Trump sends letter to DOE asking for names of those working on climate change

You're ridiculing yourself, dumbass. Morons like you are the kind that go running around shouting "the sky is falling" if we have one summer warmer than average or a hurricane that isn't anywhere near the worst we've had.

It's cold it the winter. That has absolutely nothing to do with the processes that are warming the planet as a whole.
Your lack of understanding of this simple fact is why you're arguments are dopey and apparent to everyone reading them.

It's hot in the summer, yet anytime we have a summer day that is warmer than average all the warmer cultists start mewling that it's a sign of global warming. Warmer cultists are always talking out of both sides of their mouths. That's one indication that the whole thing is a giant con.

No, it's an indication you're a dope. Winter can be freezing cold and still be warmer than the previous years.

The same goes for summer, you fucking dolt. Summer can be warmer, yet still cooler than previous years. You want to use your warmer logic for one set of facts, but the exact opposite logic for another set of facts. That's classic liberlogic: Two diametrically opposed arguments are both right, according to morons like you.

Except it's not cooler in summer. Every year is a record. That's the point, dope.

No it's not, dope, except in the doctored and homogenized data sets conjured up by the wizards of the warmer cult.
It's cold it the winter. That has absolutely nothing to do with the processes that are warming the planet as a whole.
Your lack of understanding of this simple fact is why you're arguments are dopey and apparent to everyone reading them.

It's hot in the summer, yet anytime we have a summer day that is warmer than average all the warmer cultists start mewling that it's a sign of global warming. Warmer cultists are always talking out of both sides of their mouths. That's one indication that the whole thing is a giant con.

No, it's an indication you're a dope. Winter can be freezing cold and still be warmer than the previous years.

The same goes for summer, you fucking dolt. Summer can be warmer, yet still cooler than previous years. You want to use your warmer logic for one set of facts, but the exact opposite logic for another set of facts. That's classic liberlogic: Two diametrically opposed arguments are both right, according to morons like you.

Except it's not cooler in summer. Every year is a record. That's the point, dope.

No it's not, dope, except in the doctored and homogenized data sets conjured up by the wizards of the warmer cult.

Impeach the bastard, he wants to prosecute honest people who were working for the U.S. government.

Trump is a traitor, and must be stopped before there is a bloodbath.
The idiot probably doesn't realize that most of them are under civil service and he can't fire them. Shutdown the EPA, yes. Fire them, no.

Climate scientists are again calling for more secure archiving of climate data outside the country which is probably a good idea since there is a lot of climate data held by the EPA.

The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.

For every enemy he gains, he gains one or more supporter of people sick of being told their AC is ruining the planet while Leonardo DiCaprio flies from benefit to benefit full of people who's AC's will be on full blast.

The civil service needs to be reigned in. The idea that it could be a non-partisan tool for the political leaders has expired.
The point is why do it? Why create needless battles when it's not necessary to accomplish the objective. It doesn't make any sense.

It is necessary to accomplish the long term objective because people that work for government are mostly hardcore leftists. These people need to be rooted out because they are constantly sabotaging everything a Republican administration tries to do.
I've worked in both federal and state government both as an employee and as a consultant. Government employee's political preference is effected much more by where they live than the fact they work for a government. When I was working for the State of Florida in Tallahassee, everyone I worked with was a redneck republicans. In DC, they were all liberal Democrats. Although I have never worked with Environmental Protection, I would think they be mostly liberal just as people in government finance tend to be conservatives. Stereotyping government employees is just as silly as stereotyping other employees. Mill workers are just about as likely to be republican as democrats.
The civil service has become so politicized that it may be time to re-visit the rules and laws governing it. First of all, eliminate the Public sector unions at the Federal level. You get civil service protection, or union protection, not both.

2nd, he may not be able to fire them, but what he can do is give them "window jobs".
My point is that Trump is shooting himself in the foot. He could have easily dismantle every part of the DOE that is not explicitly covered by law. However, he apparently decided to go after those whose job was involved in climate change. That just creates a rather pointless battle which would probably end up in court and a distraction from his original purpose. Possibly, Trump now sees the need to attack civil service. And so it goes from one battle to the next, creating more bad press, and more political enemies.

For every enemy he gains, he gains one or more supporter of people sick of being told their AC is ruining the planet while Leonardo DiCaprio flies from benefit to benefit full of people who's AC's will be on full blast.

The civil service needs to be reigned in. The idea that it could be a non-partisan tool for the political leaders has expired.
The point is why do it? Why create needless battles when it's not necessary to accomplish the objective. It doesn't make any sense.

It is necessary to accomplish the long term objective because people that work for government are mostly hardcore leftists. These people need to be rooted out because they are constantly sabotaging everything a Republican administration tries to do.
I've worked in both federal and state government both as an employee and as a consultant. Government employee's political preference is effected much more by where they live than the fact they work for a government. When I was working for the State of Florida in Tallahassee, everyone I worked with was a redneck republicans. In DC, they were all liberal Democrats. Although I have never worked with Environmental Protection, I would think they be mostly liberal just as people in government finance tend to be conservatives. Stereotyping government employees is just as silly as stereotyping other employees. Mill workers are just about as likely to be republican as democrats.

One doesn't have to Stereotype, you just have to check the campaign contribution breakdown. At the federal level the civil service skews heavily democrat.
Impeach the bastard, he wants to prosecute honest people who were working for the U.S. government.

Trump is a traitor, and must be stopped before there is a bloodbath.
He's going after the dishonest know, democrats..,,,

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