Trump sends letter to DOE asking for names of those working on climate change

is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
The ONLY reason the rightwing doesn't believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That's it. The rightwing are just a bunch of dumb sheep who will believe anything republicans say. You people are an embarrassment to this planet.

Its not a big jump from believing the world is 6000 years old to believing climate change isn't happening, it's the same devil worshiping scientists who are faking all the fossils ya see
It's not a big jump to reading a thermometer to believing climate change isn't happening. Right now it's 5 degrees here in Milwaukee. That's some serious "climate change."
I bet your not too big on the whole earth is 4.5 billion years old thing either....

So how did the universe start?
The ONLY reason the rightwing doesn't believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That's it. The rightwing are just a bunch of dumb sheep who will believe anything republicans say. You people are an embarrassment to this planet.

Its not a big jump from believing the world is 6000 years old to believing climate change isn't happening, it's the same devil worshiping scientists who are faking all the fossils ya see
It's not a big jump to reading a thermometer to believing climate change isn't happening. Right now it's 5 degrees here in Milwaukee. That's some serious "climate change."
I bet your not too big on the whole earth is 4.5 billion years old thing either....

So how did the universe start?
with a nice warm cup of tea and a buttered crumpet
People woke up to the global warming scam a while ago.

It's a fraud. Get over it.

Ignoring the fact that you are a brainwashed drone, that wasn't my point.

If Donald Trump cleans house by launching a witch hunt based on the educated opinions of others, it becomes pretty clear what kind of administration he is running.

Finding out who does what isnt a witch hunt. Its called assessing your resources, something any competent leader would so.

Oh and if I'm the mindless drone, why is it I'm the one asking questions and you are the one who can't even attempt to answer them?

The questions address functions of the DOE that Trump said he plans to cut and seeks the legal basis for the existence of other areas. Surely Trump is not this stupid. As expected, the DOE said they would give him nothing.

This is all so insane, I have to doubt Trump was aware of it. If he was, then it shows the man knows nothing about managing a business must less the government. All Trump had to do was wait till he was president, collect the information and cut all functions not covered by law. However, this letter raises the possibly of a lawsuit by any discharged civil service workers in these areas.
This guy's blustering and buffoonery is going to get this country into war.
People woke up to the global warming scam a while ago.

It's a fraud. Get over it.

Ignoring the fact that you are a brainwashed drone, that wasn't my point.

If Donald Trump cleans house by launching a witch hunt based on the educated opinions of others, it becomes pretty clear what kind of administration he is running.

Finding out who does what isnt a witch hunt. Its called assessing your resources, something any competent leader would so.

Oh and if I'm the mindless drone, why is it I'm the one asking questions and you are the one who can't even attempt to answer them?
The questions address functions of the DOE that Trump said he plans to cut and seeks the legal basis for the existence of other areas. Surely Trump is not this stupid. As expected, the DOE said they would give him nothing.

This is all so insane, I have to doubt Trump was aware of it. If he was, then it shows the man knows nothing about managing a business must less the government. All Trump had to do was wait till he was president, collect the information and cut all functions not covered by law. However, this letter raises the possibly of a lawsuit by any discharged civil service workers in these areas.
This guy's blustering and buffoonery is going to get this country into war.

and if he would have waited until he was in office, you would have bitched that the poor civil servants were not getting enough notice.

is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.
is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.

For every enemy he gains, he gains one or more supporter of people sick of being told their AC is ruining the planet while Leonardo DiCaprio flies from benefit to benefit full of people who's AC's will be on full blast.

The civil service needs to be reigned in. The idea that it could be a non-partisan tool for the political leaders has expired.
People woke up to the global warming scam a while ago.

It's a fraud. Get over it.

Ignoring the fact that you are a brainwashed drone, that wasn't my point.

If Donald Trump cleans house by launching a witch hunt based on the educated opinions of others, it becomes pretty clear what kind of administration he is running.

Finding out who does what isnt a witch hunt. Its called assessing your resources, something any competent leader would so.

Oh and if I'm the mindless drone, why is it I'm the one asking questions and you are the one who can't even attempt to answer them?
The questions address functions of the DOE that Trump said he plans to cut and seeks the legal basis for the existence of other areas. Surely Trump is not this stupid. As expected, the DOE said they would give him nothing.

This is all so insane, I have to doubt Trump was aware of it. If he was, then it shows the man knows nothing about managing a business must less the government. All Trump had to do was wait till he was president, collect the information and cut all functions not covered by law. However, this letter raises the possibly of a lawsuit by any discharged civil service workers in these areas.
This guy's blustering and buffoonery is going to get this country into war.

and if he would have waited until he was in office, you would have bitched that the poor civil servants were not getting enough notice.

By issuing this letter he provided a basis for a civil service complain that he will be firing employees for politician reasons, doing the work the previous administration assigned them. It was a pointless stupid thing to do.

Maybe Trump and his supporters just want a good fight, bloody some noises, and kick the establish in the butt. If so, they're certainly on the right track but if they are after real changes, then they need to use some political savvy.
is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.

For every enemy he gains, he gains one or more supporter of people sick of being told their AC is ruining the planet while Leonardo DiCaprio flies from benefit to benefit full of people who's AC's will be on full blast.

The civil service needs to be reigned in. The idea that it could be a non-partisan tool for the political leaders has expired.
The point is why do it? Why create needless battles when it's not necessary to accomplish the objective. It doesn't make any sense.
Sounds like more Communist/Democrat Fake News. I would be very cautious buying into this one.
Trump team disavows climate change questionnaire to Energy Department -

Donald Trump's transition team is disavowing a questionnaire sent to the Energy Department requesting the names of employees working on climate change issues,

"The questionnaire was not authorized or part of our standard protocol. The person who sent it has been properly counseled," a Trump transition official told CNN Wednesday.
The Trump team has been criticized for asking for the names of federal government employees working on climate change issues.
Hasn't been confirmed. Reuters is known for Left-leaning Fake News. So be very careful with this 'report.'
The ONLY reason the rightwing doesn't believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That's it. The rightwing are just a bunch of dumb sheep who will believe anything republicans say. You people are an embarrassment to this planet.

Its not a big jump from believing the world is 6000 years old to believing climate change isn't happening, it's the same devil worshiping scientists who are faking all the fossils ya see
It's not a big jump to reading a thermometer to believing climate change isn't happening. Right now it's 5 degrees here in Milwaukee. That's some serious "climate change."

That's called winter, dope.
is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.
They can go work where ever the administration decides to send them. Like every time some decent federal employee here that attempted to make sure everyone was playing by the rules was sent to another state or location. I bet there is a nice place for them up on the Tundra to work.
is he planning to fire them all or is he sending them to be executed?
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.

For every enemy he gains, he gains one or more supporter of people sick of being told their AC is ruining the planet while Leonardo DiCaprio flies from benefit to benefit full of people who's AC's will be on full blast.

The civil service needs to be reigned in. The idea that it could be a non-partisan tool for the political leaders has expired.
The point is why do it? Why create needless battles when it's not necessary to accomplish the objective. It doesn't make any sense.

It is necessary to accomplish the long term objective because people that work for government are mostly hardcore leftists. These people need to be rooted out because they are constantly sabotaging everything a Republican administration tries to do.
The ONLY reason the rightwing doesn't believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That's it. The rightwing are just a bunch of dumb sheep who will believe anything republicans say. You people are an embarrassment to this planet.

Its not a big jump from believing the world is 6000 years old to believing climate change isn't happening, it's the same devil worshiping scientists who are faking all the fossils ya see
It's not a big jump to reading a thermometer to believing climate change isn't happening. Right now it's 5 degrees here in Milwaukee. That's some serious "climate change."

That's called winter, dope.

When the temperature is 95 degrees, we call it summer.
People woke up to the global warming scam a while ago.

It's a fraud. Get over it.

Ignoring the fact that you are a brainwashed drone, that wasn't my point.

If Donald Trump cleans house by launching a witch hunt based on the educated opinions of others, it becomes pretty clear what kind of administration he is running.

Finding out who does what isnt a witch hunt. Its called assessing your resources, something any competent leader would so.

Oh and if I'm the mindless drone, why is it I'm the one asking questions and you are the one who can't even attempt to answer them?
The questions address functions of the DOE that Trump said he plans to cut and seeks the legal basis for the existence of other areas. Surely Trump is not this stupid. As expected, the DOE said they would give him nothing.

This is all so insane, I have to doubt Trump was aware of it. If he was, then it shows the man knows nothing about managing a business must less the government. All Trump had to do was wait till he was president, collect the information and cut all functions not covered by law. However, this letter raises the possibly of a lawsuit by any discharged civil service workers in these areas.
This guy's blustering and buffoonery is going to get this country into war.

and if he would have waited until he was in office, you would have bitched that the poor civil servants were not getting enough notice.

By issuing this letter he provided a basis for a civil service complain that he will be firing employees for politician reasons, doing the work the previous administration assigned them. It was a pointless stupid thing to do.

Maybe Trump and his supporters just want a good fight, bloody some noises, and kick the establish in the butt. If so, they're certainly on the right track but if they are after real changes, then they need to use some political savvy.

I doubt he intends to fire them. The more likely scenario is that they will be sent to a room where they can with TV, play with puppies or color in coloring books. If they fail to provide him with the information once he is President, they will be guilty of insubordination, and then they can be fired.

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