacking off?

Because they mob was doing exactly what he wanted them to do.

Your whole premise is exploded in the face of Trump's total inaction during the violence, except to sic them on his Vice President.

Any concerns Trump had before the attack probably revolved around his fear that someone would interfere with his coup.

And the military wanted nothing to do with aiding and abetting his coup.
I'm retired military, dipshit. I know the difference between a direct order and a non direct order. And so does a General.

Trump did not give a direct order.

If Trump was so worried about the violence, why didn't he make a call during the 187 minutes he was jacking off?

Because they mob was doing exactly what he wanted them to do.

Your whole premise is exploded in the face of Trump's total inaction during the violence, except to sic them on his Vice President.

Any concerns Trump had before the attack probably revolved around his fear that someone would interfere with his coup.

And the military wanted nothing to do with aiding and abetting his coup.
A good question because no one is taking any responsibility for their actions on Jan. 6th. The FBI refuses to answer any questions. Pelosi will not talk about it either.
Why should Pelosi respond to a pack of lies?

If Trump wanted to stop the riot he could have. He didn't want to. He was too busy pulling on his johnson as his buddies rampaged thru the capital.
Trump did NOTHING during the attack. The Trumptards keep trying to avert their gaze from this fact.

They are throwing up a bunch of bullshit and red herrings and smoke to avoid facing the fact that Trump wanted violence and approved of it when it happened. He sat there and watched it while everyone in the building was trying to get him to stop it. Even his lickspittles in Congress were reaching out to him to stop it as they were shitting in their pants. Even Trump's media propagandists were reaching out to him. Even his own daughter was begging him to do something, for chrissakes.

So this narrative that Trump wanted the people protected is pure horseshit. Unadulterated horseshit.

In fact, after he saw the attack had begun, Trump sent out a tweet to the mob to sic them on Pence.

The Trumptards will do all kinds of leaps and twists and word games to avoid facing the fact their asshole messiah attempted a coup.
The whole fake narrative that Trump tried to prevent violence before the attack is completely destroyed by the fact of his behavior DURING the attack.

Nice try, tards.
I'm retired military, dipshit. I know the difference between a direct order and a non direct order. And so does a General.

Trump did not give a direct order.

If Trump was so worried about the violence, why didn't he make a call during the 187 minutes he was jacking off?

Because they mob was doing exactly what he wanted them to do.

Your whole premise is exploded in the face of Trump's total inaction during the violence, except to sic them on his Vice President.

Any concerns Trump had before the attack probably revolved around his fear that someone would interfere with his coup.

And the military wanted nothing to do with aiding and abetting his coup.

Yeah...he did....he said he wanted the rally secured.....that was an dumb shit.

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