Trump SecDef Denies Trump Ordered Deployment of National Guard

Our resident troll libtards need to do some more research.

ā€œI told POTUS that we were fulfilling the only request received -- it was from D.C. Mayor Bowser -- for a few hundred District of Columbia National Guard troops and that no one else asked for any additional military support,ā€ Miller added.

ā€œThe President scoffed and said, ā€˜Youā€™ll need ten to twenty thousand.ā€™ I did not respond,ā€ Miller continued. ā€œHe then reiterated that I should provide any military support requested. That was the way he worked and gave orders. He listened, asked questions, commented and then, if necessary, refined his guidance.ā€

I wonder which version of his own words Miller will end up on? :dunno:
Just the News only quotes Patel who is a devout Trump loyalist and who by all contemporaneous records was not part of the conversations with the SAA. Patelā€™s quote stated that ā€œweā€ went to the Capitol Police not ā€œIā€, meaning heā€™s not even specifically claiming that he was present for any such discussion. There is a conspicuous absence of any quote from Chris Miller in the article, and given itā€™s a very politically biased pundit writing the story, Iā€™m not surprised.

The point is that there never was an offer of thousands of troops and there never was an order to have thousands of troops ready to go.

There was supposed to be a few hundred troops rapidly available but the DoD really didnā€™t have them rapidly available in the least and made it difficult for the Capitol Police to get the backup they were promised resulting in hours of delays.

There obviously was an offer of troops. It was rejected. Your present quibble is that you arenā€™t being pointed to anything specifically in writing. You libtards always manage to forget that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
The timeline alone doesnā€™t. The timeline does show that any offer at all was refused.

And the fact that you donā€™t have a formal written proof of the 10k to 20k figure doesnā€™t disprove it at all.

Iā€™d like to review the JustTheNews reporterā€™s notes and tape. It would be fun to pin down Miller who is clearly waffling.
Yup. The timeline is irrelevant.

Miller may have an issue but. Nothing beyond him
Yup. The timeline is irrelevant.

Miller may have an issue but. Nothing beyond him
No. The timeline is actually not irrelevant. It conclusively demonstrates that the offer was made.

The matter at hand is the question about how many troops were offered? Miller acknowledged (not in the timeline) that the President scoffed at a lowball figure and authorized as many troops as were needed.

Patel and Grenel are in agreement.

But the President couldnā€™t order it absent a request. And the Capitol police (ie, Nancy Pelousy) failed to accept the offer and make the request. And the dumbass Mayor of DC specifically ā€” except maybe for some to serve as traffic cops ā€” declined.

Get your facts straight, ya hack.

There obviously was an offer of troops. It was rejected. Your present quibble is that you arenā€™t being pointed to anything specifically in writing. You libtards always manage to forget that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
There as an offer. The offer wasnā€™t 10,000-20,000 and no such number was ever authorized by Trump as the claim was. When Trump threw that number out there, it wasnā€™t an authorization or order. They just thought he was making a hyperbolic off the cuff comment, which is almost certainly was.

The offer of troops stationed at the Capitol was declined but they asked for a quick reaction force which was not provided for hours after it was asked for.

My quibbles is that Kash Patel isnā€™t trustworthy as it doesnā€™t align with contemporaneous records. Millerā€™s statements are quite consistent.

But this does raise the point as to how Trump really did expect his supporters to become extremely violent. I guess he understood them best.
The police man died of natural causes.
Being beaten by a mob is not "natural causes".
All they have are trespassing charges.
I am aware that's what your lying propagandists have told you, and god forbid you should engage two brain cells in ten seconds of critical thinking.

After all, over 150 police officers were injured in the attack, and one of them subsequently died. Yet you are somehow so brain dead that you actually believe the only charges against the perpetrators are for trespassing?

Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed to be so publicly stupid?


One example: Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Civil Disorder and Aiding and Abetting; Destruction of Government Property Exceeding $1,000; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in Capitol

Hope that helps.
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There as an offer. The offer wasnā€™t 10,000-20,000 and no such number was ever authorized by Trump as the claim was.

So you say. Without any shred of evidence by contrast to the actual evidence presented that says the offers were made in the 10k to 20k range.
When Trump threw that number out there, it wasnā€™t an authorization or order.
So you claim. Miller previously said that it was an order because thatā€™s the way the President gave such directions.

They just thought he was making a hyperbolic off the cuff comment, which is almost certainly was.
No. Thatā€™s not what ā€œtheyā€ thought. It is made up shit by you. It is, in fact, contrary to what Iā€™ve already posted Miller claimed.
The offer of troops stationeat the Capitol was declined but they asked for a quick reaction force which was not provided for hours after it was asked for.
Untrue. Stop pretending that made up nonsense of yours is factual.
My quibbles is that Kash Patel isnā€™t trustworthy as it doesnā€™t align with contemporaneous records.

False. It was supported previously by the former acting sect of defense. And again, the fact that we donā€™t have a written order of contemporaneous record of that figure doesnā€™t establish that Patel isnā€™t trustworthy.
Millerā€™s statements are quite consistent.

In no universe
But this does raise the point as to how Trump really did expect his supporters to become extremely violent. I guess he understood them best.

No. It shows he wasnā€™t part of any insurrection and was smart enough to prepare in advance for possible problems. Your constant hackery is noted. As is your reliance on dishonesty.
Just the News only quotes Patel who is a devout Trump loyalist and who by all contemporaneous records was not part of the conversations with the SAA. Patelā€™s quote stated that ā€œweā€ went to the Capitol Police not ā€œIā€, meaning heā€™s not even specifically claiming that he was present for any such discussion. There is a conspicuous absence of any quote from Chris Miller in the article, and given itā€™s a very politically biased pundit writing the story, Iā€™m not surprised.

The point is that there never was an offer of thousands of troops and there never was an order to have thousands of troops ready to go.

There was supposed to be a few hundred troops rapidly available but the DoD really didnā€™t have them rapidly available in the least and made it difficult for the Capitol Police to get the backup they were promised resulting in hours of delays.
Actually, the DoD had a Quick Reaction Force on hot standby on January 6.

All they needed was one phone call from Donald Trump to go into action. The National Guard can only be deployed by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

But Trump chose to jack off in front of the TV for over three hours as he watched the attack. He did not make that call because the mob was doing exactly what he wished.

During that entire period, everyone around him in the building was BEGGING him to act. He was even receiving calls from his lickspittles in Congress to act. He was also receiving texts from his propagandists in the media to act.

Do you know what the only action he took in that 187 minutes was?

After the attack was underway, Trump sent out a tweet to the mob to sic them on his Vice President.

The SecDef finally took it upon himself to deploy the National Guard. Thank God.
No. The timeline is actually not irrelevant. It conclusively demonstrates that the offer was made.

The matter at hand is the question about how many troops were offered? Miller acknowledged (not in the timeline) that the President scoffed at a lowball figure and authorized as many troops as were needed.

Patel and Grenel are in agreement.

But the President couldnā€™t order it absent a request. And the Capitol police (ie, Nancy Pelousy) failed to accept the offer and make the request. And the dumbass Mayor of DC specifically ā€” except maybe for some to serve as traffic cops ā€” declined.

Get your facts straight, ya hack.
The supposed offer to CONGRESS or Pelosi or whatever was regarding 10,000 or 20,000 ( the claim constantly changes) NG troops is NOT SUPPORTED by anything Iā€™m the timeline. It is irrelevant to that bogus claim
The supposed offer to CONGRESS or Pelosi or whatever was regarding 10,000 or 20,000 ( the claim constantly changes) NG troops is NOT SUPPORTED by anything Iā€™m the timeline. It is irrelevant to that bogus claim
The timeline supports the making of an offer. As I said.

The figure of how many (10k to 20k) isnā€™t referenced in the time line as I have already said.

But the claim itself about the number (10k to 20k) was previously addressed by Miller and Patel and has been supported by Grenfel.

And logic dictates that if the Capitol Police turned down 125 NG troops, they werenā€™t exactly about to accept the offer of even more. This was petty concern with mere optics. We know this, too, because of the idiot Mayor of DC.
The supposed offer to CONGRESS or Pelosi or whatever was regarding 10,000 or 20,000 ( the claim constantly changes) NG troops is NOT SUPPORTED by anything Iā€™m the timeline. It is irrelevant to that bogus claim
There was never any offer made to Pelosi. She was not consulted at all.

The Capitol Police Board was consulted and they declined to have active troops in the streets for several reasons.

First, Trump's fake bible photo op had involved troops and the media had a field day with that. That's where the CPB's "optics" comment originated.

Second, there had already been two previous "Stop the Steal" protests in DC. November and December. And despite some violence, neither had risen to the level of needing the Guard to quell the riots.

Third, the military did not want to deploy troops for Trump's Stop the Steal bullshit because they felt it would look to the world that our army was being used to assist a coup.
He offered, was told they were not needed, so why would he order it?

God you are just pathetic.
Except he didn't:

So you have been lied too... Do you feel angry you have been lied too or you one of those submissive bitches that likes to be lied too..
So you say. Without any shred of evidence by contrast to the actual evidence presented that says the offers were made in the 10k to 20k range.

So you claim. Miller previously said that it was an order because thatā€™s the way the President gave such directions.

No. Thatā€™s not what ā€œtheyā€ thought. It is made up shit by you. It is, in fact, contrary to what Iā€™ve already posted Miller claimed.

Untrue. Stop pretending that made up nonsense of yours is factual.

False. It was supported previously by the former acting sect of defense. And again, the fact that we donā€™t have a written order of contemporaneous record of that figure doesnā€™t establish that Patel isnā€™t trustworthy.

In no universe

No. It shows he wasnā€™t part of any insurrection and was smart enough to prepare in advance for possible problems. Your constant hackery is noted. As is your reliance on dishonesty.
My evidence that 10,000 to 20,000 troops were never authorized is in the documents (such as the timeline you posted) as well as the testimony under oath by Miller. The evidence that they were authorized is vague statements from a Trump loyalist given to a conservative biased pundit.

Yes, thought Trump was being hyperbolic. Hereā€™s Miller saying so to Vanity Fair.
The articles youā€™ve posted claimed to have interviewed Miller but contain no quotes for him saying anything youā€™re describing. The omission is pretty obvious.

The Sec Def does not back up Kash Patelā€™s narrative. The testimony under oath, the audio which is in the first post here, directly contradicts that and no where has Miller been shown to say anything that corroborates that 10,000 troops were authorized officially or otherwise. To be clear, some troops were authorized, but itā€™s a tiny fraction of what is being claimed by Kash Patel.

Thereā€™s no documentation supporting this number and thereā€™s a lot of documentation directly contradicting it.

But you keep believing it anyway.
Actually, the DoD had a Quick Reaction Force on hot standby on January 6.

All they needed was one phone call from Donald Trump to go into action. The National Guard can only be deployed by the President or the Secretary of Defense.

But Trump chose to jack off in front of the TV for over three hours as he watched the attack. He did not make that call because the mob was doing exactly what he wished.

During that entire period, everyone around him in the building was BEGGING him to act. He was even receiving calls from his lickspittles in Congress to act. He was also receiving texts from his propagandists in the media to act.

Do you know what the only action he took in that 187 minutes was?

After the attack was underway, Trump sent out a tweet to the mob to sic them on his Vice President.

The SecDef finally took it upon himself to deploy the National Guard. Thank God.
Gen Flynnā€™s brother actually was the one gumming up the works. He was demanding that they get all this extra authorization and make all these little written plans.
Being beaten by a mob is not "natural causes".

I am aware that's what your lying propagandists have told you, and god forbid you should engage two brain cells in ten seconds of critical thinking.

After all, over 150 police officers were injured in the attack, and one of them subsequently died. Yet you are somehow so brain dead that you actually believe the only charges against the perpetrators are for trespassing?

Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed to be so publicly stupid?


One example: Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon; Civil Disorder and Aiding and Abetting; Destruction of Government Property Exceeding $1,000; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in Capitol

Hope that helps.
Lol, the cop died of natural causes or that's what his autopsy said.
Was Miller lying then or is he lying now.
So Miller went on Trump's asseater Hannity's show & probably lied thru his teeth. So what? Hannity allows guests to lie thru there teeth with impunity like he does as long as it's in defense of his boi.

They lie every day because they know that the rubes will fall for it.
My evidence that 10,000 to 20,000 troops were never authorized is in the documents (such as the timeline you posted) as well as the testimony under oath by Miller. The evidence that they were authorized is vague statements from a Trump loyalist given to a conservative biased pundit.

Yes, thought Trump was being hyperbolic. Hereā€™s Miller saying so to Vanity Fair.
The articles youā€™ve posted claimed to have interviewed Miller but contain no quotes for him saying anything youā€™re describing. The omission is pretty obvious.

The Sec Def does not back up Kash Patelā€™s narrative. The testimony under oath, the audio which is in the first post here, directly contradicts that and no where has Miller been shown to say anything that corroborates that 10,000 troops were authorized officially or otherwise. To be clear, some troops were authorized, but itā€™s a tiny fraction of what is being claimed by Kash Patel.

Thereā€™s no documentation supporting this number and thereā€™s a lot of documentation directly contradicting it.

But you keep believing it anyway.
You are wrong and you lie. On Jan 4 the Pentafon timeline notes reflect that the President had approved of the NG deployment. Of course, they still had to await an actual request.

Additionally, a Vanity Fair reported summarized an interview with then Acting Secy of Defense Miller:

ā€“ ā€œMr. Miller told us that the President called him during the evening of January 5, 2021,ā€ according to page 41 of the Defense Department Inspector Generalā€™s Report. ā€œMr. Miller told us that he and the President discussed the upcoming rallies, and the Presidentā€™s guidance was to do what was required to protect the American people.ā€

ā€“ After interviewing Miller, Vanity Fairā€™s Adam Ciralsky described that nightā€™s action:

Miller recalled, asked how many troops the Pentagon planned to turn out the following day. ā€œWeā€™re like, ā€˜Weā€™re going to provide any National Guard support that the District requests,ā€™ā€ Miller responded. ā€œAnd [Trump] goes, ā€˜Youā€™re going to need 10,000 people.ā€™... Miller remembered the president telling him, ā€˜You do what you need to do. You do what you need to do.ā€™"

But Mayor Bowser had other plans. . . . .
ā€” 'Insurrectionist' Trump Approved National Guard Troops for D.C. on Jan 6. Dems Said No. (a bit of emphasis added for you hard of thinking dishonest libtards).
Did Trump want to deploy the N.G.? Did he suggest deploying the N.G? WTF difference does it make?

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